that would be a classic cd and a blueprint for success awol was the first deathrow and the first to put out quality comps that still to this day blow speakers out with that mobb bass lines,allstar line up but matured lyrics all the artist on awol have had some cool solo careers to which is cool its like the motown of gangsta music reunion,ive promoted mostly all of the artists over the years i definetly want to promote this!!!!!!!!! up and down I-5 AND THE MID WEST.................old school mobb style take it to the streets city to city,state to state,block to block ,hood to hood,flyers posters,t-shirts,samples bombin on bootleggers on site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one love to big t,tay,laroo,lil, rizzic,151,luni,marvalous,the mobbfather,dosia,and the whole awol family..............
octavius' the promoter' miller CEO
one love records
seagram records
next level promotions
8714 n.. lombard st
portland oregon 97203
(503) 283-5300 office
(503) 283-7665 fax