yep, almost every single person that watches it is gonna have a different take on it.....i dont think there is a real right or wrong answer, on what its about
if you like hard to follow movies like that.... have you ever checked out memento? that movie is also ridiculous, ive watched it like 5 times, and each time i get a new take on what happened, the whole movie you never know wtf is really going on. its a trip
He wasn't underrated, he was plagued with "director's poverty". He ran out of funding on nearly every movie he ever dealt with, and because of the screenplay written by Herman J. Mankiewicz. It was a near direct shot at William Randolph Hearst and ultimately sealed Welles future by directing and starring in it.
1. American Splendor
2. Big Fish
3. 12 Angry Men
4. Cool Hand Luke
5. The Last Castle
if you like hard to follow movies like that.... have you ever checked out memento? that movie is also ridiculous, ive watched it like 5 times, and each time i get a new take on what happened, the whole movie you never know wtf is really going on. its a trip
lol the first scene of the movie is the end of the story, and the last scene is the beginning of the story. its all backwards to try and put you in the main characters shoes, with his memory issue.
Memento was directed and written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan. It plays from end to beginning through a sequence of flashbacks/mind trips, for those of you wanting to know.
lol the first scene of the movie is the end of the story, and the last scene is the beginning of the story. its all backwards to try and put you in the main characters shoes, with his memory issue.
no, cause it plays fowards, you just see it scene by scene from end to beginning, if someone had video editing software, i would be hella interested to watch it in the right order and see how different it is
american beauty, the orphanage, shawshank redemption, titanic, welcome to the dollhouse, crash, pan's labyrinth, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, and the butterfly effect.
pan's labyrinth,.... yeah that was a good movie^^^^
Usual Suspects
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
City of god
Driving Miss daisey
Do the right thing
Full Metal Jacket
Carlito's Way
Dumb And Dumber
Toy Story (I was 5. Thought it was the BEST movie ever)
The Godfather I & II
In No specific order. Movies are dope.
if you like hard to follow movies like that.... have you ever checked out memento? that movie is also ridiculous, ive watched it like 5 times, and each time i get a new take on what happened, the whole movie you never know wtf is really going on. its a trip
imo if you havent watched it already, Primer is one of THE most intricate films ever. i dont want to spoil it for you but its really complicated. you should definitely watch it if you havent already
Boyz 'N The Hood
Menace II Society
Shawshank Redemption
Donnie Darko
La Dolce Vita
Lean On Me
Stand By Me
Butterfly Effect
Gang Related
Kung Pow-Enter The Fist