Again,this is not an issue of Muslism being extremist and Christians being passive lambs. This is an issue of Muslims being extremists when OFFENSIVE IMAGES are shown and Christians being extremists when OFFENSIVE IMAGES are shown.
This is NOT an issue of manipulated media or smokescreen. I believe this was orchestrated, and I said this in my first post.
@Sixxness when have you been the only one saying ANYTHING? From day one I have ALWAYS said to beware of the media (the A.P. for example) and to follow the money trail. Don't you think its a bit far-fetched to make the claim that you're the only one saying anything important?
@ 206 you said:
Yes, actually it does. My point is that there are extremists on both sides. What you see in the corporate media is a small minority organized by the religious fanatics/extremists
No, your point has nothing do with what I am talking about. We have extremist on both sides. We have established this. What I am saying is you don't have christian extremist blowing shit up for
sacrilegious reasons or offensive images. You have christians blowing shit up because of misinterpretation of scriptures, values (which THEY believe are right) and morality (which THEY believe are right.) This is DIFFERENT from people getting upset at INK printed on PAPER and rioting.
Because after he nearly hit me and led to me nearly crashing my car, I followed the punk ass and dude had a Jesus fish, “Support the troops” and "God is awesome" bumper stickers on his car. Perhaps he was an Atheist driving a christians car, but that seems very unlikely. When this incident happened to me, the Evolution fish fucking the Jesus fish was the only thing I had on the back of my car.
I'm glad you note the possibility of this man not being a christian. Truth is you DON'T know if he was a christian, but you assume he was based on the stickers and images plastered over the vehicle he was driving. That man could have been driving eratic (almost running you off the road) because he was in a stolen vehicle or because he was in a hurry to get to the hospital to see his dying child. You have no proof that he
did this because of your emblem.
Plus, if you'd like, I can post dozens of links of Christian violence and vandalization of "non-believers" cars and other property based on "blasphemous" images, emblems, bumper stickers, etc.
Again, I see what you are listing as "stink." This is DIFFERENT from mass riots across the globe and a price tag being placed on someones head. You do NOT see christians rioting like muslims (due to images.)
Ha, ok comrade. I can quote Hitler for days regarding his christian beliefs. Distorted and psychotic as it may have been, christian nonetheless. Even if I throw out these two examples, I can give more examples, like the KKK, Brotherhood, Christian terrorist groups, etc.
And, I can quote Mein Kampf (just as you can) to show his racist and occultic beliefs. Did he implement the so-called "christian" belief because it would help in his "fight" against "the jews" and rise to leader? Let me ask you a question, comrade. What is your definition of christian? What christian sect did Hitler belong to?
It has been revealed that Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten, maintains close contacts with the USA. Thus, the whole episode of publication of these ugly cartoons was very well calculated under the present global context.
I am not debating his close contacts with the USA. I am not debating this was very well calculated (please refer to my first post in this thread.) What I am saying is america (who you implied as the worlds super power did NOT create these images.) Honestly, I believe the order came from a higher source. Amongst other things to consider are the differences between christian and muslim beliefs. In islam their so-called prophet is an icon and they hold him close to heart and forbid images of any kind. In some (most) forms of christianity Jesus
is depicted and the images are not forbidden. With that being said you can't say christians would riot over images because they both have different takes on the issue.
Not currently in Amerika, no
Are they currently doing it on the planet? Is it on a large scale?
But they have bombed, assassinated, vandalized, harassed, threatened, kidnapped, etc. all in the name of their Christian god.
ALL people who want to spread their beliefs the
WRONG way do this. You have christians, pagans, muslims, hindus and athiests who have done this. Doing so in the name of God and doing so because of IMAGES are two distinct reasons. You must remember the muslims are not rioting in the name of allah. The muslism are rioting because their so-called prophet was ridiculed.
Another factor you must consider is the current Arab/Muslim relations with the Western world. These cartoons are just one of MANY, MANY incidents that have caused them to react negatively. If lets say that they had a good relation with the US and the rest of the west (no occupiers of Iraq, Afghanistan, the pimping of their resources, and their standard of living was high) it’s very unlikely you would see these kinds of riots.
What you listed is fuel for the fire I give you that. However, it is my belief muslims would still riot but not in large forces. Once again, what you listed is fuel for the fire and only adds to the rage.
In closing I would like to add something else to the subject. Does anyone find the timeline within the last 4 months ironic? First you have new "Bin Laden" tapes hitting the public. Next you have a notorius "terrorist" escape prison, then you have the ridicule of islam and now you have a 2 year old beating tape hit the scene?