Black teen receives 10 Years imprisonment for oral sex

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May 13, 2002
I don't know if I'm late on this story, but I just heard it today on the radio and immediately looked it up online. The story is about 17 year old Genarlow Wilson, who received oral sex from a fellow teenager (the girl was 15) and now he has to spend 10 years in prison because of redneck/racist Georgia laws.

HERE is the link to the story. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, here is a brief summary:

Genarlow Wilson was 17 years old, High School football star, homecoming king, honor student and had scholarships to several college football programs. He want to party and a girl performed oral sex on him, she admittedly stated that she initiated the act. No funny business; no rough stuff, no rape, no nothing, a 100% consensual sexual act between two teenagers.

But because of Georgia law, it is a misdemeanor for teenagers less than three years apart to have sexual intercourse, but a felony for the same kids to have oral sex.

Read that again.


This is a classic case of church influencing the state as well as a classic case of racism in amerika.

The first time the Supreme Court voted on Genarlow's case, it was 4-3. The four judges who voted against the black teen were white. The three judges who voted for him were black.

Since then, they have changed the law so that oral sex is now a misdemeanor (which is still barbaric), however the new law does not apply to Genarlow Wilson since he was convicted before the law was created. So he is sitting in jail for a crime that if he committed today would not be in jail.


God bless redneck amerika.


Sicc OG
Dec 10, 2005
just like in that american history x movie when's the black man gets arrested and gets amount of years just for stealing a t.v. and dropping accidentally on cop's foot


Apr 25, 2002
Some of the mentally challanged (especially the bed buddy of someone who currently has a post in this thread) didn't grasp the fact that, he was offered a deal before AND after the trial. He would still be required by law to register as a sex offender, so why not take the deal they offer AFTER you've been CONVCTED?