Defiant2Silence said:
Now lets think about this should I visit every hood and ask every blood who the good artist are? lol naw I didnt think so. Now fagggits i keep explaining this shit but yall dont want to listen. I banged as a teen and been away from the lifestyle for a while. Now I dont get if you guys are being ignorant or just think you can by pass what I say and put your 2 useless cents in for me. Yes I do live in Montana now alright fag boys, I use to live in Belltown, Seattle and the Suburbs of San Diego. Now if I want to now of some blood artist I havent heard of then thats my fucking business. This simple thing for yall would to keep your fucking mouth shut and just answer a simple fucking question without trying to get into my personal life.
You are such a wannabe that its making me hurt from laughing. You use to BANG in Belltown?For one, Belltown is the upscale part of downtown. You know how much an apartment goes for in Belltown???It cost $900 for a fuckin STUDIO. Belltown isnt a turf, set, nor does it any ethnic culture, all its residents are WHITE. The most expensive petnhouse sweet in the US is in Belltown. Its owned by a former Microsoft employee.
The only thing you banged was you and your little buddies in your moms basement thinking you were all tough. What were you, Belltown Bloods?Or were you one of another LONG line of wannabe NSB's???Nah, couldnt be. You sound like youve never even been to the North, you only HEARD it was hood.
Youre a clown. And I know your white cus you moved to MONTANA. Either that, or youre Native, but I highly doubt that.
Anyways, stop playing the role like youre some "thug who turned his life around", cus the whole Belltown comment runied your personna. You are not, nor were EVER, a Blood.