Bush is a man sent by god

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May 13, 2002
"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." -Dubya
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:




i will take that as a you dont have a credible source type of answer!!
May 17, 2002
WOW! Bush has audacity. LOL!!!

next thing you know bush will solve the middle east crisis and say that he is likend to god, the pope will die, the catholic church will go into chaos and the seals will begin to break :)

I wonder if he sees god as providence or god as christ? is he a unitarian or christian?
Jul 6, 2002
Bush is a Heritic!
How can a man say he loves god and turns around and orders the slaughter of thousands of innocent people in foreign lands?
If he truely believed in god why does he want peace in the middle east ??? His "roadmap for peace" is a hoax, and I hope the palistines and israelites continue to commit senseless murders against one another...
How can a man claim to love god when he robs the poor and gives to the rich ??? Oh, I get it. He loves Gawd, like the low down acurssed niggards before him!


Sep 29, 2002
> The Revelation of St. George
> "God Instructed Me to Strike Saddam"
> So now we know. After all the mountains of commentary and speculation,
> all the earnest debates over motives and goals, all the detailed
> analyses of global strategy and political ideology, it all comes to
> down to this: George W. Bush waged war on Iraq because, in his own
> words, God "instructed me to strike at Saddam."
> This gospel was revealed, appropriately enough, in the Holy Land last
> week, through an unusual partnership between the fractious children of
> Abraham. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz was given transcripts of a
> negotiating session between Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas
> and faction leaders from Hamas and other militant groups. Abbas, who
> was trying to persuade the groups to call a ceasefire in their
> uprising against Israeli forces, described for them his recent summit
> with Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush.
> During the tense talks at the summit, Bush sought to underscore the
> kind of authority he could bring to efforts at achieving peace in the
> Middle East. While thundering that there could be "no deals with
> terror groups," Bush sought to assure the rattled Palestinians that he
> also had the ability to wring concessions from Sharon. And what was
> the source of this wonder-working power? It was not, as you might
> think, the ungodly size of the U.S. military or the gargantuan amount
> of money and arms America pours into Israel year after year.
> No, Bush said he derived his moral heft from the Almighty Himself.
> What's more, the Lord had proven his devotion to the Crawford Crusader
> by crowning his military efforts with success. In fact, he told Abbas,
> God was holding the door open for Middle East peace right now--but
> they would have to move fast, because soon the Creator and Sustainer
> of the Universe would have to give His attention to something far more
> important: the election of His little sunbeam, Georgie, in 2004.
> Here are Bush's exact words, quoted by Haaretz: "God told me to strike
> at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at
> Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in
> the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections
> will come and I will have to focus on them."
> You can't put it plainer than that. The whole chaotic rigmarole of
> Security Council votes and UN inspections and Congressional approval
> and Colin Powell's whizbang Powerpoint displays of "proof" and Bush's
> own tearful prayers for "peace"--it was all a sham, a meaningless
> exercise. No votes, no inspections, no proof or lack of proof--in
> fact, no earthly reason whatsoever--could have stopped Bush's
> aggressive war on Iraq. It was God's unalterable will: the Lord of
> Hosts gave a direct order for George W. Bush to "strike at Saddam."
> And strike he did, with an awesome fury that rained death and
> destruction on the mustachioed whore of Babylon, with a firestorm of
> Godly wrath that consumed the enemy armies like so much chaff put to
> the flame--and with an arsenal of cruise missiles, cluster bombs, dive
> bombers and assault helicopters that killed up to 10,000 innocent
> civilians: blasted to pieces in their beds, shot down in their fields
> and streets, crushed beneath the walls of their own houses, boiled
> alive in factories, ditches, and cars, gutted, mutilated, beheaded,
> murdered, women, children, elders, some praying, some wailing, some
> cursing, some mute with fear as metal death ripped their lives away
> and left rotting hulks behind. This was the work of the Lord and His
> faithful servant, whom He hath raised high up to have dominion over
> men.
> And this is the mindset--or rather, the primitive fever-dream--that is
> now directing the actions of the greatest military power in the
> history of the world. There can be no doubt that Bush believes
> literally in the divine character of his mission. He honestly and
> sincerely believes that whatever "decision" forms in his brain--out of
> the flux and flow of his own emotional impulses and biochemical
> reactions, the flattery and cajolements of his sinister advisers, the
> random scraps of fact, myth and fabrication that dribble into his
> proudly undeveloped and incurious consciousness--has been planted
> there, whole and perfected, by God Almighty.
> And that's why Bush acts with such serenity and ruthlessness. Nothing
> he does can be challenged on moral grounds, however unethical or evil
> it might appear, because all of his actions are directed by God. He
> can twist the truth, oppress the poor, exalt the rich, despoil the
> earth, ignore the law--and murder children--without the slightest
> compunction, the briefest moment of doubt or self-reflection, because
> he believes, he truly believes, that God squats in his brainpan and
> tells him what to do.
> And just as God countenanced deception on the part of Abraham, just as
> God forgave David for the murders he ordered, just as God blessed the
> armies of Saul as they obliterated the Amalekites, man, woman and
> child, so will He overlook any crime committed by Bush and his minions
> as they carry out His will. That's why Bush can always "do whatever it
> takes" to achieve his goals. And by his own words to Abbas, we see
> that he places his election in 2004 above all other concerns, even the
> endless bloodshed in the Middle East.
> So what new crimes will the Lord have to countenance to keep His
> appointed servant in power?
> Chris Floyd is a columnist for the Moscow Times and a regular
> contributor to CounterPunch. He can be reached at: > [email protected]
> Phyllis K. Stein, Ph.D.
> Washington University School of Medicine HRV Lab
> 4625 Lindell Blvd, Stuie 402
> St. Louis, MO 63108
> 314-286-1350
> 314-286-1394 (FAX)