Man, I stayed faded for many days after the show. i was hella the life of the party for a month calling people like "don't worry, I got the beer. You just bring your fine ass self." Little did they know what kind of beer I had. LMAO
co-sign we dont like you domestic beer drinkers all you try to do is make us look bad with your better taste and fancier bottles get tha fucc out of here LOL*
BAHAHAHA My friend tried to bring Grolsch to a party one time and act like he was so much better than everyone drinking Bud Light. The mother fucker got hammered off that shit and stabbed himself in the eye when he tipped the bottle too far upward and that plug thing hit him.
Man, I stayed faded for many days after the show. i was hella the life of the party for a month calling people like "don't worry, I got the beer. You just bring your fine ass self." Little did they know what kind of beer I had. LMAO
co-sign we dont like you domestic beer drinkers all you try to do is make us look bad with your better taste and fancier bottles get tha fucc out of here LOL*
fucc sierra nevada mod can we ban this domestic beer drinker from are ghetto malt liquor thread he is about to cause an all out war the domestics vs the malt liqua sippaz boi i would take a few steps on bak if u knew wat was good for u LOL
fucc sierra nevada mod can we ban this domestic beer drinker from are ghetto malt liquor thread he is about to cause an all out war the domestics vs the malt liqua sippaz boi i would take a few steps on bak if u knew wat was good for u LOL