from 1:00
White haired dude talking, saying Öner is twisting the facts, claiming that Solis could have continued the fight, if it wasn't for the leg twist,when Öner suddenly interrupts:"AHHHHHH...we don't make excuses, his knee is injured, just shut your mouth...WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? WHAT? WHAT?". White haired dude calls Öner "white trash anti social scum", which makes Öner even more upset: "No u are white trash, you are a fuckin disgrace!! SHUT THE FUCK UP, LISTEN, I WOULD FUCK YOU (UP) IF YOU WERE [cant understand this part]..white dude saying Öner should be careful, cause he's on parole.....Öner: "YOU ARE NOTHING!! Vitali, im sorry, but this man is is a fuck up, im sorry and I apologize! You are a great champion, you dont deserve this. I have respect for my ex father in law, for you, and even for your brother, but this man is constantly provoking... SHUT THE FUCK UP!"..exit Öner.