bipolar disorder

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a lot of doctors diagnose people with all kinds of shit they don't have just for the sake of pushing meds IMO
May 9, 2002
yeah being a bad drunk is something else...i have that too lol

well thanks for all the info, Dr. I Fucked Your are right tho...her mom suffered terrible sexual, physical, and emotional abuse throughout her childhood

Intersting read on Wikipedia:

DID is a controversial diagnosis and condition, with much of the literature on DID being generated and published in North America, to the extent that it was regarded as a phenomenon confined to that continent. Even within North American psychiatrists, there is a lack of consensus regarding the validity of DID,with some researchers considering it a culture bound, iatrogenic condition though this idea has not been accepted by a number of researchers in the field. The DSM is explicit about the controversy over the condition. Diagnoses of multiple personalities peaked in the mid 1990s then sharply declined and may now not have widespread scientific acceptance.
I did not even look at Wiki's page on this til just now, but they say this too:

"Some believe that DID should be re-classified as a trauma disorder."

If i ever become a research psychologist, I would like to work with people who specifically suffer from this condition. It is the most fascinating of all the mental disorders.
May 16, 2002
Jesus, Gemini...that's the shits. props to you for sticking it out tho...for your family's sake i'm sure

Yeah Brugh, that is the main reason. I'm not the throw your hands up and walk away type of dude. I can't look at my kids 18 years from now and not have a legit reason for leaving (if it comes to that).

Seeking her counsuling and seeking the right meds (that help) is the the last straw in the hat I'm drawing right now. That's after trying everything else. After this, we'll see where it goes.

LOL!!!! trust me when I say it's a handful of shit to have to go through's not for weak muthaphuckaz. It's a must to have a hard shell over you when dealing with this.
Mar 21, 2007
yeah, its hard finding those doctors

they also say a lot of the pills can do some damage to you

i remember in my Business Law class

there was a part were we studied on some antidepressant lawsuits,

some people go savage after they start taking that stuff

i also dont get it when i watch the commercials

and it says "this pill might lead to suicide" which sounds kinda backwards of what an anti-depressant should be doing


but if you are taking pills, they are only to help.
and you still should be trying to get over your problems instead of letting the high of a pill temporarily make you forget about them

ya feel me
Jul 2, 2008
i guess it all depends on the person really.....i have never been actually diagnosed with bi polar cuz i dont go to the doctors and refuse to be on medication......but have been accused of having it and my biological father has had it all his life and everyone says im exactly like him so its possible i have it too......

but i also have some traits of schizophrenia which my brother has really bad to the point where he has been hospitalized on many occasions and now hes sittin in county jail on his way to Napa state hospital possibly for the rest of his life as a result of his disorder getting out of hand....

all i know is when im super on one i know i am....when im snapping at people i know why.....when im hella depressed and not giving a fucc about shit i know im acting that way and im aware if its bothering anyone BUT I JUST DONT if anyone says they arent aware i guess they either lying or just different....cuz im always aware of how im acting but its a selfish thing like i said before.....

Drugs have a lot to do with it too....when im high im way less likely to feel depressed but very likely to be in a manic state.....and when i come down off whatever it is i been on i hate the world until im high again....
May 3, 2002
My girl is now suffering with depression when it first hit her she wouldnt talk to anyone (me through text), go anywhere, he daughter is her life and pride and joy and she sent her off to her daughters dad because she couldn't be there for her, gave up on her bills, stopped working. Now she has gone back to work has her daughter and lives with me but its a long healing process. She has to take meds for a minimum of six weeks after she peaks and she has not hit her peak yet and this happened beginning of April, she is not one to take pills and she hates it because she has to take pills for her depression and pills for her to sleep because her depression pills make her restless. Her scape goat for all of this is the casino and is beginning to tear her and I apart but I know I need to be there for her.
Jun 4, 2004
My uncle was like that he wasn't violent or anything.... but he would talk crazy and shit... he ended up killing him self......

I feel bad for anyone that has to deal with mental illness... it ain't easy.
May 9, 2002
i think if they truly dont remember the shit they do or say then its worse than just bi polar.... more on the verge of schizophrenia.....
There are a handful of disorders that have amnesia as a sympton, mostly dissociative disorders. Mood disorders are remembered mostly, except in extreme manic depression, where someone can actually "black out" and not remember their state.
Nov 1, 2005
Bipolar Teens & Drug Use
Saturday June 7, 2008
Did you know that teen with bipolar disorder are 18 times more likely to have used drugs? BuddyT, the Guide to Alcoholism, shares, "Adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorder should be carefully screened for drug and alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking, because they are at significantly higher risk for developing substance abuse problems, according to research conducted at the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston."
Feb 1, 2006
im bipolar as is my dad and 2 of my best friends. it's different for everyone. personally alot of the time im aware of my mood swings and i feel them coming on and taking over. so ill try to just get away from everyone or smoke. otherwise ill be hella irritated and flash on people, and no, i wont give a fuck. whether im sad or mad or annoyed or whatever, i can't help it. i might be aware of it but i cant do anything about it except smoke trees. i won't want to be in a bad mood but it just happens and im stuck there. my dad on the other hand is completely in denial of his mood swings and is not aware of them.