Multiplayer is interesting. Seems like this game is gonna be a lot more about aiming. More of a COD4/WAW shooting.. Definately not a noobfest so far. I dont think ive even been killed by the noobtube yet. It's one of the higher costing attachments and like 3,000c, maybe thats why. Not a lotta sniping maps either.. a lot of the maps have buildings with a lot of rooms in them. The remote control c4car is fun, and pretty easy to maneuver. But with only needing 3 kills to get it you'll prob be seeing a lot of it.. at least they made it beep and have a flashing red light when it comes at u. Overall MP is pretty fun.. Seems like there is a little learning curve. It was a whole lot easier to get kills in MW2, idk maybe im used to hardcore, which I always play. I just unlocked it at level 19.