California is going broke..Legalize Marijuana!!

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Feb 25, 2006
@ The Visualizer... I think that "brainwashed" older generation is dying off, slowly but surely. I think a lot more people now in the younger generations are aware, better infromed, and know that marijuana is not the anti-christ. I think the same about office, once we get all the old fucks outta office and our younger generations take over, that's when shits gonna finally happen cuz we are not brainwashed and we know damn well that marijuana should not be listed as a Schedule I drug. Marijuana a Schedule I drug and Cocaine/PCP is a Schedule II, anybody with half a brain should know that aint right. Things are already starting to change for the better with Obama stopping the raids on Cali's dispernsaries (This should happen once they appoint a new head of the DEA). Propaganda played a big role for many, many, many years, but that seems to be dying out. I think in time things can only get better for Marijuana growers, sellers, and smokers. I heard or read somewhere that Marijuana is the number one cash crop these days, even over corn. Pretty sure that why its a Schedule I... they know they'll make their money cuz damn near everyone and they mom and pops smoke, deal, or grow. So yeah, lets boost profits aka fines and prison time for marijuana users, dealers, and growers... of course they're gonna fuckin' bank. Making it legal would open up jobs though and boost the economy, but I think that's a ways out yet. Cali has got it easy compared to MN... we still haven't even passed a bill to get Marijuana legalized for Medical purposes yet (I know we're not alone) and we wont as long as we got this dick head Pawlenty as our governor, he's already shot it down a couple times... another old school brainwashed fool. I mean for fuck sakes, they tried taking my old mans house (everything he worked for his whole life) away from him over two measly pounds of pot. Fuckin' bullshit! Money, money, and more fuckin' money... that's all it boils down too. Money talks and bullshit walks...
Cali uses the intiative process where the PEOPLE can get an issue on the ballot to be voted on and passed..all u need is a bunch of signatures to get it on the ballot..i dont think all states have this process


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
they will never legalize weed because its too easy for normal citizen with the knowhow to grow it themselves and the government wouldnt be able to have 100% control of it like they do with the alcahol, tobacco and pharmedicudicals. Thats the real reason why all street drugs are illegal. If someone believes its because the government cares about the health risks they are lying to themselves because this country was built on tobacco alcahol and drugs.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
^ its already illegal to grow it. Illegal drugs stimulate the economy in more ways than just fools selling it and the revinue from weedheads buying hella cheetoes and doritos and shit. They bank on dealers and users getting caught up and making them pay fines and do time. employs lawyers, police, COs, etc. Another reason why drugs are illegal. Parish the thought of throwing real criminals in jail, druggies are the real enemy lol. the illegal drug trade keeps the criminal justice system in business, most murderers and rapists and the real scumbags don't have the bread to fight their cases and post bail and shit but drug dealers do.
Apr 19, 2005
And the news keeps getting worse
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- More than 200,000 state government employees were off the job Friday as California imposed its first-ever furloughs to save money during an unprecedented fiscal crisis.

Full Story -

And none of these fools in office will think out side the box to get some money...the state can give you an I.O.U and tell you that you can't work for them but won't decriminalize marijuana and legalize it....
Feb 15, 2006
how can u tax and legalize something that you can grow in your own back yard?

figure that one out and you'll understand why they wont legalize it.
if that held true, tobacco would be grown in many backyards, and dont get me started on the hops section.

and please. you really think a lot of people will prefer to grow their own when they can have experts(government funded experts) to grow and breed strains. you're tripping.