Bootlegging...pros and cons

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May 9, 2002
The Last Word said:
You're naive to think that you can equate "trailors" to downloading.

Gimme a break.
Why?Im "previewing" before i think its with my money...

To quote Riley Freeman:

"At what point does personal responsibility become a factor in this equation?"

So if YOU (the consumer) can't manage your money it's the artists fault ... right???
Youre missing the point...i HAVE that kinda money...doenst mean i want to WASTE it...cut the crap...

Give me more examples other than (and before) JT of cats recylcling and you might have a more valid point. What's crazy is that JT fucked it up for a lot of indie labels as well as pissing off fans...
I dont need to give other just verified it for your last sentence....

I honestly dont care what you think of gonna KEEP DLn albums...and ima KEEP spending the money on the ones that deserve it...

And I stil dont see WHY people think its such a big NOT burning copies for the NOT selling em burned on eBay....they stay ON my computer...if i DONT like the gets DELETED right away....

Im NOT takin money out of ANY artists only puttin money into the pockets of artists that MAKE GOOD ALBUMS...and this is MY way if finding that out...

Have a good day sir...
May 9, 2002
Oh and just as an exapmle...

I DL'd the Mossie album on Tuesday night....i liked it...went out YESTERDAY and bought it...

I DL'd the DB'z album...i only liked 4 i dumped it...and i will NOT buy it....

^^^Thats WRONG in your eyes????If need your EYES examined homie...
Apr 25, 2002
the problem is the majority of rap consumers nowadays don't have as much integrity as you, especially in the bay area. if they did, then our local artists would be pushing numbers like they do down south.

i agree with the whole "previewing before buying" thing, because yes, there is a lot of garbage being put out these days. however, i feel it should be on the artists' terms (a la Northern Ridaz) because like i said above, not everyone goes out and buys an album they downloaded that they "liked".
May 9, 2002
NICKpro RM said:
the problem is the majority of rap consumers nowadays don't have as much integrity as you, especially in the bay area. if they did, then our local artists would be pushing numbers like they do down south.

i agree with the whole "previewing before buying" thing, because yes, there is a lot of garbage being put out these days. however, i feel it should be on the artists' terms (a la Northern Ridaz) because like i said above, not everyone goes out and buys an album they downloaded that they "liked".
A voice of reason...thank you Nick!!

Definition of bootleg:

boot·leg ( P ) Pronunciation Key (btlg)
v. boot·legged, boot·leg·ging, boot·legs
v. tr.
1.To make, sell, or transport (alcoholic liquor) for sale illegally.

2.To produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally: a clandestine outfit that bootlegs compact discs and tapes.

Im not doing ANY of that...

And to define produce:

pro·duce ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-ds, -dys, pr-)
v. pro·duced, pro·duc·ing, pro·duc·es
v. tr.
1.To bring forth; yield: a plant that produces pink flowers.
a.To create by physical or mental effort: produce a tapestry; produce a poem.
b.To manufacture: factories that produce cars and trucks.

4.To cause to occur or exist; give rise to: chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed.

5.To bring forth; exhibit: reached into a pocket and produced a packet of matches; failed to produce an eyewitness to the crime.

6.To supervise and finance the making and public presentation of: produce a stage play; produce a videotape.
Mathematics. To extend (an area or volume) or lengthen (a line).
Apr 26, 2002
cruzslug said:
honestly.... how many people u think actually go and buy an album after they download it off the internet?? even if they like it.. u think everyone runs out and buys it? majority prolly dont even if they still slap it
i can honestly say i BUY tha shit IF I LIKE IT.

me, personally, i'm a music collector, so i don't want a collection of burnt cds. i want tha originals. plus i rap and i understand that rappers make a living off this shit. but i also got money, so that might change alot of things. fold.
Nov 7, 2005
these artists need 2 step it up. drop a cd/dvd combo like messy do and people got a reason to buy your shit.i dl shit all the time cuz a lot of these bay albums got like 2-3 slappers and the rest is garbage.ima spend my bread on some quality shit not just any shit.
Apr 19, 2005
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
A voice of reason...thank you Nick!!

Definition of bootleg:

boot·leg ( P ) Pronunciation Key (btlg)
v. boot·legged, boot·leg·ging, boot·legs
v. tr.
1.To make, sell, or transport (alcoholic liquor) for sale illegally.

2.To produce, distribute, or sell without permission or illegally: a clandestine outfit that bootlegs compact discs and tapes.

Im not doing ANY of that...

And to define produce:

pro·duce ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-ds, -dys, pr-)
v. pro·duced, pro·duc·ing, pro·duc·es
v. tr.
1.To bring forth; yield: a plant that produces pink flowers.
a.To create by physical or mental effort: produce a tapestry; produce a poem.
b.To manufacture: factories that produce cars and trucks.

4.To cause to occur or exist; give rise to: chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed.

5.To bring forth; exhibit: reached into a pocket and produced a packet of matches; failed to produce an eyewitness to the crime.

6.To supervise and finance the making and public presentation of: produce a stage play; produce a videotape.
Mathematics. To extend (an area or volume) or lengthen (a line).
Yo, you're taking this waay to personal. You keep saying "I" and "Me" and "I'm" as if this whole topic is about YOU in particular when it isn't.

As Nick Pro pointed out, the majority have the attitude that 'igodummy' has: why pay for it when you can get it for free? It's as simple as that.

When you go to the meat counter at the supermarket, they allow you to taste test a slice of whatever meat you want before you buy a sandwhich. They don't GIVE you a whole sandwhich and hope you like it then buy it. They would go out of business if they did that.
May 17, 2004
i havent bought a cd thats been more than 15 bucks in years...every bay cd is at sale at rasputins from 9-15 and thats including tax...mossie was the most expensive cd i bought recently and that was still only 13.99
May 9, 2002
The Last Word said:
Yo, you're taking this waay to personal. You keep saying "I" and "Me" and "I'm" as if this whole topic is about YOU in particular when it isn't.

As Nick Pro pointed out, the majority have the attitude that 'igodummy' has: why pay for it when you can get it for free? It's as simple as that.

When you go to the meat counter at the supermarket, they allow you to taste test a slice of whatever meat you want before you buy a sandwhich. They don't GIVE you a whole sandwhich and hope you like it then buy it. They would go out of business if they did that.
No....but i feel like I get grouped in there....i dont like being labeled something im not...
Apr 19, 2005
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
You must like gettin the last word...or argueing with me...whatever the case...dont act all innocent...its not cute...
Nothin wrong with a good debate, dog. You have your point of view and I have mine. You might be used to cats backing down from you but you won't get that from me. Acting innocent? What does that even mean??

Again it aint all about YOU. You ever think that, maybe ... just maybe ... you're the one arguing with me? :rolleyes: