I'm from OHIO, and don't think that we don't have our GHETTOS, PIMPS, PLAYAS, HUSTLUZ, ETC. The Mexican population has began to grow here, but there are not many of us! So the majority of us try and stick together! I know the SURENOS and NORTENOS have beef, and some of it I know comes from higher powers, but some of it I don't get! Are you going to hate on me because I'm from OHIO? I like some NORTE and SUR rap, but cats like SPM and BEESH are easier to relate to for me because they're talking about the shit I can relate to, and I'm not saying you don't, but the majority of the music is based on hate of our own people because of territory that we don't control! How can you have a revolution when you can't UNITE? Some one has to try! I've been an outcast all my LIFE because I'm Mexican and because of where I live! White folkz, black folkz, and even other latinoz have tried to hate on me, call me names like TACO, CHILI BEAN, ETC., but I've found some true home boyz and some of them aren't even Mexican! I undestand that we don't have the gang problem that you all have out there, but in the late 99's early 2000's it was getting ugly! Now we have smaller CREWS that try and make money together because the more folks you have, the more folks you have to watch! When those indictments come down, the craziest soldiers will flip! I'm not talking down on anyone because I haven't walked in your shoes, but you haven't walked in mine either! This is just an outsiders oppinion, and right now as far as Chicano rap goes, WE NEED SOMEONE ON TELEVISION, ON RADIO, ETC., SO THAT WE CAN ALL BE HEARD, SO THAT WE CAN VOICE OUR OPPINION TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, AND NO LONGER BE TREATED LIKE WE EXIST TO SERVE! If BEESH and G.LOPEZ are helping us get there, then I'm supporting them! I read the article that the one cat was talking about and BEESH pretty much said that TEJAS is supporting the Latin rap/underground movement and the major artist are getting more love in the BAY! I've heard dope MEXICANS from all accross this country! Right now I'm waiting on a cd from some HERMANOS in Minnesota! The beefing will never stop, but try and support those that are trying to be a VOICE for our RAZA! I have love for all my RAZA from north to south & east to west!