You are aware our current president has been elected twice right. That right there should tell you just because millions of people like it doesn't make it good. I'm not hating on Weezy, I'm just saying it is a matter of opinion.
Wayne don't give a fuck about you so why you care so much about him? It's music man. Just enjoy the shit and if you don't like something, what is the point in even mentioning it? If I don't like something I usually don't talk about it a lot if at all.
i dont give a fuck about him......i just like silencing all the haters that seem to be so mad at lil wayne that they would start throwing punches at anyone caught by them bumpin his shit.....
your talking to all the haters in here with your last part of your post.....i do enjoy most of waynes music and ill let it be known that he IS the hottest mainstream cat out there at the moment...industry haters have no limits....even if the song IS hot they cant bump it cuz they allready had the fixed idea that everything that a certain person can do is wack....i enjoy all music and give everyone a fair chance....
theres some artist i dont care for.....but im not going to throw a hissy fit when someone says they like someon i dont.....unlike the industry haters that try to make the people that like a certain arist seem....phony or not street/gay/closet suburbain cat......the list goes on....