Bill Nye the Science Guy booooooooooed!

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Jun 15, 2005
JLMACN said:
No harm intended. I just saw what you wrote about people believing the earth was flat and Galileo knew it wasnt but people did not believe him. The church punished him.

I hope you understand that I know this.

They also gouged out Copernicus' eyes.

I'll take "Shit You Should Already Know" for $800, Alex.
Mar 12, 2005
enserio said:
Most likely the moon. And if so, then the Bible got it wrong.

And what?

If I'm not mistaken people back then still believed the earth was flat.
You're right if an ignorant Christians passes off that answer, he's a dumbass. Ancient Jews used to believe that the moon was a source of light, but knowing what we know today it's just a reflection of the Sun's Light. Those Waco people are Wacko.

@JLMACN, LOL saying you thought Enserio didn't know, Enserio's a teacher. LOL
Dec 8, 2005
as much trouble i have with relgiious groups, waco was little less than a massacre of US civillians, i dont believe there was an "accidental" fire. the feds atf etc knew what they were doing, and they bulldozed the property shortly after the whole thing transpired.
Aug 26, 2002
2-0-NINE said:
You're right if an ignorant Christians passes off that answer, he's a dumbass. Ancient Jews used to believe that the moon was a source of light, but knowing what we know today it's just a reflection of the Sun's Light. Those Waco people are Wacko.

@JLMACN, LOL saying you thought Enserio didn't know, Enserio's a teacher. LOL

Clown, do you read?

I was not assuming you did not know that...

I suppose I was indirectly talking to the 80% of this board that does not know, using your quote.

my bad if it came across the wrong way.
Apr 8, 2005
nhojsmith said:
why dont the theists on this board defend their brothers in waco? i want someone to explain to me how the bible, the revleation of god, got this wrong.
i would of expected someone as seemingly educated as yourself to be able to logically figure this out. the original language of the bible was not english, calling it a light is probably the closest translation that made sense.
Dec 8, 2005
thatguy said:
i would of expected someone as seemingly educated as yourself to be able to logically figure this out. the original language of the bible was not english, calling it a light is probably the closest translation that made sense.
so god only spoke a language that could not be fully translated to english, thereby making his revelation inherently biased not only against english speakers but against everyone since the first transcription was not even in the language that god spoke. the english translation is invalid and will never capture the true revelation of the divine creator because at best its just the closest translation that made sense to the given translator at the time? the greeks did not have a word for reflect? in fact, at best, the bible can only be viewed as a metaphor and nothing should be taken literally because it could simply be a translation error? the faith of billions rests not upon the old testament and jesus, but upon their faith in an unknown and unnamed translator with unknown motivation and unknow intentions? theists actually hold the translator as GOD? i can dig it.


could it maybe be that the bible was written by man without divine intervention and the author explained god creating the lesser light because he thought himself that the moon was an actual source of light? he misappropriates the creation of the moonlight as a distinct light from the sun that ruled the day because he in fact did not know the two were related. further he considers the sun the greater light even though it is an indistinct star because he did not understand that the sun was in fact a star


someone as seemingly educated as myself does not logically believe the bible is divine. i also logically conclude that the authors did not know light reflectd off the moon, i conclude they thought it was self powered, but clearly less powerful than the sun thus calling it the lesser light, i conclude they did not know the sun was a star, i conclude that the religious ultimately place faith not in a higher power, but in a power they can match, in their fellow man for giving an accurate transcript of a supposed meeting with god, i conclude with your condescention that you meant to begin your post by saying "i would have"
Mar 12, 2005
thatguy said:
i would of expected someone as seemingly educated as yourself to be able to logically figure this out. the original language of the bible was not english, calling it a light is probably the closest translation that made sense.
Dude, how long and how much effort have you done in studying the bible, it's original text, meanings of phrases during the times of the accounts given and other things pertaining to the bible? Man! Do you subscribe to any religion?
Mar 12, 2005
JLMACN said:
WHITE DEVIL.....that video in your sig is fucking HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!

Is that STockton???????


HAHA damn c'mon foo you already seen my pic. LOL that foo would get DPd(Dispiclined) for his stupid actions