Damn these Socialist European countries...
with their long life spans...high literacy...high IQ....low incarceration rates...low violence...free health care!
What the fuck are these people thinking? Don't they know the violent, poor USA is the place to be!??!?!?
Don't they know if you give something to anyone for free it just makes them lazy and evil, look at US corporations!
If we really want to advance the cause of the grond ole USA we have to demolish the government ENTIRELY. Make assault weapons more easily available, and sell kevlar vests. It will be like Mad Max.
Whoever wants to live on my combine PM me.
I have:
- 450 acres with fresh water well.
- 3 RPGs and assorted hand grenades and improvised explosives
- 3 AK-47s and assorted small arms
The price is not high. Sexual favors if you're a female, manpower and the ability to fight if you're a male. We are a quasi-capitalist market economy. Interest rates are currently at 5%, and there are 5 people with accounts at the Central bank.