InDO said:
3500$ or 1000$ is there a diffrent ?????? that 44 clique wasnt that dope and also few times on ebay before thats why 3500$ is too much lol, anywayys i sold a cd for 900$ on ebay and this calosis is much doper for me so 1000& was just to out it hgih and then see how high offers i will get, also it went on yahoo.japan for 550$ 1 month tahts enough explanation for you funny entertainer 40?no! 60? no too much !!! LMAO go to Television
lol now you gettin angry. why? too young ? a hoe?
and 1000, 3500 all of that is a stupid price for a cd you know and i know doesnt depend on the music just stupid prices
some pplz may like 44 clique more some calosis but none of these cds worth a grand or more thats the truth
and boy you talkin bout mikal thats why i had to say something cause what youre doing here s exactly the same
so dont talk like a lil boy that has beaten up
just take it like it is you doing the same thing for what you criticized mikal