Strange Music will make a HUGE impact on the KC local scene by signing 20 HOT local artists, for what it will take to sign Nas, let alone MystiKal..... KC catz barely care about other KC catz, so why the hell would KC local catz give a shit about SM signing a NY guy or a Southern guy?????
The more SM invests outside of KC the less KC would stand behind any SM investment...... besides T9
I still doubt the investment in BLH....????
And this opinion reflects Strange's already implemented business choice to escape KC. They're not hiring dude's like BLH and Cognito for no reason. It's called market acquisition, and once a market has been tapped and sustainability dwindles, you move on to other adventures.
Honestly though, if they're leaps and bounds ahead of their time, why are they sub-branching their label and placing it in the heart of the largest overgrowth of talent in the hip-hop industry?
I agree with signing local acts to reestablish and affirm their KC market rather than gather up folks from other areas. But, in the long run, it comes down to what they WANT to do. They want to expand and become a "power house" in hip-hop, then this is the way to do it.
That, or become the next TVT or KOCH.