Bible Contradictions...

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Aug 8, 2003
Lol i was watchin a minister preach on tv a few dayz ago and he said...

"the devil will make you second guess... too place doubt... he wants u too question everything you have been taught"

Im sorry but i was taught NOT too follow blindly and too..yes... question things... I think its foolhardy not too ask questions about something pertaining too such a vague book such as the bible.. Im not god bashing or anything but i doubt many people think of these things.. they have been taught that... so thats the way it will be no matter what anyone else says to them... Theres no problem in that because conviction is rare now a dayz and if believing there is a god above your head watching your every move is your way of keeping you in line or keeping u warm and cozy inside then more power too you...but...claiming someone is a heretic or is being blasphamous is so important too some religons because it keeps them in line.. how often have u heard someone say "dont read that, thats the devils book".. or "dont listen too him/her cuz he/she worships the devil"...or even "dont say that or u will go to hell".... all scare tactics too keep people afraid about learning other ideologys/religous ways.The devil is SOOOOOO important too christian/catholic beliefs because if there were no "devil or hell" then why would people wake up every sunday morning and drag their asses out too a church full of people who "love" each other but dont practice that same love outside of gods temple.

guess what im trying to say is in cases where it keeps people afraid too look anywhere else for answers....ignorance is bliss...
Dec 7, 2004
TROLL said:
wow i almost forgot about this thread...

No offense taken, we are all entitled too our own opinion. i was unsure wether u jus came on here and said that too start shit...
Thanx for clarfying

Yes i agree and thats what i meant when i said to contagious locc "its what YOU make of it." But what im saying is, that, i kno personally if i had too comprehend for my own what something says and this thing is supposed to pretty much spell out how we were created and is too be the guideline of salvation... I can easily read ANYTHING and interpet it as something else...for example...

"the best part of waking up.. is folgers in your cup."

Does it mean that im going to really enjoy my coffee??? or is my day going to be so horrible that this cup will be the highlight of my day???

I dont think deciphering what it says was the authors intent.. some of the contradictions are spelled out clear enough that your unable too interpet them as anything else
Yes spelled out clear to the minds of our generation, but they can have different meanings at the the time they were writtin, for example Slang used nowadays is way different then slang 20 years ago, imagine how much lanuage has changed in 5 centuries....Remember the king james bible was written in 1611

Well.. maybe thats why some "fell from grace" because instead of trying in vain too comprehend what something is trying to tell them when one thing is said then few pages later it says otherwise, people would rather jus take life for what it feels too them...
Good point, and thats why people must educate them selves before utilizing the bible, There are too many people who take it literally, and who believe it is the only source to understanding christianity.

So how many people do u think have done that research and used those resources and currently UNDERSTAND the entire bible??
I believe that there people that can understand it completely, for example i can trust my priest or my bible study leader enough to give me an accurate translation of what is meant by eachpassage of the bible, but i dont expect them to cover every specific thought that the authors attempted to express...But i do understand the countless years they have spent in this field..If you want to utilize the bible properly, sitting down and reading every once and a while isnt the right way., like i said before, the bible is not a text book and christianity is not a class.

So.. the bible was MADE for man too learn about our creation and salvation, and yet, as is impossible for us too understand it???..
Its possible, then again it aint easy either..God gave man free will, so if he came to the authors of the bible personaly and just spilled the beans of how the was created, how its gonna end etc... and they created a textbook style bible, mankind would not be able to formulate ideas or opinions on there own, It would eliminate free thought... so understanding the bible and being a follwer of this religion isnt a walk in the park and wasnt intened to be