Brotha Lynch vs. Gangsta Dre

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Jan 19, 2007
I personally think Lynch came out with four good album 24 Deep, Season of Da Siccness, Loaded, and Nigga Deep with Sicx. You have to agree though he's other albums have a new style that isnt bumping or lyricaly talented. He is a really cool dude but he aint no assassin on the mic
Nov 11, 2006
IDoNotRecall said:
I personally think Lynch came out with four good album 24 Deep, Season of Da Siccness, Loaded, and Nigga Deep with Sicx. You have to agree though he's other albums have a new style that isnt bumping or lyricaly talented. He is a really cool dude but he aint no assassin on the mic

LOL, Hes a "cool dude" huh?? Yall homies like dat? If u and lynch so cool, why dont u tell him he aint lyrically talented?? Not to repeat what other dude said, but damn......leave the hood shit to the hood niggaz
Jan 19, 2007
YOU know how many times ive seen "leave the hood shit to the hood niggaz", now what the fuck does that have to do with being a good mc? I give a shit if Lynch see's what I write about him, im not bashing the dude im just being truthful on how he aint that great. Yet again im not originally from Montana been to the hood lived in a hood could give a fuck about a hood, ya'll just need to stop being so ignorant and stupid. Plus stop duck riding, if you like this particular artist then cool, dont try to bat for dude. Stop being a groupie
May 9, 2002
IDoNotRecall said:
YOU know how many times ive seen "leave the hood shit to the hood niggaz", now what the fuck does that have to do with being a good mc? I give a shit if Lynch see's what I write about him, im not bashing the dude im just being truthful on how he aint that great. Yet again im not originally from Montana been to the hood lived in a hood could give a fuck about a hood, ya'll just need to stop being so ignorant and stupid. Plus stop duck riding, if you like this particular artist then cool, dont try to bat for dude. Stop being a groupie
Yes, becuase most families move from the hood to Montana.

Homie, you aint foolin no one with your fake Blood ass. You already been called out in the So Cal forum months ago, you fradulent piece of shit.

Bangin Belltown....HAHAHAHHAAHA!!!!
Jan 19, 2007
LOL why you even trying to start shit with me too I remember already smashing your stupid ass as well. Dont get me mixed up with nobody I am no blood, I wouldnt be talking about Lynch and other artist music if I was some wannabe blood. I leave the net banging to ya'll, doing a better job at is lol. I lived in Daygo, Lake Side CA, Belfair, Bremerton, East Side Tacoma (Hood), Seattle, Livingston, Bozemon, Billings. Ive been everywhere you cant tell me where the hood is. I just threw all those towns and cities too show you how much I move around, so it can happend buddy. Now why wouldnt a hood family want to move away from the ghetto to a better environment, think about it dumb ass. We have many families in Billings from San Diego, LA, Sacramento, Seattle, and fucking New Orleans. Remember Katrina, well those dudes got a choice to move to Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and whatever the other state was. We got a bunch of scummy dudes from down south up here, now I personally dont think Billings is ghetto at all. But guess what these dumb fucks moving from cali and the south think the South Side of billings is the ghetto. So personally I think im the only one who seems to have any sense in here, begone with your ass
Nov 11, 2006
IDoNotRecall said:
If you soo Hood why the fuck you spending your time on the interent trying to start some conflict with me? LOL I should just leave the net banging to ur stupid ass

Lets get one straight homie, im far from a groupie or a "net-banger". the only reason u so fuccin tough is cuz u on a damn computer somewhere in buttfucc montana where they aint even got no fuccin hoods!! U wouldnt talk that shit to my face, just like u wouldnt tell lynch to his face that he fell off!! I wasnt even tryin to start no shit wit u homie, u made urself sound stupid talkin bout "He is a really cool dude but he aint no assassin on the mic" and i had to call a bitch like i c it.
Jan 19, 2007
So somebody cant be a cool dude and shitty on the mic, man shut the fuck up. Damn didnt know Montana doesnt have any hoods lol im serious come with better disses im not originall from here. Funny shit the minorities here in bummfuck think it is the hood. I quess im just white and smart lol Who are you anyway, im not scared of anybody. If you trying to get at me then do it dont try to make it a public thing.
Nov 11, 2006
IDoNotRecall said:
So somebody cant be a cool dude and shitty on the mic,

He a cool dude, what u kicked it wit him?? Like i said, u make urself sound like a damn fool

"I quess im just white "

That explains it!!!!!!!!!!
May 9, 2002
IDoNotRecall said:
LOL why you even trying to start shit with me too I remember already smashing your stupid ass
Would you care to show me? last time I checked, I checked your nuts in the So Cal forum. Shall I refresh your obviously defunct memory?

You said:

Defiant2Silence said:
Now lets think about this should I visit every hood and ask every blood who the good artist are? lol naw I didnt think so. Now fagggits i keep explaining this shit but yall dont want to listen. I banged as a teen and been away from the lifestyle for a while. Now I dont get if you guys are being ignorant or just think you can by pass what I say and put your 2 useless cents in for me. Yes I do live in Montana now alright fag boys, I use to live in Belltown, Seattle and the Suburbs of San Diego. Now if I want to now of some blood artist I havent heard of then thats my fucking business. This simple thing for yall would to keep your fucking mouth shut and just answer a simple fucking question without trying to get into my personal life.
I replied:

Gringo Starr said:
You are such a wannabe that its making me hurt from laughing. You use to BANG in Belltown?For one, Belltown is the upscale part of downtown. You know how much an apartment goes for in Belltown???It cost $900 for a fuckin STUDIO. Belltown isnt a turf, set, nor does it any ethnic culture, all its residents are WHITE. The most expensive petnhouse sweet in the US is in Belltown. Its owned by a former Microsoft employee.

The only thing you banged was you and your little buddies in your moms basement thinking you were all tough. What were you, Belltown Bloods?Or were you one of another LONG line of wannabe NSB's???Nah, couldnt be. You sound like youve never even been to the North, you only HEARD it was hood.

Youre a clown. And I know your white cus you moved to MONTANA. Either that, or youre Native, but I highly doubt that.

Anyways, stop playing the role like youre some "thug who turned his life around", cus the whole Belltown comment runied your personna. You are not, nor were EVER, a Blood.
Then this came:

BAMMER said:
This guy said Belltown....hahaha.
yes, you are a JOKE. See, unlike YOU, Bammer and I have lived in Seattle for more than 20 years. We went through the late 80's and early 90's when bangin was at a all time here. We knew which sets were where and who clicked with who. Belltown, as I said, dont register fuckface, therefore, you got EXPOSED.

Also, someone said this too you as well:

Gas One said:
lolol fool said cardiff by the sea brims
Oh No!
LOL, you banged in the burbs of Dago? Where you from?

Torrey Pines Piru?
Cardiff by the Sea Brims?
You got exposed TWICE in the same fuckin thread by two different cities!

Youre a fake, buster-ass, mark, off-brand, bitch-ass hoecake.

Kick rocks, mark.
Jan 19, 2007
I am not no Blood, I never said I never banged before. So like all the shit I said before is the truth, so now its a fucking wrap. For what ive seen on dvd's and interviews Lynch seems like a cool dude, or he is just a quiet talking out the crack of his mouth fool. Like I said yea it is true I am not no wannabe blood. Now can all of yall get of my nuts, yea it does make sense im white cause i dont wanna gang bang in montana lol classic. I got fucking spanish, italian, etc. whole bunch of shit and i bet some of yall are muts as well. So get of these white and black shiiit cause i know some of yall got a lil ivory in ya lol I know i was talking shit earlier but the minorities in billings are dumb im sorry. Thanks for the detective work Jesse
May 9, 2002
IDoNotRecall said:
I am not no Blood, I never said I never banged before. So like all the shit I said before is the truth
Then what did you bang? Cmon tough guy, lets see what set you can make up on the spot.

LOL@ you gang bangin.

How you gonna be 21 and RETIRE from bangin? You have no clue little dude.