Bums are stupid

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Feb 3, 2014
my mom is a goody two shoes and shes gone out a few times with a bunch of sandwiches to give to bums...she says about half will turn them down...if i was a bum id be drunk as much as possible so i probably wouldnt want food to take away fom my buzz either...but anyway i dont feel bad for about 90% of bums because somewhere along the line they made a stupid fucking decision to get themselves there


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
When I worked pioneer square these stupid kids would pass out sandwiches and backpacks and clothes or something for church or community service or some shit. They would all throw the food away then try to sell the backpacks. Ive seen thousands of other examples of their degenerate behavior but thats the only one i felt like typing. Theres so many handouts and programs in this welfare nation that the only people that are on the street, want to be there, because of drugs and alcohol. They won't let you sleep in a shelter if you're on drugs or drinking. So next time some loser gives you a sob story, remember they're just pieces of shit that need to be euthanized. Random killings and assaults on these vermin gives me joy.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
When I worked pioneer square these stupid kids would pass out sandwiches and backpacks and clothes or something for church or community service or some shit. They would all throw the food away then try to sell the backpacks. Ive seen thousands of other examples of their degenerate behavior but thats the only one i felt like typing. Theres so many handouts and programs in this welfare nation that the only people that are on the street, want to be there, because of drugs and alcohol. They won't let you sleep in a shelter if you're on drugs or drinking. So next time some loser gives you a sob story, remember they're just pieces of shit that need to be euthanized. Random killings and assaults on these vermin gives me joy.
they dont call it the land of the free for nothing. cuz everything is free my brotha
Feb 10, 2006
Whenever these "bums" ask me for money/change, i look them dead in the eye and ask em what its really for, dont lie to me you drunk fuccin winos need a .40 oz of 211 u stinky bastards! Dont sit here n beg me for money cuz "you're hungry". You want money so u can get drunk again like yesterday and the day before etc. Some of em get by too cuz some people dont know "the town drunk".

Jun 5, 2004
Even the local news is putting them (bums) on blast.
Lol. There was a huge news story in santa rosa years putting people on blast that... It was a like 30 person crime ring of bums and non bums. They would organize groups of two panhandlers that set up shop within seeing distance of another group of two... I forget exactly how, but they did payments in a way where like half of your daily earnings was half of what your partner made, and the other half was the remainder of everybodys earnings all put in a pot and split evenly

So the partners would motivate each other to make money cuz one would get the others money as half their pay, and if they slacked then their partner would slack the next day. And that kept everybody from skimming too much. They would switch partners everyday so they didnt team up, and they also swith ppl into the secret lookout position, they would go spy on their coworkers. Lol. Fuckin intricate plan for a bunch of bums

Ppl would also go from doing that one day then get rotated into theft for a day, where they would work in groups walking around the mall and other parking lots breaking into cars... They would switch off being thief and lookout. While all this stuff was going on, my walkman got stolen from my moms car while we were at the coddingtown mall, and im 99% sure it was those fuckers. This shit went on for a couple months and then finally one of them got caught trying to either steel or sell some copper wire, and one of them snitched.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
When I worked pioneer square these stupid kids would pass out sandwiches and backpacks and clothes or something for church or community service or some shit. They would all throw the food away then try to sell the backpacks. Ive seen thousands of other examples of their degenerate behavior but thats the only one i felt like typing. Theres so many handouts and programs in this welfare nation that the only people that are on the street, want to be there, because of drugs and alcohol. They won't let you sleep in a shelter if you're on drugs or drinking. So next time some loser gives you a sob story, remember they're just pieces of shit that need to be euthanized. Random killings and assaults on these vermin gives me joy.
Most homeless people are mentally ill, you sound like Rush Limbaugh.
Apr 20, 2003
Seems like SJ is the "bum" capital of the world nowadays.... I see them fucks everywhere from gas stations to Walmarts and everywhere in between streets, from young punks to old farts! I ain't going to lie tho I give change here and there when I have it and if they really grungy looking and in need. Them gas station ones annoy me tho when they want to wash your window with the gas station's squeegee's making your windows dirtier than what they were before, I'll tell them dont even bother trying cuz you ain't getting shit and they'll just head to the next. Bastards are probably walking off after their 8 hr shift bumming it and jumping into a nice ride while my ass busts ass 8 hrs lol, I think I need to find a new profession


Oct 25, 2011
Seems like SJ is the "bum" capital of the world nowadays.... I see them fucks everywhere from gas stations to Walmarts and everywhere in between streets, from young punks to old farts! I ain't going to lie tho I give change here and there when I have it and if they really grungy looking and in need. Them gas station ones annoy me tho when they want to wash your window with the gas station's squeegee's making your windows dirtier than what they were before, I'll tell them dont even bother trying cuz you ain't getting shit and they'll just head to the next. Bastards are probably walking off after their 8 hr shift bumming it and jumping into a nice ride while my ass busts ass 8 hrs lol, I think I need to find a new profession
for real breh especially out by the homeless encampment at the jungle on senter or if you are anywhere near the flea market.
Sep 15, 2009
Last year near Christmas there was a "homeless" family dressed decent RIGHT NEXT to an ATM for my credit union. I was fuckin pissed. Straight up taking advantage where people pull money out. Didn't give them shit.

I've always been generous with homeless people but I'm not so much nowadays. If they straight up tell me it's for beer, I give them a dollar or change for their honesty. One time I had an 18 pk and was heading to a party and cracked that shit open to hand a guy 2 beers.

I live in Santa Ana and there are a lot of people that just crossed the border illegally. You can tell who they are and are completely honest about it too. I always try to help those people out because they're looking for a better life here and are usually needing to get to their families in other cities up north or Chicago, etc. I only see them once and never again, so I know they're not regulars begging for drug money

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i give people who are worse off than i, money whenever i can. i dont care what they use it for either. if you can really pay your dope dealer in dimes and quarters, good shit. go get some drugs.

the act of kindness is what i do it for. i dont believe in judging people, if i feel they are worse off than me, ill look out.

tell you what,if i lived amongst rats and roaches in the cold in some dirty ass clothes and a sleeping bag on the side of a freeway exit, id probably want some drugs and/or alcohol too. ive given bums the other half of my vodka bottle before or offered them drugs instead of money. get your fade on breh.

i can pretty much tell the difference between someone who needs the money or help, and someone who decided that its a good hustle.
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