Infinity Ward has update Modern Warfare 3 today to launch Community Playlists, among other changes.
"The biggest change you'll notice is the addition of Community Playlists," explains the developer. "This is where we will add popular or unique private match modes to the public playlists, so you can start ranking up on them," it said - as teased earlier this week.
The update also adds a new playlist called 'Drop Zone', and a few changes to the Hardcore playlists. Here are the details in IW's words:
Get to the drop zone to earn points, the first team to 7500 points wins the round, but thats not all. As long as the Drop Zone is occupied, a care package will drop every 15 seconds, which ever team has the most members in the drop zone at that point "owns" the care package, but anyone can steal it. This is the only way to earn air support in this mode, all other pointstreaks are disabled. You'll earn 20 points per team member, for every second they're in the drop zone plus 20 XP individually for your time spent in the zone. Kills are worth 50 XP in this mode.
Custom Settings: Pointstreaks (besides those obtained through in-game care packages) are disabled.
Hardcore HQ Ricochet:
We'll be adding Hardcore Headquarters to the Hardcore Team Tactical playlist.
Hardcore Ricochet:
We'll be converting all Hardcore modes to Ricochet variant as a response to team killing. This means, any friendly fire, is applied to the attacker, rather than the victim. So choose your shots wisely and any attempt to team kill will simply kill yourself.