Coward is not a word I'd use to describe the man, he once told me about getting a call in east oakland of a guy getting beat up and when he arrived on scene the guy was like, fuck you pig etc etc I dont need your help. Well about an hour later he got called back that same guy got fucked up again only this time that guy was begging for help.....
Trademark, this guy had no reason to do this other than not wanting to go back to jail, he didnt die for some righteous or noble cause.
Whats to say he didnt? Every day we see tons of deaths being glorified (in other words, a "noble" cause) in many ways, victims of crimes, celebrities, high-profile criminals, etc. We're obsessed with it. I dont wish death on anybody, but if its happening so much, why does this guy become the "monster"? Hundreds of people die at the hands of cops ('doing their job') every year, and people dont bat an eye, and when they do, its to discuss the "looting" & "rioting"
after the fact. Its hypocritical to be so up in arms about one guy who restored a sense of social justice in the world, and not give a fuck about the people who die from cops. In Oakland, no less!
And dont forget cops signed up for that shit.