and a little note to the lady, you have porn and it is readily available on the internet, we will find it! and it will see life in the icandy section of our beloved web site! trust that.
I'm watching the great debaters, I don't feel like putting in effort and wit in asking for some pics. you say you're in porn and on some site, let's see it
may I kindly ask what site this is? I'm doing research in sociology and need to find out human behaviors regarding such issues related to the psychology and development of brain patterns...
PM me the link if you're too shy. And you can trust me, it aint like I'm some perv who relishes porn around here. In fact, I hate & despise that filthy smut. Dont worry about the screename either, one of the admins changed it cuz they hatin
may I kindly ask what site this is? I'm doing research in sociology and need to find out human behaviors regarding such issues related to the psychology and development of brain patterns...
PM me the link if you're too shy. And you can trust me, it aint like I'm some perv who relishes porn around here. In fact, I hate & despise that filthy smut. Dont worry about the screename either, one of the admins changed it cuz they hatin