That's why that have squads so you spawn off your squad-mates. Once someone moves in closer to enemy territory, they hold off firing so others can spawn off of them. You can change squads to work with certain group of players that are close to the front lines, or further back depending on your class. I believe you can also go solo, but I wouldn't suggest it.
IMO Medal of Honor wasn't that bad. If you played it for awhile and see what works it can be pretty fun. I think the graphics were better then BFBC2.
So far seems people are complaining about BF3, talking about the graphics aren't that great and the control sensitivity is too high.
It's a early version, so I'm not going to be picky about it. I remember when BFBC2 demo came out and i hated it with a passion, then the retail came out and it was one of my favorite games.