Bu$hCo. Wants to put more shit in our drinking water

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May 13, 2002
Got this from another site...

What's this "blending" plan the EPA is putting on the table? It's a weakening of current waste-water treatment regulations, which "would allow publicly owned treatment works to "blend" partially treated sewage with treated sewage and discharge it into waterways during rain storms." - The Planet Newsletter

"According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are an estimated 7.1 million cases of mild-to-moderate infectious waterborne disease in the U.S. each year, and 560,000 moderate-to-severe cases. Even though the Clean Water Act requires municipalities to treat raw sewage to remove health-threatening viruses and parasites before it is discharged into rivers, lakes, streams, and drinking water sources, the Bush administration’s proposed new policy would likely expose more Americans to waterborne diseases.

Residents of Milwaukee know all too well the dangers of sewage in water—in 1993 an outbreak of cryptosporidium killed at least 54 people. But despite improvements to the sewage system, Milwaukee still practices blending. "Call it what they will, the bottom line is the Bush administration is saying it’s OK for us to be exposed to bacteria and viruses that can cause illness," says Milwaukee conservation organizer Rosemary Wehnes.

Sewage that has only undergone primary treatment may still contain pathogens that sicken people, such as giardia and cryptosporidium. This means that bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens would likely be discharged into our waterways, potentially causing a variety of illnesses, from mild gastroenteritis (stomach cramps and diarrhea) to life-threatening diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and infectious hepatitis.

Heavy rains often overload wastewater treatment facilities. When sewer systems are overloaded it can mean sewer backups into basements or the release of untreated or poorly treated sewage into our rivers and streams.

In addition to their proposal to allow blending, the Bush administration has also requested a $500 million cut in wastewater treatment funding. This means that publicly owned treatment works would be able to make fewer necessary upgrades, potentially increasing incidences of blending."

Come On In, the Water’s… um, Well… This image was used in an award-winning ad, “A Bad Day At the Beach,” commissioned by the John Muir Chapter’s Great Waters Group, objecting to the Bush administration’s proposal to blend partially treated sewage with treated sewage. (Image courtesy of Kohnke Hanneken www.kohnkehanneken.com)

What you can do

Send a letter to President Bush urging him to enforce the current Clean Water Act and continue to require that wastewater meet proper treatment standards prior to discharge. Remind the president that, rather than accepting partially treated sewage in heavy storm runoff as a way of life and weakening Clean Water Act protections, his administration should focus on ways to reduce runoff, including: rain barrels, green roofs, porous materials for parking lots, and water absorbing landscaping. In addition, the administration should ensure adequate funding for needed upgrades to our sewage infrastructure.

Write: President George W. Bush; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; Washington, DC 20500.
May 13, 2002
lol, you're an idiot Tadau.

This article is talking about sewage in our water. Now, I don't know about you, maybe you like drinking piss, but me on the other hand, I find the very thought of sewage in our water supplies very unappealing.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
LMFAO!! Someone needs to post the pictures that were made awhile ago with Tadou in them....I know Doofy knows what I'm talkin about...lol.....
May 13, 2002
Haha! Where is this "goth kid" shit coming from? So anybody who is concerned about the environment and our drinking water is a goth? Anyone who is against Bu$hCo. is a goth too? Well, if that's the case then any black man who supports bush, does not care about the environment, and is a republican, is for now on a "Carlton Banks."
May 16, 2004
I'd rather hang out with 100 depressed faggy goth kids than a single wannabe pimp/gangsta/ aspiring rap artist. You twinkle-toed materialistic fucks are like scabs on the face of the earth. Go fart through you mammy's asshole and tell her Fistacuffs sent you you twice dipped drooling neanderthal.
May 16, 2004
If your gonna be a doctor than you better have some of the faggy goth kids do your homework for you because you have the intellectual capacity of a labotomized chipmunk.

Funny thing about these wannabes, they're always talking about how "big" they're gonna be, how much money they're gonna have, the nice cars they're going to drive. Anyone who has to try to legitamize themselves by talking about how rich they're going to be is really, truly, pathetic.

Money doesn't make the man, or, in this case, the chipmunk.
May 16, 2004
tadou said:
College credits are being earned, albums with Tadou on them are being sold, and the reflexive form of verbs are in full effect.
And shameless, self-inflating egotistical comments are being spewed ad nasuem.

tadou said:
Your boy is in college and won't stop until your sucking on my dick
Well, at least you have a goal.

Anyway bro can keep on talking like your a big rooster, but it's clear that you're nothing but a little chickenhawk, so keep squawking you felching little trollop.
May 28, 2004
i thought this thread was about sewage water?...but yeah the thought of havin that shit in the water supply is quite disgusting but they are startin ta do that shit ina lotta places, sayin that its all clean and went threw many processes..i dont care how many processes the fuckin water went threw it still had piss and shit in it, i dont wanna be drinkin a glass of water and thinkin bout how someone elses tirds were floatin in it last month