By Ishe "Sugar Shay" Smith
Hey G just hope to see this in the mailbag I wanted to comment on the whole drug
testing thing and the whole cheating sport that is boxing first boxing has
always had it nice contraversy since the mob was running it then you have the
whole Las Vegas which was started by the mob and then I here the dumbest thing
that Nevada has the best drug testing and safety for fighters well what happened
when Mosley fought on steroids and when Margarito fought with loaded gloves the
whole sport is dirty ( we can say Margarito also had both hands wrapped in Los
Angeles ) and we as people are starting to get ok with it I mean Zab Judah got a
year suspension and a 250K fine and all Margarito got was a one year suspension
and Mosley got away with fighting on steriods who knows how long for and got
nothing and he had to admit to doing them I mean the thing is would it be ok if
Floyd came in with EPO or PEDs and then got away with it how would everyone feel
I have a bad feeling that when someone and his whole camp say's they are the cleanest
fighter then refuses to take a drug test that puts doubt in me and your right
Mayweather is not above the commission but what is the issue with a drug test
really if he is that clean he should pass it no problem my thing is this with
everything out there right now and Nevada is the front runner for fighters
safety they should press for the blood testing since we all know there are
steriods that can pass a urine test Boxing is so dirty I am really getting to
the point that no one is fighting fair when it comes down to it is all about the
money and for Manny to throw away the biggest payday of his life over a drug
test ( The Cleanest fighter ) is stupid I mean take the test and knock out Floyd
how simple is that what is the issue I mean Floyd signed for that Stupid 10
million over a pound weight issue my thing is this then is Manny bigger then the
commission when he gets to put that in his contract well get rid of that I mean the demands for Cotto to fight
Manny were so outragoues I mean He had to have the biggest ring Cotto had to
weigh 145 then Cotto had to put up his belt when that was not even in the
contract because they were not allowing him to fight at 147 I mean you can say
the same thing about Manny to me the biggest question mark is now on Manny say
what you want about Floyd but Manny's not accepting that has now put the
question mark cause when you say that Manny is the cleanest fighter then one
little drug test that the people in the Olympics take then my friend you have to
give it to Floyd because just as much as fighters will fight Manny there are
fighters that would fight Floyd and take the test just like Manny would fight
fighters who not make Manny take the test and to me for Manny to pass up that
fight over a drug test is sad what a pound for pound and the dude is afraid of a
needle but was not afraid to ask Cotto for more punches and then lets make this clear who really thought those two
pussy's would fight each other you got one man ( who you think is afraid of
Manny and getting knocked out ) and the other Pussy is afraid of a needle wow to
me both should quit boxing now and let the sport go on its way and dont say that
there are good points and that Floyd is making it more difficult cause let me
tell you this fight would have happened if they would have agreed to do the
drug test anybody who is not afraid would be like take as much blood cause let
me tell you something for the money that is there for both I know Floyd is
willing to lose to Manny but as long as they are both clean I mean Floyd is
doing the test too to me Manny looks to lose on this one because I know for a
fact that some came with that money to any other fighter I know Shane Mosley
would too cause he was willing to do more drug test to fight Judah and we know
Shane has done it I mean the thing is both guys have got to have pussy's in between there legs I know I might have
never fought in the ring but you know what back in the day there were not this
many demands like it is today Manny has to drain people before he will fight
them and his crazy demands and Floyd wants drug testing and his crazy demands I
mean there is always something just fight the real losers are us the fans
because of fighters stupid demands I mean you cant come in over weight you have
to do extra drug testing what is next we can fight but no punching -Harold Curry
Ishe Response: I personally think the Nevada Athletic Commission is one of the best in the business, not even the USDA could detect HGH and some of the steroids that was used a few years back, so you can’t fault the commission for not catching Shane. There is better testing today, but boxing protocols don’t ask for the advance testing, so why should Manny be subject to take advance testing that our sport doesn’t even require? I can understand and see Team Mayweather’s point of view, but if the sport is not asking for it, why subject the guy to do it and lose out on millions of dollars and also ruin one of the biggest fights in boxing history. The theory that either one of them is scared of one another is totally untrue, I don’t think that’s the case here, I think there should be no required testing at all, because I think in doing so you’re asking for far too much that the sport doesn’t require. Just let it go in my opinion, I think Bob Arum is correct in saying we’re letting the Commission decide, and as I said earlier, Nevada is one of the best, along with California and New York in my opinion.
C,mon this is getting out of hand fast. Manny never was isn't and never will be
on steroids. 1st of all if he made 147 then shot up to 160 like any other
welterweight come fight night the next day then I would say ok but his weight is
consistent, he doesn't really even belong there aside from his punching power
and speed. Have you ever seen a 140lb steroid user? I sure as fuck haven't and
I've seen quite a few in my day. People are just stupid when it comes to
steroids because they know nothing about them or how they work or what
capabilities people who use them have(or don't for that matter). I've used
steroids while getting back in shape for boxing(not competitive just for
recreation) I can tell you this punchers are born they can't be made you either
have a punch or you don't same thing with speed it's strictly nature. Actually
I feel faster and in turn my punches feel better when I'm off cycle because I'm
lighter. Designer steroids are no
different but I'll tell you what I can probably guarantee there is one that can
pass the olympic style tests(that's the whole point of them being "designer") so
if Pacquiao was really on them he would say sure to the test as a matter of fact
they only say they can test for hgh but to my knowledge there is still no test
that can detect it. Bottom line is Floyd is showing his true colors and he
wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't seriously concerned about losing to Pacquaio
and the world won't let him get out of this like the other serious challenges
that he ducked funny thing is he more than likely would have smoked all the
other guys he ducked. Plus didn't Pacquiao say he would take a test the day of
the promotion, 30 days before as well as post fight and they can be olympic
style.... Jesus Christ how much more do you need. Tony
Ishe Response: There are all types of steroids and the theory that they cannot make you stronger is absolutely ridiculous. Tell that to Marion Jones, Shane Mosley, A-Rod and countless others who have used the drugs. It doesn’t matter what size you are, there are all types. Cyclists are busted all the time and they are not cheating for strength, most if not all cheat for endurance. I don’t think Manny is on anything, but the belief that he isn’t because of his size is not one I am going to buy into. I may be wrong but I am sure the USDA can now detect HGH, once again don’t quote me there. Marion Jones dominated track and field like no other woman has before, truth came out that she was cheating; did she cheat for power or speed? There are different steroids that meet different needs. In Shane’s case I think it helped him more so with endurance, but I also believe that he may not have knew he was taking steroids.
1)Ok let's get a few things straight here. You keep saying things like "who is
mayweather to demand something like this" or "mayweather is not bigger than
boxing", you keep saying things similar to that... But G, it's not really about
Mayweather thinking he's bigger than boxing. It's about this being the biggest
fight in who knows how long. It's about this being the richest fight in boxing
history. You even said that "this has never been asked for in any other fight",
but this isn't just "another" fight. Can you name me another fight where both
fighters were guaranteed 25 million dollars? Who is pacquaio to demand a 10
million dollar a pound weight penalty? That's never been asked for in a fight.
Will he ask for that for ALL of his fights from now on? Is he trying to change
and madate this in boxing? When is the last time a fight has been the main story
on espn like this one? When's the last time the 2 best lb for lb fighters in the
world fought? This isn't just a fight. It's THE fight! Why is it such a big deal? There hasn't
been a fight of this magnitude in ages, common sense tells us there will be some
demands from both fighters. Mayweather accepted Pacquiaos ridiculous 10 million
dollar demand, why can't Manny accept this testing if he really has nothing to
hide?2)Pacquaio wants to sue now? I have yet to hear Mayweather Jr, Ellerbe,
Haymon, or anyone from Golden Boy Promotions accuse him of steroid use. The only
one that has said something, and correct me if I'm wrong, is Mayweather Sr.
Pacquaio and his camp are the ones that are making Pacquiao look guilty. All
their BS excuses made him look guilty. First they said no because of
superstition, then because he's afraid of needles, and last because it will
weaken him. It isn't superstition because in Pacquiao/Hatton 24/7 episode 3,
with less than 2 weeks before the fight, Pacquiao goes to the doctor to get some
blood work done, and we all know the
result of that fight. It isn't because of his fear for needles because in that
episode when he was getting the blood work done, he was looking at the needle
and looked very calm and relaxed, and he's all tatted up too. And last it isn't
cause it'll weaken him. The most they'll take at a time is a tspn of blood. That
will NOT weaken you. So in my opinion, this lawsuit is just plain pointless and
Pacquaio made himself look guilty by making this such a huge deal when it's
nothing. Mayweather will get tested too. I just think people acting like this is
Mayweathers fault is so stupid. Oh yeah, Leonard has always said that Mayweather
has nothing to do with this, so why all the hate towards Mayweather?
Ishe Response: As I said beforehand, I don’t understand why Manny is being subject to take these tests when the sport doesn’t require him to do so. Who cares what his superstitions are, the bottom line is the facts are the facts, and when the commission decides to take blood and do random sampling I think Manny wouldn’t have a problem doing so. Why should a fighter be subject to be sleeping in the middle of the night being waked up to take a test, or being disturbed during camp? I can see both sides here, I am not saying Floyd is wrong, but it’s a little farfetched in my book, and this whole testing thing needs to be dropped.
How is Greg Leon a hater? I find it very noble that a writer can be fair with his observations no matter who he is observing. I for one have went back n forth with Greg about Mayweather for years. And Greg has been very patient with Floyd. But lately Floyd has caught shit. So what! Do u remember how Floyd talked about
Zab's whole purse being sucked up after their fight. And how Don King was raping him. So why can't a fair minded writer, write a column about a money motivated fighter who calls himself Money. Floyd brags about how he pays for everything in cash but he has liens on him. Which means he has unpaid loans. Floyd also claims
Hatton n Marquez disrespected him by calling him out so he gave them what they wanted. But Mosley and Williams call him out like an umpire and he won't fight them. What writer wouldn't point out these indiscrepancies. I believe that this drug testing BS couldve been handled behind closed doors. Floyd is so fast to go public
with something to make himself look good but this backfired. The public is about 50/50 with this. If I can come up with a compromise they can. Both fighters should be given a urine test once a week every week all the way up to the fight at random times and days. Also the fighters should be given 3 random
blood test before the fight. Just not 48hrs before the fight. And one in the locker rooms immediately after the fight. Its called negotiations. I'm sure Floyd didn't put in the press release he originally wanted this fight at 154 for a b ullshit trinket and they use 10 oz gloves. Floyd and Floyds people are more articulate and manipulative than Mannys that's all. Not more truthful or
upstanding. Don't believe the hype. BREADMAN
Ishe Response: Some compromise definitely needs to be made because this fight is huge. The thought that the UFC is better than boxing is not true, when we give the fans the fights they ask for, there is no better combat sport, PERIOD! Tell me what fight in the UFC can generate so much buzz? I love the UFC, but it cannot touch boxing when we give quality fights. I hope some compromise is made, I think do away with the random test and do the three test Manny said he was willing to do, or just do away with the whole testing thing. I am still shocked to why would we require someone to take something that the sport doesn’t require, but that’s just me. I don’t blame Floyd because it is so many athletes cheating now a days, but the bottom line is your asking for something that is out of the norm and not required and that can cause a very sticky and messy situation.
Ok Greg, Please give me your honest opinion on how a fight between Zab Judah and Manny Pacquiao will go down. Will this be a 12 round competitive fight or a massacre? I'm just asking since you feel that Manny is such a beast and something that you have never seen in the sport of boxing before. Does Zab have the conditioning or chin to go the 12 rounds with the mighty unstoppable Pacman? Does Zab even have a punchers chance since Cotto couldn't hurt Manny and that makes Pacman able to gobble up (No pun intended) all his remaining opponents. I want a honest assessment. I know you would not post this in your mailbag because real recognize real. You say you call it like you see it. Well if that's the truth then what's your answer. Shawn Florida
Ishe Response: Anyone who laces those gloves up has a chance, the thought that Zab would just get beat down is a matter of opinion. I think Zab would be a live underdog, I don’t know if he would have enough to win, but I wouldn’t count him out either. Anyone who fights Pacman is going to be up and train very hard for the fight, and when Zab is at his best, it’s hard not to consider him a live underdog against anyone.
G, alright now, you said you would call out pacquiao when you felt he deserved it. Now tell me this isn't hypocritical, he wants to sue floyd (who has never actually accused him of anything) but he wants to fight paulie malignaggi (who accused him of doping)? Now what sense does that make. I was really feeling pacman up unitl his refusal to take these olympic style drug testing. Also,
didnt Freddy Roach say that pac would take and pass any test the mayweather camp asked him to? He speaks for Many any other time all of a sudden he's as quiet as a mouse! Im sorry but Im one fan pac is in serious danger of losing over this bs. I want to see this fight happen and I now feel like he's got something to
hide. The last time he took a blood test the week of a fight he lost to Morales, then in the rematch, no blood test and he becomes the first ever man to stop Morales. The Morales trilogy made me a fan of Manny but now I have to wonder if he was doped up. Also,
I know this means nothing but just putting it out there, look at the size of his HEAD! Reminds me of Barry Bonds foreal! Rich, Raleigh
Ishe Response: LOL at the head comment, I don’t think Manny is doping. I think it’s a matter of pride and egos getting involved here and I think it will get sorted out. You can’t fault Manny for not wanting to do it and you can’t fault Floyd for asking for it, they just need to reach a common medium here. I think it will get done, maybe not by March 13th, but this fight will happen, trust me.
Are they saying that they know and can do better than these expert Commissions?
America must have wasted a lot of effort, money and time.
Team Mayweather is simply showing their true color and the mother of all double
standards. First, they admitted will not require this test to other opponents.
Second, this very same group of hypocrites rejected the USADA idea before, now
they are serenading this agency to conduct tests to Pacman. Why sing a different
tune now? Pacman willing to do USADA but not as badweather dictates. He's not
the commission. He is charging pacman as guilty of using PED based on their mere
ignorant suspicions. Pacquiao has been certified, based on facts, by the State
commission as drug free and clean for all his last fights in Nevada. Just like
the rest of the champions. What else do you want? Floyd Mayweather as a champion
is deemed questionable and tainted if he insists on this non-sense drug testing
(outside commission). Simply because he doesn't believe in the integrity of
tests by the professional boxing commission (State Commission). And in fairness
to himself and
his unfounded allegations, he should be the one to renounce his belts now (if
he still has). This also applies to Delahoya and all the boxing champions and
greats who are not convince of the impartiality and competency of the
professional boxing governing body. Mayweather simply doesn't want to fight
Ishe Response: I agree, Floyd asking for these test creates a very ugly situation for him, and one writer was right, it’s about a 50/50 spilt right now and I think most fans are starting to sway towards Manny now. Floyd has a lot of haters for no reason, this only feeds them to hate more for asking for these tests. I agree at some point boxing needs to step up its testing procedures, but I don’t think it’s in Floyd’s power to dictate that, and to be honest I think Manny is taking it personal. The notion to accuse someone who has never failed a test is ridiculous, that’s like accusing someone of cheating who has maintained straight A’s all through school. Just my opinion…..
What up G, I am confused with people calling Mayweather scared, look prior to all of this pump faking, It was known that Mayweather wanted Olympic testing, It was no problem until the word random came up, Mayweather is not scared, when
Manny wanted to fight at a catchweight people complied because he had leverage, well no leverage here this time so Arum wants to have a hissy fit a scream the fight is off like a little bitch, now I understand that there is always some postering going on, with a fight of this magnitude I expected problems but I always expected the date to change myself, I know Freddie Roach wanted more time to prepare so I will figure this is want they want. Now I know you said that if they would have told you from the jump that the Nevada commission test was not good enough then you would have told them to go F themselves, but they didnt G,
they said ok, until the random testing part came up, Now this same commission never caught Mosley right?? they never caught aaron pryor and Panama right (yeah reaching but stay with me) Look how gay they are acting now, a lawsuit, that is so he can back down off the testing, I would say to hell with that and really want testing now since they are so sensitive, they will work things out, its to much money to walk away from so I am sure it will happen but the lawsuit is a joke, you are suing because it went public that you dont want the test and everyone is beginning to ask why not so blame yourself Manny, this was not an eleventh hour demand, so drop the charade, give up the blood
Ishe Response: HGH and other steroids were so advance that the USDA couldn’t even detect them, a la Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery, so I don’t think it’s the commission fault they did not catch Shane. People just found a way to beat the system and did it for awhile. I don’t think Floyd is scared, I don’t think Manny is guilty, what I do think is that this situation is getting messier and messier every time this drug testing issue keeps getting brought up. My opinion is this; don’t ask for something that is not required of the sport. Every sport has rule and regulations and guidelines you must follow, asking for something that is not required by the sport itself is farfetched and creates a mess. The weight penalty has nothing to do with the commission, there are a lot of factors that are negotiated in a big fight that has nothing to do with the sport itself, like gloves, when you have two champions fighting each other who will walk first and get introduced last. The problem with this is that this is not between the fighters themselves, this is asking for testing procedures that boxing doesn’t asking for and that is the problem.
G. I just want to say to Pac Man , on behalf of the men who watch boxing day in and day out . We really don't want to hear all this whining about slander and character bashing. Just imagine how all the courts would be filled up with this B.S if every man in the world wanted to sue someone over being called a bitch or being accused of being a homo or anything less than what he was. Floyd as well as Ali and most fighters say or do something to bring you guards down. Hell , Ali did it to Frazier and all that came of it was an apology on down the line . Frazier displayed a good ass whoopin and that was that. Floyd pulled the same mess on Diego , (God rest his soul and Merry Xmas to his family)., regardless
the outcome , Diego came to fight. I love you Pac Man as a fighter and even as a person brother, but you gotta get past name calling and just suck it up like a man ... You are up against a slick talking and arguably the pound for pound best fighter in the world. I'm not saying you cant win, but Floyd has made a fool out of me one too many times...Merry Xmas to you and your family ...Friend and fan
Ishe Response: I agree with you, the problem here is when a athlete is accused of steroid use it kills all the accomplishments they had over their respective careers, just ask Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and Marion Jones. Only Manny knows if he is innocent, and if he is, he doesn’t want his name associated with steroid use in any way, and for that I don’t blame him. I think winning a case is a long shot, but you can’t blame him for defending his name.
Greg, The bottom line to me is that Pacquiao and his team gave in and conceeded to the blood testing when they are certainly not required to do so. They said that they will give as much urine until Pacquiao can't piss anymore, and they said they will give 3 samples of blood on top of the urine tests. Roach has said, again to get the fight done, that they will give blood samples up to 5
days within the fight and immediatly after the fight in the dressing room as well as a 3rd sample which I believe was to be given in January. This is all over and above what the commission requires. So isn't that good enough? I see one side who wants to get the fight done, even if it means making concessions by doing things that are not required, and I see the other side as wanting to get out of the fight. At this point I can understand why Pacquiao and his team are looking for another opponent. Also, where is the smoking gun that would even suggest that Pacquiao
has ever taken illegal substances? There is no link between him and some Balco like laboratory, and there has never been a positive result for anything in his career. Baseball's Mark McGwire had a bottle labled "andro" that was spotted in his locker during the 1998 season, so there was some reasonable belief that he was taking a performance enhancer. This is not the case with Pacquiao. I fault Mayweather and his team for this and it pisses me off. We are getting jipped out of what should be a great fight and the biggest dollar grossing fight in history. Mayweather and his team are looking very small for this and I blame them for the fight not happening. Brian from NJ
Ishe Response: All great points Brain, that’s why I have said over and over again that taking this stance outside the commission guidelines creates a very sticky situation and one that may just back fire on Team Mayweather.
Greg, as a Mosley fan I get even more pissed with Manny and Floyd. Do I want to see the mega fight? Hell yes but both parties are frontin' too much. The old man waits and has to stay on a win steak fighting Berto which he could lose. I hope guys give Shane his love as a legend who walks the walk. I think Floyd has all the skills to pay the bills but he lacks that do or die mind state that gets fans worked up. My betting mind says Floyd while my heart says Manny. As for Shane, he should keep fighting and try to collect belts or just fight the best while these two pose for pictures. Aaron (Precise) Blount #1 Mosley Fan
Ishe Response: Aaron if Shane beats Berto, which in my book will not be a easy task, and Manny goes ahead and fights Paulie or Yuri, then the fight that has to be made is Floyd vs Shane, hands down. There is no other fight out there that the fans would want to see, and I wouldn’t blame Floyd for asking for blood testing with that one because Shane has admitted to steroid use. The fight would do over a million some pay-per view buys and it would be an excellent scrap. Let’s wait and see what happens with this one first.
I never ever get personal on websites but I have to now. I have been getting into fights with my friends every since this situation about blood testing hit the news streams. I have had to resort to using my personal experiences to make people understand Manny's stance. So I told my friends that I overheard a
supervisor at my old job ask somebody how can I afford my car on my salary. That supervisor had no idea if I had another job, if I lived with my parents and I had no bills except the car note, hell he didn't even know for sure if it was my car or not. Now I asked my friends if my supervisor asked me to give him a copy of bank statements for the last year and he wanted extensive copies of my credit reports, would they do it if they were me. I also asked them if that same supervisor asked me to give more urines than any other person at that job ever had to, just because he thought I was a drug dealer because there would be no other concievable way I could afford my car and if I sold drugs I could partake in some drug use. Not one of my friends who are on Floyd Mayweathers side could answer me and say yes I would give in to the supervisor. Sometimes principle outweighs
Ishe Response: Yea it was hard to follow you but I get your point

this is turning into a very ugly and messy situation.
Closing thoughts and Nuggets: With steroid use plaguing this generation in mostly every sport, one must appreciate how great Bernard Hopkins has been to the sport of boxing. This guy continues to dominate the sport and is doing so at the young age of 44, when most boxers are completely done by this age, not only has he dominated, but he has remained on top of the sport at this age. I don’t know if this has ever been done before by any fighter at this age in the history of boxing, this guy is being called out by other fighters, unbelievable. Truly one of the greatest fighters in boxing history and he will be missed when he is gone....I think Berto’s speed will be a lot for Shane Mosley to deal with come Jan 30th, Oscar always gave Shane problems and one can argue that Berto is more athletic than Oscar, should be interesting...Paul Williams going back down to welterweight might be a good move for the champion...How could Pavlik not be ready for Williams, but be ready a week later, things that make you go hmmmm...Will the real American Heavyweights please stand up...When promoters are often being accused of blood sucking leaches, I don’t think Lou Dibella was given much credit for stepping down as Taylor’s promoter, props to Lou...When will Julio Jr. fight anyone with a pulse? I heard that Yuri Foreman was going to defend his belt against Powel Wolak on the undercard of Money vs. PacMan, if that fight happens, can you think of anyone more deserving of a title shot at 154lbs then Wolak? Where oh where did Harry Joe Yorgey go? Paging Lennox Lewis, please apply for US Citizenship and bring a title to the US, Paging George Foreman, we are in need of some serious help. My boy Iron Mike, please come out of retirement and become champion again...If you judge a fight 120 to 108 or 118 to 110 in a highly contested fight, and the other judges have it 115-113 either way, you should be banned a year and have to apply for a re-instatement...good to see back in heavy rotation, good to have you back Greg...Hottest Rap Album of the year, Blue Print 3, Hottest R&B Album of the Year, Ready (Trey Songz), worst call of the year goes to Kanye West for interrupting Taylor Swift’s speech...back to boxing, worst judge of the year, Gale E. Van Hoy, how can a fighter call you out before a fight, and you prove him right by handing in one of the worst scorecards of the year? Ok boys and girls I am signing off, ema