Essqubed said:
Comrade...I've followed Fresno St since Aaron Craver was a star tailback... do you know who that is without having to search google?
I was barely 6 years old when he played, what does it matter what I know about him. Thats cool that you've followed them for so long, I like that, but that knowledge means nothing when talking about recent Fresno State football.
Essqubed said:
I lived in Fresno for a few years & attended several games, not to mention I have associates that used to play FOR the team. I've played wide receiver up through the college level & then some so I know better than to believe "hype" from armchair quarterbacks.
Thats good, do you follow them as a fan or because you lived here, maybe some other reason? Is FSU your team, or just one of them, im interested to know.
Essqubed said:
He's a talented wideout but not the best in College Football
If you put him on Miami, Florida, or some other high-powered offensive team, do you doubt that he would put up heisman numbers? Today he was the only guy playing any football for FSU, they couldn't do a damn thing against the VOL defense, yet he still managed to pick up 170 total yards. Im questioning your judgement because, MANY others like to compare the guy to other receivers who are playing on teams with top 5 recruiting in the nation. Berrian will make it happen weather he's playing for Miami, Fresno St., or the Rutgers.
Essqubed said:
....I send my apologies to your ego.
You must have mistaken me asking a simple question for an ego. If I decide to run circles around you in the knowledge of sports, THEN you can talk ego's.