And you're the Hopkins of the siccness, you stay hatin'. Well I can't really call you Hopkins because you're picking Floyd to beat Shane (easily) and you would pick Floyd to beat Pacman too if they fought. So I can't really call you the Hopkins of the siccness because you don't let your hate affect your predictions. Hopkins always or most of the time picks against Floyd.
I guess Bernard can go back to laughin' at another dude for having so called money problems.
Lol, yall 2 going back and forth constantly is pretty funny, 2-0 I don't know why u bother. Tony thinks differently and ur definitely not gonna change his opinion
I don't know you should know you're the one that keeps tabs of all his PPV revenues, etc. always talking about how much he sells and this and that like you get a percentage of his checks for nuthuggin so hard
LMFAO^^^^^ I just said that Mayweather is the biggest draw in boxing and the numbers prove it.... it's the truth but you if you want to call it nuthuggin' then go ahead. Let's stay on topic.
So how much does Floyd owe the IRS in back taxes? Maybe we should ask Bernard huh...
why you asking me? Try google, it's been reported in the news for over a year now, he's had cars and boats and shit taken back, etc. Last I remember he owed them $10 million. Hopefully he paid that off by now
Cause I am trying to stay on topic.... you know I don't want that ADD kickin' in... LMFAO, save the gossip for the girlies. Since Hopkins brags so much about being in a 5x5 cell maybe he should revisit the prison rule book and stay out of other folks business.
What's funny is I changed it to homoter before trips posted that article. Check the other thread, Hopkins feels like a hoe now. I know, I know it's the ADD right? Lol
What's funny is I changed it to homoter before trips posted that article. Check the other thread, Hopkins feels like a hoe now. I know, I know it's the ADD right? Lol
I think Bhop's point he was trying to make was save your money becuz in 20-30 yrs when your done with boxing. You want to be able to relax and not have to worry about how your going to pay your next bill.
I think he was trying to get across to floyd was to think more down the road. To see the whole picture not just the here and now.