Random thought ...
Of all the siccness population claimin to hate cops, you gotta wonder what percentage ever had to sit down for any real period of time...
Of those who had to sit down, you gotta wonder how many had their shit pushed in...
Of those who (potentially) had their manhood taken, they need someone to resent for that experience right? It won't be the cat(s) who took their manhood because those memories will get supressed, so why not hate the guy(s) "responsible" for putting you in that situation?
Yeah ... that.
Random thought, maybe its because people understand that cops violate peoples human rights daily, often times including physical harm + usually humiliation, with little fear of reprisal.
Maybe it's because they know the reason there are police is not to protect + serve most people, its to control and contain poor people and people of color. They might spend 5% of their day actually responding to people who need their assistance. The rest of the time it's premptively trying to bust people + get them in the criminal "justice" system.
Maybe its because there is nothing frustrated people can do about it besides riot. Do you elect your cops? Do we elect on having community control over the policies and review of police misconduct? They have more power over peoples daily lives than some house rep, that people get all juicy about voting for or against.
Or: people that dislike cops probably got raped in prison. I dunno man, that's pretty fucked up for even thinking that. You are coming across like you are cool with prison rape + blaming the victims of police brutality. Are you a republican? Just asking. You are hella sounding like one.