His soundclick page:
Watup this ChucKie AkeNz from T.O Jane N Finch.
Ima Young'n doin dis shit at age 16 just reppin for azns worldwide ya kno gotta show da world we in this game to. Im vietsican(my skill brian damage/chuckie azn,chuckie half spanish) Lol right now im currently recordin ghetto ( cpu mic and speakers) lol here come da questions
Why this name?
I got my name Chuckie from back while i was still in elementry skoo, i use to stab ppo

I gotta thank dese 2 girls for blessin me wit my name
Do you play live?
Ive battled in front of live audiences before and night clubs
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
The internet is a big oppertunity for underground ppl witout da money n fame shit to jus show dere skill ya na? As for mp3s I think its a good thing dat we can share music n shit but wit da illegal copyin deres nothin u can do.
Would you still sign a record contract with a major label?
Fo sho, but as a asian emcee u kno dat almost impossible im still young i gotta a couple years till i try to find some deals.
Band History:
Ive been rappin since i was 12 n been doin ever since each day i learn more n ima keep learnin.
Your influences?
Yo I'd think 2pac played a major role in my becomin, i jus respected his words nah mean how he told the truth n daz why i spit.
Favorite spot?
Jane N Finch dawg T.O!
Equipment used:
Normal 20 dollar computer Mic and Cool edit pro, im on a low low low budget

Wanna buy me a studio?? nah jkin wen i get some money ima go down to the studios fo sho!
Anything else...?
I jus like to say to all my supporters in my hood givin me props n shit n keepin me goin on yo i luv ya'll n if i eva make it im takin bits of dem wit me.