Theory? What theory? If you get right down to it it is all ones opinion on who is better anyways. Mine is that it was Heath, Mexcom's is it was Jack.
Maybe I shouldn't have said specifics and said with actor A in the old Batman film I still felt like I was watching someone give a performance while with actor B in The Dark Knight I almost totally forgot I was watching someone act as they more or less totally became their character.
Would that take the whole "theory" part away for you?
Also if 75% of Siccness members knew him as "that fag from the fag cowboy movie," which it seems like they did before this movie came out from the posts I read on here, then I would say it is a safe bet that more then 75% of people in general knew who he was outside of a gangster rap message board.
So who did you vote for? What was your opinion?