Bret Hart / WWE Update

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Apr 30, 2008
What I did you guys in the Hogan TNA thread? I told you if they want to compete on the night Hogan debuts that they will need to bring in Bret or Stone Cold.

I will watch this before I watch Hogan and TNA.
I would drop mass amounts of money buying up everybody possible just to fuck with TNA if I was Vince. The one thing I dig about Hogan in TNA is that he said he wanted to get rid of the fuckin stupid ring and go back to the traditional 4 sided ring and that will piss all kinds of TNA jockers off.
Nov 14, 2002
Why would the 6 sided ring bother people? The wrestling takes place on the mat. If anything it's better because there are guys getting like 10 feet of air off of that motherfucker.

Anyway I'm psyched about Bret for sure. Take that, Hogan.
Nov 14, 2002
Nah I'd say if it weren't for TNA you'd have never seen Bret Hart anywhere but Bubba the Love Sponge or maybe the Hall of Fame Awards a few years from now.
Feb 8, 2003
Nah I'd say if it weren't for TNA you'd have never seen Bret Hart anywhere but Bubba the Love Sponge or maybe the Hall of Fame Awards a few years from now.

The real reason is wwe and bret are working on a hart foundation dvd set and bret has more power over it then his last dvd so whats a better way to promote it by having bret come in to build up some steam in return
Nov 14, 2002
Either way you wouldn't have seen Bret.

There's no way they're pulling Bret Hart in and giving him enough money to shrug shit off just for a fucking DVD. The only reason he has "more power" over the shit is because Vince wants him to. Look at the Warrior DVD. It's not like you need the actual guy to make a great dvd so long as you have footage.

I guess we can debate about it all day but IMO if the Hogan/TNA thing didn't happen then Bret wouldn't have been around for at least another 2-3 years. At least not in WWE. I would even bet that Hart was in talks with TNA and when they spent all their time and money on Hogan, Bret Hart was like "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you then"....

Nov 14, 2002
It was a stroke.

But guy doesn't have to wrestle to be the main draw.

If he can still lock in a sharpshooter than he's good.

I don't see him wrestling much... more being in a heel GM role or something. I would pay a hundered bucks to see him and Micheals wrestle one time though.
Jun 9, 2007
According to everything that's being said, he wouldn't wrestle at all... most likely not even one last match (altho it is still a slight possibility for WM)... they're saying if anything he'd more than likely be the special referee for a match at Mania.
Feb 8, 2003
Either way you wouldn't have seen Bret.

There's no way they're pulling Bret Hart in and giving him enough money to shrug shit off just for a fucking DVD. The only reason he has "more power" over the shit is because Vince wants him to. Look at the Warrior DVD. It's not like you need the actual guy to make a great dvd so long as you have footage.


i feel that. i was trying to say it was probaly a agreement between him andvince like. okay we give you creative control over this dvd and whatever amount of money if you work a program with us to increase ratings and etc.