Do you know if CompuBox uses their numbers from fight night or do they go back and do statistical breakdowns? I'm sure those numbers are accurate I just hate how people use their live punch stats for arguments.
They don't as far as I know. That's something I've suggested to them, at least for the big fights, but never got a response. Perhaps they use the +/- stats only by video and not the live combubox stats, idk, they haven't made that clear.
The +/- stats are interesting to me because it's a pool of data. Fight night combubox stats mean shit to me, especially as any sort of argument as to who won or lost, because as we all know it's inaccurate. But when they are looking at the collected data from numerous fights over the span of their career, then that means more to me. Individual fights may be flawed but that's true for the opponents as well so it evens out a bit (if I made any sense and again only when we're looking at the collected data).