A, there may not be as many "tags" as there was on the free version, but I'm still going to say that some will remain... at least on the digital version. Maybe the hard pressed version won't have any tags, but then it begs the question as to why they bothered leaving Whoo Kid on the cover. Typically when an artist lets go of a no-DJ version of a mixtape, the DJ's branding from the cover is removed. They did remove DJ Scream though, so they may have removed his "tags."
B, like Kirby said. These verses are for other artists' projects, and therefor they aren't the ones with rights to the instrumentals. Since this is being released to retail (or rather, being sold), they could face legal action for putting a beat on there without proper releases for it. Hence why Hard Liquor has been removed I'm quite sure. In fact, on the beginning of the Move one, Tech states something to the effect of "the reason I'm beating on my chest, is because we don't know the producers who did the beats. We don't want to disrespect them by putting it out" (though again, I'm quite sure it's for legal reasons)
C, regarding Blammers and Burners... I believe that one was recorded for Crook's B.O.S.S. album, and I seem to recall seeing somewhere along the lines that the material for that album was tied up in red tape due to label issues.