Pistol, shotguns, chaingun, zombies' weapons and the Spider Mastermind's chaingun presented in Doom gaming franchise
Every single bullet weapon in the entire Call of Duty franchise, except for the mounted Barrett M82 sniper rifles and bullet-time scenes.
Some bullet weapons in Halo: Combat Evolved.
Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat
Machinegun, shotguns and railgun in the Quake series.
Shock rifle (primary fire), minigun, sniper rifle and lightning gun in Unreal Tournament
The Battle Rifle and other bullet weapons in Halo 2
Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam use the hitscan method; their successors, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142, dispensed with this.
All weapons of Team Fortress 2 which fire bullets use hitscan to test for hits, but use the particle system to draw the bullets on-screen.
Most bullet weapons in Halo: Reach.