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Aug 17, 2002
villagemobb14 said:
dude has his stunnaz way too fuckin high. haha. dam he makin us whyteboyz look bad. fuckin pussy from b-game. b-game should be a different area code cuz they bringin the 650 down. South Sco, Daly City, RWC, and EPA should be the only cities wit the area code 650.
i hope thats supposed to be a joke or something.
Jun 26, 2002
"The Burlingame Seniors" (what an honarary title lmao)

smashin on bruno niggaz huh? in ure dreams fruitcake....how's ure boy KC? why ain't he reppin the "Trench" no more? ahahaha....tell him the Eastsidaz said "hi" =)


Sicc OG
Jan 24, 2003
"The Burlingame Seniors" (what an honarary title lmao)

smashin on bruno niggaz huh? in ure dreams fruitcake....how's ure boy KC? why ain't he reppin the "Trench" no more? ahahaha....tell him the Eastsidaz said "hi" =)
i don't understand how they being from burlingame call their "record label" MID TOWN MOB

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
tharealdeal650 said:
that was a good one i guess? danville crip? im tryin not to laugh...i aint hard or nethin but none of ya'll r nethin ghetto either so admit it. and no i dont wear abercrombie n fitch u fuckin bitches. burlingame mite not b ghetto but tha whiteboys around here arent nuthin to play wit either...hella gangs from san bruno n shit try n chill down by tha bay in burlingame but hella seniors from burlingame stomped on em awhile bak. so keep sayin its a rich town but thats no1's fault. and jus picture wut ur doin righ now and how gay ur whole lifes been. none of ya'll have guns that u use so dont make it out like "big bad rich burlingame" is a bitch city cuz u think ur towns ghetto. nuthins ghetto round here unless there r projects set up like inner citys. game over.
hhahahaha @ this fool still stressin over this gay shit

let me get this straight, you registered this username just to pull this three year old ass thread back up so you can whine and moan about people on here making fun of the place where you mother bought a home? ahahahahahahaha sign off post-haste and contemplate on self-induced disciplinary slaps to the face, you chasticidal teenage dolphin muncher.

go cardinals!!

Apr 14, 2006
KOBE $OZ said:
Ok i havn't been on here in a few days because i actually have stuff to do, i been working on new material, hustling, and partaying.

First of all i never said i claim N$B. That's the gang my nigga marco claims. They have done dirt, and are growing strong. Just because some square niggas from millbrae or san bruno never heard of them doesn't matter. N$B bangs hard, and can be found in Northpark grinding most of the time.

bItChDoGG, Mustynutz, and Servnu151- Stop talking crap. Get off my weener and get a life. You think millbrae is the cream of the crop, but it is not.

Rodzilla- You can diss my niggas from N$B, and diss B-Game all you want but we all know your mad because you have a small shlong.

Moblyfe- Much <3 for keeping it real.

Outonbail- I say nigga because most of my friends are black.

SonnyBlac- I don't even know where to begin. But if you want to bring it bring it. N$B doesn't say what is up to BG because they never heard of them.

Yeah, well we can rip on you with all your fat bitches in your video. At least get some fine brods on there please...... You ain't no pimp out there herdin cows. MEEEEWWWWWW!!
Sep 10, 2005
I dont think the brotha in that picture even knew there was somebody behind him.

(Kobe Sux) " Hey Brittainy, I'm going to stand behind & act like I know this black guy...snap the picture quick, because he kind of scares me..."
Apr 14, 2006
NorthgateSacra said:
I dont think the brotha in that picture even knew there was somebody behind him.

(Kobe Sux) " Hey Brittainy, I'm going to stand behind & act like I know this black guy...snap the picture quick, because he kind of scares me..."

Seriously!!!! Dude was getting his picture taken and then Kobe comes running in from the back.,...."wait for me!!!!"......hahahahahah.. This kid is a fuckin joke!! If I saw this dud in the streets, I think I would be laughing non-stop. I can't believe that this thud tries to rock out the local high schools. What a celebrity he is!! Word is that even the high schoolers fuckin clown on this mark. This dude needs to stop acting hard.....
May 7, 2006
hahahahaha keep postin pics of me and hoppin on my dick. i like tha publicity. and dont ever say i try to act hard u faggots. im not a dumbass like soz and think burlingames hard so get off my nuts. have fun talkin to all guys on this bitchass page. im 16 and still livin better than all ya'll and still will be. suck a dick. B-GAME...if ur guna diss it then stay out and dont ride thru for our parties n shit. at least tha other 650 cities have hella hot girls....HAHAH. hoodrats
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