No one is saying the ufc sucks I think its coo, it just shouldn't be compared to boxing. Boxing takes a lifetime of training to become some body, not great but just a somebody. Ufc any muthafuckin football player/ wwe wrestler that feels like joining can become the champ within 2 years. That shit is trash!
Now get over it!
Hahaha. Wait a second, this foo just said "no one is saying UFC sucks" and he thinks it's "coo" but then says "that shit is trash"? Way to contradict yourself there.
Then "Pride>UFC"? You do realize Pride is (was) MMA right? Not sure what you're trying to say there.
Any football player can become champ huh? Maybe you should youtube the Ultimate Fighter. Wes Shivers, ex-NFL player couldn't catch his breath after 2 minutes of fighting and got beat by somebody about 30-40 pounds lighter. Marcus Jones looks like he's gonna be on the same path. Johnnie Morton got knocked the fuck out, and there's been more. Seriously, like I said, if you don't like MMA that's absolutely fine. Not everybody does. But to make up stupid shit in desperation to bash the sport is just ridiculous and ignorant. Do yo thang playa, but don't be a hater.