Bernard Hopkins vs Joe Calzaghe ['08]

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Jul 24, 2005
Calzaghe won the fight. I was unimpressed with both guys. I don't know if either is "done"... maybe they just didn't match up well. Calzaghe couldn't knock out a 2 year old.
hell yeah B they both put on a lacklester fight I hope calzaghe right roy jones I think it will be a way better fight
Dec 18, 2002
I don't know how anyone could see that fight in B-Hops favor...Calzaghe did all he could to get at Hopkins, who was running away the entire fight, throwing a straight right and rushing in with his head down hoping to cut Calzaghe. Then he fakes two low blows late in the fight hoping to have points taken away. Hopkins is a very intelligent boxer but he makes his matches plodding and slow because he never wants to mix it up.

@2-0-Sixx: I'm not sure how you could say that Calzaghe was fighting b-hops fight, he landed more punches on Hopkins than any other boxer who's fought him. Plus, I'm sure Calzaghe would've loved to set up pointed clean punches with his jab and get to work but Hopkins was running away and clinching so much he had to throw pitter patter flurries just to make sure he was winning the rounds.
Aug 31, 2003
Hopkins got 43 years old. That's what happened.

In all honestly I scored it a draw. Calzaghe winning one more round than hopkins, but the knowdown made it a draw. Hopkins landed the harder, cleaner punches, AND more importantly, made calzaghe fight the kind of fight hopkins wanted him to fight, but hopkins basically ran out of gas in the later rounds and calzaghe landed much more of his pillow case punches vs hopkins' two to three hard punches per round. So, Calzaghe won this fight on the higher workrate alone, not because he hurt hopkins or schooled him at all. This is a classic case of the better veteran boxer simply being out worked by the faster/younger fighter that threw more punches in the mid to late rounds Hopkins again landed the harder/cleaner punches, but ran out of gas early, which cost him important rounds.

Regardless of the scoring, I give Hopkins mad credit for doing what he did and knocking down the undefeated champion at age 43. Nothing can take that away from bhop. On the flipside, Joe didn't look impressive AT ALL. He threw piss shots and almost got KO'd two/three times at least. He takes on chad dawson or glen jownson, he's done. He might beat pavlik, but let's see. I thought he mostly threw pillow punches against hopkins, up till the later rounds he landed a few sharp shots, nothing serious though. we'll see.
If Hopkins would've won they'd be saying it's a miracle that he won this fight at 43 years old .. so when he loses his age is to blame? Because he hit the canvas and took hard shots he was almost KO'd? I never once saw Calzaghe look to be out on his feet.

.. and who looks impressive against Bernard Hopkins? Hopkins has the type of style to make you look hideous even if you win.

I was pulling for Hopkins to win but to dismiss Calzaghes win with excuses is craziness homie.
May 13, 2002
i dunno, I was pretty drunk when I wrote that last night. i think cazlaghe simply out worked hopkins, he didn't look that impressive to me (not that hopkins did either) and I honestly think a younger bhop would have won that fight.

I give credit to calzaghe, hopkins is a difficult opponent for anyone and he got the job done.

it was a lackluster performance, disappointing. Maybe roy jones/calzaghe would be more interesting. Surely pavlik/calzaghe would be
Aug 12, 2002
After watching it

A huge overstatement made about Calzaghe...the BEST in his division???


Neither impressed me. Calzaghe outworked and outpointed Hopkins; he couldn't hurt him, he couldn't dominate him. Same for Hopkins; big disappiontment.

Now...wonder if the Jones Jr. fight will happen?

Aug 31, 2003
After watching it

A huge overstatement made about Calzaghe...the BEST in his division???


Neither impressed me. Calzaghe outworked and outpointed Hopkins; he couldn't hurt him, he couldn't dominate him. Same for Hopkins; big disappiontment.

Now...wonder if the Jones Jr. fight will happen?

The SMW divison isn't very old or established. Calzaghe is the best in his division. I can't think of any top fighter who hasn't had a lackluster fight in their career. Calzaghe isn't a power puncher, he's a volume puncher so it's no surprise that he couldn't hurt Hopkins.

Calzaghe gets props for winning. Win today, impress tomorrow.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
I think Calzaghe did the best he could and he took the fight to Hopkins... but to me Hopkins looked faster on the inside. It was a hard fight to score... I thought Hopkins could have probably KO'd Calzaghe if he was more aggressive. That punch he landed when he knocked Calzaghe down was on the money. I picked Calzaghe because I figured he would outwork Hopkins and Hopkins would lose rounds due to not punching enough and that's pretty much what happened. If this was the Hopkins that fought Trinidad he would have KO'd Calzaghe.
Dec 9, 2005
Out of all of the punches that Joe landed, maybe 20 of them had anything on them.

I don't know...he outworked Bernard, but was constantly getting beat to the punch and never really got into his rythym. Whoever said B-Hop fought Joe's fight is ridiculous. Joe fought Bernard's fight, but its just another case of the judges giving the busier fighter the nod.

I think that Bernard's style is not going to win him a lot of close fights, especially when you have a guy like Joe who has little to no power, and is just out there scoring points like in the amateur ranks.

Prize fighting, IMO, should be more about the damage inflicted, and not so much the volume of the punches, otherwise your going back to the amateur style fights where people are just trying to put gloves on each other for points.
Aug 31, 2003
Prize fighting, IMO, should be more about the damage inflicted, and not so much the volume of the punches, otherwise your going back to the amateur style fights where people are just trying to put gloves on each other for points.
I agree but you can't just say, ok Hopkins did more damage than Calzaghe so he wins the fight. That damage has to be kept with some consistency throughout every round. Because you inflict damage in a round or two means nothing if you refuse to throw punches. If neither fighter gets damage in that round then the fighter with the higher workrate/connects will take the round.

This is the same reason why I though that Dawson/Johnson was very close. Dawson was definitely badly hurt during the fight. Dawson took the much harder punches and was more susceptible to being stopped during the fight. That wasn't the case for every round though. Dawson should good boxing and composure and took a lot of rounds from Johnson by getting off good combinations and not allowing Johnson to fire back as much. The combinations didn't seem to do much damage to Johnson but they still secured Dawson that round.

... the point of my rant is pretty much that in decision you have to look at every round and not just say "how the fuck did he win he was dropped in the first minute of the fight."
May 13, 2002
So, like I do after most big fights, I make gifs. this was no Marquez/Vazquez so good/hard punches worthy of being made into a gif were simply almost nonexistent. Very tedious task.

Joe batting at spider webs, followed by nice headbutt and right hand from hopkins:

The Knockdown:

Joe: who said I cant be dirty too?:



Settin traps:


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Man this fight could have went either way now that I think about it. Hopkins landed the more effective blows but it wasn't enough to impress the judges. It reminded me of De La Hoya and Mayweather (another split decision). That's how close this fight was. If this was the Hopkins that fought Trinidad, Calzaghe would have gotten knocked out.
May 13, 2002
yeah I agree with you tony. Older bhop would have got the KO, or at least a clear decision. I think he obviously got tired at the end, and couldn't do enough to win rounds. Which going all the way back to the beginning of his long career, that never ever happened before.

Oh well