Boxing Prediction Contest

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May 13, 2002
So I thought it would be fun to have a boxing prediction contest. Obviously there is no point system on the sicc or prizes, etc. but it will still be fun for shits & giggles. I'll try to do this once or twice a month (or every week, we'll see how it goes).

Below is how the scoring will work. My immediate post will be the fights for this round to choose from.


Should your fighter of choice go down in flames no points you will be awarded.
If your fighter of choice wins but not as you called it you will be awarded 3 points
If you just type the name of the winning fighter you will score 1 point.

If you call a points win you will score 6 points.

If you call a Unanimous Decision you will score 8 points.

If you call a Split Decision you will score 10 points.

If you call a Majority Decision you will score 15 points.

If you call a Draw you will score 20 points.

If you call a Technical Decision you will score 25 points.

If you call a DQ you will score 30 points. A ruling must be made within 24 hours.

If you call a KO/TKO you will score 6 points.

If you call a KO/TKO and the correct round you will score 15 points. If are off by one round (plus or minus) you will score 4 points. If you are off by more than one round you will score 3 points.
If I predict a KO1 and Saddo predicts a KO12 , should I get the same 4 points that he gets if it ends KO11? No. This will award the "close" prediction and keep us from just throwing out a random number to try and get 15 points.
May 13, 2002
So we'll do a small little contest for the remainder of the month. 4 fights total but all four should be very competitive. The last fight hardly anyone knows about, although it's going to be the biggest boxing event in Japans history, more than likely.

Here are the fights:

November 21
At Oakland, Calif. (Showtime): Mikkel Kessler vs. Andre Ward

November 28
At Quebec City, Canada (HBO): Lucian Bute vs. Librado Andrade
Ali Funeka vs. Joan Guzman

November 29
At Tokyo: Daisuke Naito vs. Koki Kameda


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Nope.... I am going to make sure I win this contest homie. We'll mix it up on the bigger fights.... Like Manny and Floyd.