First of all, no, you won't likely have to track out every beat you make because it's not likely you will sell every beat you make. Let's use some better logic... Nobody should need reminding of this but just for the sake of saying it, your TIME = MONEY. Now let's say you make 50 beats and only sell half of them. It will have been a complete waste tracking out all 50.
To say it would be a waste tracking them out is your opinion. Yes TIME=MONEY but that should come into play when someone is charging by the hour. Are you telling me YOU don't take the time to track out beats so they are ready to go for yourself (if you rap), your artists (if you have them) and clients? Why not keep something on hand for the spur of the moment type who need shit asap?
You make 50 and only slang half? 25 beats sold and it took you less than 25 hours to track out all 50. Do the math here man you aren't loosing out on ANY loot because it's all YOUR shit. YES you could charge by the hour,multi track each instrument and make some extra dough but how much? I really don't see the logic here.
Next, when you have a paying client, they decide when the beat is "ready". Sometimes they're happy with how you have it but they may want changes in the sequencing and/or song arrangement... Why track something out when you might have to go back, make changes and track it out all over again anyways? Pointless and a waste of time.
Speaking from personal experience it wasn't the client who decided when the beat was ready but myself. They relied on my judgement and call. Lets say you have a song comprised of 16 tracks of MUSIC. If you track each part out, for 8 bars (or however long its looped for) you can give the files to the client. You are NOT dealing with song arrangement and sequencing at this point because you simply have 8 bar loops that can be cut and pasted to taste. Once again I see no logic in your statement.
Come on.
where are we going?
I know, work with and advise a good number of a-list producers.
This means what to me?
this point in time I do the *SAME* thing you just told me YOU do so whats your point?
Practically all of them do stereo mixes and the smart ones do keep several backups of their sequences/sounds/etc.
Quick question why are these a-list producers doing stereo mixes? Are they doing stereo mixes for sample cd's? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you say the cats you work with don't do sample cd's? The main thing I'm trying to drive home is keeping multiple back ups and to be ready.
I can't however, name a single person who tracks out all their music ahead of time, especially before any money has changed hands.
Because YOU don't know of a single person does that mean it doesn't happen? Since we are speaking on PRODUCERS *AND* COMPOSERS(please clarify if you are referring to composers or producers) I know SEVERAL who have tracked the beat out and had it ready to go for the artist. Hell I did it for the funk on site 2 compilation. I had the beat tracked out, arranged and ready to go BEFORE the money had come into my hands. I told them it was an 8 intro, 16 verse, 8 hook,16 verse,8 hook,16 verse, 8 hook, 16 outro. I did it like this because I had several parts in the song that were NOT looped (like a string segment that played legatto at the end of verse 2). I knew how the music was supposed to sound and understood the MOOD and TENSION I was trying to create with the song. Now I don't know who you work with but I've set down with people watch them make the music, track it out the next day and bam! It's sold or an artist is on the track. I can understand where you are coming from if you bill by the hour but if thats not where your coming from........
In the real world your beats are only worth what someone is willing to pay you.
Thats up for debate man I can't put a price on art or music. I can't say the next cats beat is worth 5 million while some other guys beat is worth 6 bucks. Thats in the eye of the beholder or listener and what there budget allows for. When you say a beat is worth xy and z what are we basing it on? The price it was sold for? The style of playing? The equipment used to create it? How much time it took? Just because someone is willing to pay for it doesn't mean it's worth more or less.
Some of the more musically gifted people can just slap beats together with little to no effort at all and have the end result still be way hotter than what other people come up with after several hours or even days. Are you implying that a hot beat that took 30 minutes & little effort to complete is worth less than a piece of crap that took some sap a week to make?
Well according to you it WOULD be worth less if someone is willing to pay the sap more money. If it took a guy 30 minutes to make a slap and another guy a week to make a slap how can I put a price on it? You're comparing the musically gifted with a sap. You're comparing someone who most likely has knowledge and experience to someone who needs a week to make a song. If the person who took 30 minutes to make it put all his creativity, knowledge, experience and talent into it thats cool. If someone on a lower level took a week to refine the beat, correct mistakes and polish it thats cool. As long as they are doing the best to there ability or exceeding that ability who am I to judge it or put a price tag on it?
Splitting out 16 tracks @ 5 minutes in length will typically use anywhere from about 400-800 megs depending on what sample rate, bit-depth and the # of stereo tracks you're using. 5 minutes worth of 96khz 32bit stereo tracks totals 3.5G of harddrive space. Less than a standard DVD. This is really a non-issue and I can't name a single person who is concerned with this.
I have recording equipment and know the stats and specs. Why are you telling me this? You can't name a single person who is concerned with this? Please visit the digi duc or any board where newbies pop up and ask "which is better 16 or 24 bit" or "what sample rate should I record at 44.1, 88.2 or 96khz?" I can name Plenty of people who this is an issue with. Lets start out with those who are NEW to recording or those who have LIMITED space.
I was
paid to work at two months ago. I had to do 4 days at that spot and guess what issue came up? HARD DRIVE SPACE, HOW MUCH WAS BEING USED, HOW LONG IT WOULD TAKE TO BACK IT UP, WOULD THE CLIENT BE CHARGED FOR THE TIME TO DUMP AND BACK IT UP ETC ETC ETC? Believe me it's NOT a non-issue when money is being paid.
While you could just dump a loop and then copy&paste (as you suggested), you're not saving yourself much time (if any).
You are incorrect. You're saving yourself hard drive space AND time.
You still have to dump the same # of tracks and if you have any changes in the beat, choruses, etc, then it's even more dumping and copy&pasting. I don't see many people who arn't splitting atleast 8 tracks per run and since most (rap) beats arn't using more than 16, you've got 10 minutes to split + the time it takes you to set levels. That's a lot less work and easier than tracking out all the different parts to your beat and then rebuilding the song arrangement with loops.
You aren't factoring in how much time it actually took you to create the changes in the beat, choruses, etc in the FIRST place. I'm speaking from my personal experience man. With cubase sx (even when I was using cubase 24 and cubase 5) I would load the midi, arrange the parts, catch levels and dump the tracks. I still do that when the song calls for it but sometimes I dump the loop and cut and paste. You don't see many people who aren't splitting at least 8 tracks per run? Well most workstations only have a main out and 2 individual outs. I can see this happening in the case of multiple sound sources being synced, an mpc with 8 outs or a workstation with Mlan. So who are these people you speak of?
I don't get what you're saying. One minute you're saying to NOT dump the tracks and arrange it and the next minute you're saying it's a lot less work and easier than tracking out all the original parts and rebuilding the song arrangement with loops....
Yes you can do it the way you're suggesting (which I have done) but it takes MORE time and takes MORE hard drive space. Not to mention if you sequence from a workstation or mpc you'll most likely be sequencing/arranging from a smaller screen, with less options (pertaining to audio and midi capabilities) and possible drop outs if the sync isn't stable to actually carry *multiple* stereo tracks. Let's not forget
polyphony issues when multiple parts or busy arrangments are playing (such as a chorus part).
What I'm suggesting is a simple TRANSFER. TRANSFER the parts from the audio source to the recording destination. If you have a song that hasn't been arranged whats wrong with dumping it?
There's a very simple lesson you learn over the years; Don't do work you don't have to do until you're getting paid for it.
Thats a good way to think of things but where would that leave interns or newbies? Would they simply be sitting around waiting or should they do work? Are you saying to not make music until you get a call to make a track?