As far as the p4p debate and boxing analysts---On one hand theres no denying that critics have racial bias to SOME degree, even if only subconsciously, you can usually put together their history of fight picks and rankings and whatever their ethnicity is and see which type of fighter they tend to favor-- Prejudice is our nature.
All That shit is irrelevant though because 1. Boxing Analysts have to back up their opinions with facts and logic to be taken seriously. People who argue for Loma point out the names on his resume. The case for Crawford is his unified champ status.
and 2. Whatever is said about a fighter will not effect the outcome of the fight. If you look at racist ass Jack London writing about Jack Johnson back in the day, none of that shit he wrote could save James Jeffries from getting beat to a pulp.
All That shit is irrelevant though because 1. Boxing Analysts have to back up their opinions with facts and logic to be taken seriously. People who argue for Loma point out the names on his resume. The case for Crawford is his unified champ status.
and 2. Whatever is said about a fighter will not effect the outcome of the fight. If you look at racist ass Jack London writing about Jack Johnson back in the day, none of that shit he wrote could save James Jeffries from getting beat to a pulp.