Your logic is to believe only what you want and to twist words as much as you can in order to win even the smallest debate, because you can't hold your own without someone holding your hand along the way. Thats why you post 99% articles, because you lack the intelligence to give a real point of view on anything, your a dumbshit and it's been highlighted in this thread. Me saying Bush could end poverty was clearly hypothetical, as others in this board had no problem at all figuring it out. The economy going to shit--althought not far at all from the truth--was clearly a joke, did you not see the face I threw in the sentence.
:dead: :dead:
No I wouldn't have stated that because I believe that even a young child with half a brain would figure it out. Looking around the thread, I see that you are the single braindead idiot that didn't get it. You don't get much of anything, do you? It all makes sense when looking at your posts (articles) about the government.
:dead: :dead: