^LOL yeah maybe i should have
Fact is I can go on and on about recording school being a horrible educational investment.
the jist of my post pretty much said I went to a recording arts school, got good grades not straight As but I had a high B average. Got As on all of my recording projects and preficiencies. I was the first person to hit my internship city meaning I graduated friday, Left saturday on a 14 hour drive to call my internship guy for placement that monday. Note that prior to this while i was still in school I set up a long list of bay area studios i would be interested in interning at, this was a mandatory class project ( the list and the internship) I call this guy every day for about 6 weeks, he couldnt get me in anywhere. My money was dwindling fast and I have alot of bills to pay. If you read the earlier posts i gve up a pretty well paying job to go to this school and I had financial obligations. I ended up having to write off my own hours using my own gear to fully graduate from the school cuz they didn't help me. After that I needed to get a real job to pay the bills and that was that. On top of this I did all kinds of extra stuff for that school, helping on sessions on my own time for students. Getting gigs on my own time for extra hours. Shit i was even the public relations rep for the first and only concert 2 of my good friends organized at the school (they got fucked too btw)
Lets see my list consisted of..
The Grill
a couple of posts houses in sf
Mccune sound and lighting
a couple of small mom and pop post houses
the Annex
And a couple others and they couldnt get me anywhere, They even said not to contact the studios yourself cuz it was supposed to be the internship dept at the schools job nd they got me nothing.
Basically I rolled the dice on that school and I crapped out. Worst 15 grand I ever spent. Sure I learned alot but a whole lot of good its doing me now. If you do not make it most dont, your fancy recording degree isnt worth the paper it was printed on. I'm working a normal non audio related job to pay off all my student loans and my other bills going to that school produced making like 1/3rd less than what i was seeing before i went to school. Funny I always thought I'd make more money with an education, guess not
Sure you can make it, it is possible but not fuckin likley. If you do not have some sort of benifactor come internship time you will most likley find yourself in some trouble. Know that these studios pretty much want you as a full time slave, if you miss a day your gone, if you say the wrong thing gone. There is a revolving door of fresh recording grads ready to take your place especially in LA. Like I said before most of my teachers were former grads, I'm sure that goes the same for any other recording program you go to cuz its some of the only paying work out there.