Don't know why Bun bothered, internet bickering with some opinionated misinformed idiot is beneath him, are we sure it was really him?
The blogger guy really embarressed himself with his reply, i understand the need to want to slap him, but there is no communicating with these kind of self righteous stuck up assholes especially through the internet, its pointless. I doubt he would have the nerve to say such dumb shit to Pimp or Bun in the flesh, so why say it at all.
I mean obviously, not everybody from every region is great, but he seems to be mad because the South support their own more than most, why the fuck does he care enough to write all that shit.
Does he even know Pimp-C is an incredible soulful producer as much as he is a straight up heartfelt lyricist? do we even care how wrong he is, thats his ignorance thats preventing him from enjoying countless classic southern albums.