Im impressed with Equivalent Exchange... damn he came with the break downs all over on that beat... and sounds like he programmed in them himself... talented cat
im not into hooks that much or shout outs, but i did like traximillions production on the errelevent album pictured above. rob lo had a good beat on that one too. i hope jackas tear gas album is like his first, jack artist...... that actually had a few hooks that i liked, but usually i dont like hooks or shout outs at all, no exceptions on shout outs
^Nick, just got the package yesterday. CD is really good, high quality. I'll have some tracks on my show tonight. I'll be at the Murs show in DC this sat, so i'll get some of that promo stuff out there, along with the 5 hour election night hip hop council we're having on Nov. 4th.
^Nick, just got the package yesterday. CD is really good, high quality. I'll have some tracks on my show tonight. I'll be at the Murs show in DC this sat, so i'll get some of that promo stuff out there, along with the 5 hour election night hip hop council we're having on Nov. 4th.