Let it be known from this moment and forever more. I didn't come to bow I come to conquer! This project "The Movement" is an ongoing process that we put forth because it was a command from our Lord. This effort was brought forth by a "New" Man. This man is not willing to stand by and accept downpression from black or white downpressors. Whether "B" or "C" anywhere in this whole universal sphere Unity and Justice are the first two principles of this program and the complete overstanding and application of these principles is mandatory. This goes beyond theory. This is what I'm dying on. Keep this dialogue going because it's positive, but overall action is what is necessary. Our enemy is unified against us in every way and I consider anyone willing to participate in the destruciton of our being whether through ignorance or greed my eternal enemy and I declare my intention to correct them in whatever way possible. I will forever hate them in my heart, speak against them with my tongue, and slaughter them with my hands. Let the New Man be you, and prepare yourself for the rise of The Movement.