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Oct 28, 2005
JoMoDo said:
Glad it got a laugh outta ya!
I find e-arguing hilarious. Depending on how it is carried out, it can only help matters by making you more articulate, direct, etc. It is wonderful tool.

If these semantics lead you to this conclusion so be it. We all know who is secure with their identity and who is conflicted.
...? Friend, You called me A White Conservative when you knew for a fact that I was not. I call you a White Liberal because I know you are. Big difference.

Only a heckler as your self would be ashamed of something one has no control over
Makes absoulutely no sense in the context of what you are saying.

I said if i was White, then your boy Crytical was white. You got all huffy and warned me not to bring up his name again. I pointed out that the real reason you are mad is, not because I brought his name up, but because you don't want it being widely known that the man is Half White.

Deny it's true...I really don't care. The Man is Half White and probably proud of it, the same way I am 3/8 white but claim 1/2 and am VERY proud of it. I am sorry you don't know the feeling of having pride in your race or racial make-up.

Holy iSHHH, what a revelation, thanks for sharing with the class
U :mad: @ my newspaper headline?

As well as supporting and a worthy cause which we, as human being should be concerned with (torture, unjust trials, lack of due process, capital punishment) I.e. Nat’l human rights day.
I repeat: A large component is racial grounds.

If you are arguing the Death Penalty is unjust or not the will of the lose. California, one of the most Liberal states in the nation, wants Capital Punishment. There is really no way around that with your "human rights" babbling.

The only thing you have left is Race, and to argue that he was framed (which you did), and to say the case was shoddy and all kinds of other shit. You fail in that too. Court after court has ruled that he had his fair day in court, and that is what matters.

Dirty Shoez said:
Have you ever seen my W2’s? Do you even know where I grew up with, and whom I was kin to? You are a NOBODY with ZERO credentials to qualify or certify anyone on anything
Do your W-2's matter? Does how you grew up or who with matter? You are not willing to explain these things, so the answer is obvious: You're a spoiled middle-class brat who sallied into the hood because you were enamoured with the lifestyle, yet, didn't QUITE want to run away from the comfortable family home so you could go sleep on someone's piss-stained couch, all in the name of being 'down.'

If I'm all means. Explain to me if you're been on Welfare before. Tell me what food bank clothes you have worn. Describe the free meals you ate from the church when you ran out of food stamps. Do all of these things, and stop asking rhetorical questions.

Dang, you’re a stupid a$$ (even dumber that I thought), when a reference is made about someone ‘from the streets’ it does not refer to ‘Box car willie the wino’ Idiot!
Then who, pray tell? The scores of people "from the streets" who are now living in cozy apartments and working a 9-5?

What does "from the streets" mean? Does being growing up on Section 8 and free school lunch qualify? Or does it REALLY mean "Not White Conservatives", like i know you wish it to mean?

Ahh here we go again. What does that have to do with the Tea in China. The pledge of alligence is irrelevant to human rights & capital punishment. Keep soakin’ in Fox News though, you get an A for effort on this spin.
Fox News, for the second time, don't have shit to do with shit. The 9th circuit is a HUGE, SPRAWLING court with jurisdiction for some 40% of the nation's population, and has the HIGHEST rate of overturn in the Supreme Court (i.e., they are run-away liberals the the Supreme Court has been fairly moderate).

That you would deny this and slap a Fox News tag on me as a means to make it all go away.....pathetic.

I’m pretty cool, thanks for asking
U r quite welcome.

So how can you honestly say it is a fair trial if an all white jury already has their preconceived notion of guilt before hearing any testimony or evidence liberal, conservative, socialist, what ever.
Because that is how most human beings are conditioned. We are raised to believe that death is wrong, and murderers are bad. When someone is waltzed in front of a Judge, the first thought in MOST peoples mind is, "I can't believe this man did that"....NOT "Well, this could go either way."

"Presumed Innocent" is worded that way for a reason. They are PRESUMED innocent until conviction; its not that they ARE innocent until convicted.

(BTW, why did you include All White in this? Falling back on the race card again, I see.)

True justice looks at the facts from an objective standpoint. Our current legislative judicial system does not employ this philosophy or uphold this ideal, quite the contrary actually.
And if you said it, then it must be true.

Giving the Defense equal opportunity to speak, the ability to cross-examine witnesses, the ability to seek expert witnesses to testify on their behalf, etc etc....yes, this is quite the contrary to being objective.

Friend...when you are brought to court, 51% or more of the time, you are there for a crime you indeed commmitted. Just like 51% of people in Whore Houses are there for the pussy, and 51% of people in crack houses are there for crack (or in my case: Meth...har har. I'll save you the time.) This is not racism or an unjust society...this is the reality of the world.

Erm....Let's try this next part a new way.

[Jomodo]FYI, SOME white people are racist, SOME aren’t (so stop with your ‘ALL‘ b.s.) Again, here you go by making bold sweeping statements with very little validity in reality.

[Dirty Shoez]"Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury."

LMao! bravo for you for taking a stand! -- "SOME WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST, JOMODO DECLARES" -- I can see the headline now! What a brave, progressive person you are! Wow, it really took guts to come out and admit that White Racists exist. You really ought to be given a medal for that.[/Dirty Shoez]

Your new comment:

So, do you see how you can’t follow through with one idea? Here’s a perfect example, according to you which is it that I claim, that ‘all whites are racists’ or just some whites are racist. Now justify yourself to me my little marionette…
Now...I did what, again? I said you "claimed" what again? Friend, I SAID you claimed nothing of the sort. I IMPLIED that you were "trying to label all White people as racists" -- And you are indeed IMPLYING that all White People are racists.

There is nothing 'all' or 'some' about it; there is no nuance about it. You aren't telling me that SOME of the jurists for Tookie were biased; you instructed me research his jury, implying that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM were biased/racist.

Congrats on a clean lifestyle, I sincerely hope you don’t relapse. Oh yeah, I’ve never tweaked though….
And I have. Plenty of times. It was fun, but it was also then. This is now. I thank God that I came out of it no worse for the wear.

My relationship with my wife goes much deeper than race, and you don‘t even know where to start with the history of our people. Looks like someone might be a wittle jealous b/c they’ve never had a lovelife of their own. In fact, your fear of diversity, and inability to controll other people prevent you from loving, b/c you sabatoge all potential relationships b.c you are so consumed by fear and hate, after all what else would lead someone to getting’ cranked out….
...Friend, people don't smoke crank because they are hateful and full of fear. People smoke crank to party or to have energy, just like most other amphetamines or cocaine. (These are called UPPERS. The people who use them are usually UP, but want to be MORE UP. Meth is simply the poor-man's UP equivalent.)

It is the people who drink, smoke weed and do heroin that have the fears and hates. (This, my friend, is why they call them DOWNERS. Because the people who use them are usually DOWN.)

Now that thats behind us......Friend, If the women come to me (and have came to me, verily), then so be it. But I am not looking for something Long-Term right now. I will continue doing what I do, which is building the FOUNDATION for a family (education, steady employment, assets, etc.), instead of just rushing out there DOING IT like a simpler (or richer) man would do.

Enjoy wouldn’t be the first word to come to my mind, but it doesn’t really bother me. You’re doing a great job of exposing the FRAUD you are yourself.
Likewise, sir. You're doing a whole lot of talking, but ain't saying shit. You are ashamed of how rich you grew up, and it manifests itself in you being such an activist, a rebel and a reactionary.

Me on the other hand, I will sit here and discuss my entire history with you or anyone else here, and it will be real. You cannot do this because everything about you is either fake or something you're ashamed of (like your middle class upbringing that you refuse to acknowledge.)
Oct 28, 2005
I thought you just defined people from the streets to live in garbage dumpsters and alleys, please make up your mind! And yes, even ‘willie the Wino’ who lives outta garbage cans and uses cardboard for blankets are people. Although, your type has this innate ability to dehumanize anything which doesn’t 100% conform.
Er....Yes. We will go with that.

"Last i checked, they sent Jury Duty cards to Residential Addresses. Not dumpsters or homeless shelters."

"From the streets"....What else would this mean beyond Dumpsters (farsical) or Homeless shelters (truth)? Most people "from the streets" don't get their shit at PO boxes. That is mostly for transitory peoples, because people "from the streets" don't need and don't expect mail.

Deny this is true. You can't, so you'll continue with your little anti-Conservative pokes and jabs. You need to start trying harder.

I oppose the systematic maltreatment of ANY human being, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, religion, economic standing, or mental or physical disability.

Violence breeds violence, and hate breeds hate. History proves this much. It’s time for a change and to raise a new level of consciousness above your base desires for vengence and domination.
Not my desires: the state of California and its peoples' desires. (Unless you are going to sit here and claim that in California, of all states, there is widespread fraud and vote tampering.)

If anyone needs to raise above anything, its you and your personal crusades to wave wands and change laws, rather than bringing them before the people to vote on. Then again, you are a Fascist and you do not believe in Democracy unless its an issue the people will readily agree with you on.

JoMoDo said:
You wanna play hardball and get off topic, man up. If you live in a glass house don’t throw stones.
Friend, I have already explained how Meth has literally nothing to do with this topic. Your White Wife, however, surely does have something, albeit little, to do with this topic.

Unless you are going to make the connection that Tookie dealt meth and I am mad at him for that and want him to really have nothing. Calling you a fagtard or a bitch or other random things doesn't even approach calling me a tweaker and a drug user, knowing that I didn't say these things in these forums, but rather in Detox.

You kinda make me sick for that. Thats a low thing to do, to use Detox things against other people. Next you'll be running around calling ____ a coke head because he admitted he smoked chewy. No matter what you try to do to correct it later on ("I'm proud of you for being clean"...pffft), its scummy and its pathetic.

I oppose Capital Punishment, no if’s and’s or but’s…. That’s what the march was about, so again STFU
And The Death Penalty is a part of the California system, so STFU about that and trying to argue its unjust.

Your ONLY argument on this is Race, and that argument IS FUNNY because you're a Middle Class White Man. I am SORRY that there is no way around this! I really am!

There's just the one problem: The Heaping mounds of evidence against him, and his refusal to "snitch", despite facing death. He has not changed one bit, and does not deserve clemency OR a stay of execution. Period.
And you were the one

Quote: [/quote] WTF? learn how to quote shit.

Whoa, I know I’ve been here before with you. Holy iSHHHH, were back to the spin zone…. HOLLA!
Exactly, friend. Even you and your liberal self are capable of seeing how RIDICULOUS the calls for clemency based on writing children's books are.

The ONLY argument here is MERCY. Not because he DESERVES it (Lord knows he didn't give his victims any mercy while killing them); not because he's REDEEMED himself (he refuses to "snitch", so the citizens continue to be at the mercy of street gangs); not because he is an ASSET for children or gang members to reform (see previous). Pure, unadulterated, MERCY, and NOTHING MORE. Pity, when you really look at it.

Ahhh a third grade style of ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ huh? Your logic almost makes sense, EXCEPT for the fact that IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE!!!
First of can't really call someone 3rd grade when you have been as vicious as you have been, calling me a Meth head. Calling you a fag or a bitch does not compare with trying to literally destroy someone's reputation as a living, breathing human being.

Ah, I’m a retard b/c I don’t spout off a list of synonyms from a thesaurus, man you’RE brilliant
Something along those lines.

Friend, you call me ignorant, and yet your vocabulary and ability are extremely limited. Seeing as though this is the internet, and that is about all we have to is easy to see who the simpleton is.

I know you're used to attacking in packs--that is the way your kind operates--but you need to learn to stand on your own 2. And when you stand on your own 2 against Dirty Shoez, you'll soon discover that 2 isn't enough. The only thing you can really do at this point is humble yourself before me and plead for forgiveness. I may just give you a break.

The same people who appointed you! Nimrod
Champion...You are a Middle Class White Liberal, acting as though you know and understand how Black people percieve and esteem things. It is ridiculous.

If you fail to see the correlation between compassion and saving a human life, there is not much I can do for you chum….
And if you fail to see the difference between Dirty Shoez' opinion and California Law.....ditto. If you want to be a blockhead, then that is your choice.

GED, MBA, PHD, DDS, you’Re still an idiot, no matter how educated you become… Deal with it…
Harrrrrrr! Despite the fact you talk like a reject and I run circles around you on every topic that we both discuss.

Friend, that is how you operate: The Lowest Common Denominator. You will find the LOWEST...most HUMILIATING thing you can dig up about someone, and you will repeat it, over and over and over again until you get the reaction you are looking for. Its low and its despicable.

I call you a White Liberal because you are a White and you often argue Liberal issues. You call me a Meth head because you read something in Detox about it, so you are trying to use it to make me look like an asshole. Big difference.

Well, I got a plug for you if you want a head start. That A-1 is physically addicting though. Oh yeah, this ain’t Aberdeen though, so here you gotta pay for your own work. Is this the inner fiend in you tryna to get me to support your fiendish habits for the next 3 months?
Friend....I said what i said. You are a weakling and you admit you have never even smoked the stuff. I have smoked the stuff, and most evidence and research dictates that the amount of shit i smoked should have hooked or killed me by now. It did neither. And why? Because I am flat-out mentally stronger than you. After one hit...after a million hits. You cannot compete.

I don’t speak on dead soldiers, I leave that to the likes of haters like you…
There's nothing haterish about it. I am speaking the truth. Extasy has amphetamines in it, and you'd have to be a fucking idiot to argue otherwise.

I mentioned Mac Dre (RIP) because i knew you were a scared cocksmoker and wouldn't DARE...DARE call the man a Meth Head, even if in reality, that is what he was. This applies also to people who are CURRENTLY using Extasy, say, artists on this very forum who made a song about it a while back ("All i some extasy..."). I won't name them, but you and I know both know you lack the balls to call these people tweakers, even DEFINITION...that is exactly what they are.

hee hee hee.

Again, have you seen my W2’s or 1099’s? Do you know what generation I am in my family to have graduated college? I haven’t had the hardest life, not the easiest either though…
Well, I'll make this simple for you: I have had a hard life. But I have rolled with the punches and refused to blame my misfortune on other people.

About your finances or your family...don't care. I literally don't. You are afraid to open up and share, so your family and your upbringing are exactly what I say they are until you explain otherwise.

Your perseverance to pursue an education and make a better life for yourself if commendable. However, your politics and philosophies detract from that….
They add to it. Social Conservatism is the way to go, and it is what the Black Community needs right now.

Sex and Drugs are running rampant. What are more viable solutions? Free abortions and Legalized drugs for all? Yeah, that'll help.

What we need right now is self-restraint; and I am just the man to deliver that message, having SEEN what one can do if they hold back their own present-day urges and desires for the good of their family and their future.
Oct 28, 2005
You don’t like it when the person whom you have become, is judged by actions and decisions you’ve made in the past (mistake or not). Yet, you turn around and do the exact same thing (I.e Tookie), with your holier than thou attitude passing judgement and rooting on the death of condemned people (whom you are supposedly so concerned about)…
Honestly, I could give a fuck. I am trying to help YOU out, because honestly, had I been a different person, I'd be tracing your IP and coming to your house to look for you right now. But I am not. That shit bounces right off of me. That "You did Drugs" shit might play when you're dissing a President, but if you ever tried that shit in a live'd be curtains for you. Holier than Thou about it. It is California Law, and that is the framework I am working within. You are incapable of working within this system, because you believe that you alone know what is "justice" and what is a "human right" and all this other shit you just got done marching for. I prefer to leave it up to the will of the people, and if the people want inmates to be executed for capital crimes...then the people should be executed for capital crimes.

That much having been said...if ANYONE deserves clemency, it would be a man who has admitted to his crimes. Tookie HAS NOT admitted to his crimes. Therefore, logic dictates, this man HAS NOT and CANNOT redeem himself, no matter WHAT kind of other work he does. Even if he CURED CANCER, he might be pardoned for ulterior motives; but on the main motive--being truly remorseful for his capital crime he committed--he would NOT be redeemed.

That you cannot understand this, and are determined to bully Gov. Schwarzenegger into pardoning him.....THAT, my friend, is Holier than Thou. I am simply taking the side of the people of California.

Please, 10 years from now you’ll still be promoting your pipedream to get a website up and running….
Sure thing, sport.

If I was rich like you and your family, I'd have the money to throw at a site. I am not, and don't. If you don't like the pace I am going at, then shut the fuck up and open your own site, even though we both know your dedication to the NW rap scene ain't nothing, and you aren't about anything but maintaining the Status Quo and Golden Rule structure.

You have all this talk about revolutions and being open-minded, and in the end, you're just a brainwashed dummy like all the rest.

I am actually an avid supporter of increasing funds and resources to inner city education. However, with Right-wing Orwellian programs like ‘No Child Left Behind’ this becomes a more and more distant realty.
HARRRRRR! Har! Friend, the point here ain't about to do shit ABOUT it. You'll march, you'll wave your little signs, and then you'll go home and make sex to your wife and forget all about it.

Me on the other hand...THIS IS A PART OF ME. This CANNOT be forgotten. This CANNOT be bought. This CANNOT be sucked or fucked out of me. It is something that will stay focused in my mind until the day I die, and I will never be able to rest until i do something about it.

You aren't in my position. And I am sorry for that.

You started slingin’ mud, so quit getting all sensitive….
See way the fuck up there. Once you called me a tweaker, the gloves were off. Don't try to get all self-righteous now, you crossed the line a LONG.....LONG time ago.

You're like that scummy son of a bitch that sees a fellow employee walking out of an A.A. meeting, so you run and snitch to the boss and try to get him fired. That is the equivalent of what you just did right here. It was one of the most shameful things I have ever seen in this forum.

3 post exchanges....will you look at that? Are you happy now? You wanted this. You REFUSED to respond to everything at a time. You HAD to respond to individual quotes. So we are.

Hopefully, you find the guts to continue until this reaches its conclusion.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
I find e-arguing hilarious. Depending on how it is carried out, it can only help matters by making you more articulate, direct, etc. It is wonderful tool.

...? Friend, You called me A White Conservative when you knew for a fact that I was not. I call you a White Liberal because I know you are. Big difference.

Makes absoulutely no sense in the context of what you are saying.

I said if i was White, then your boy Crytical was white. You got all huffy and warned me not to bring up his name again. I pointed out that the real reason you are mad is, not because I brought his name up, but because you don't want it being widely known that the man is Half White.

Deny it's true...I really don't care. The Man is Half White and probably proud of it, the same way I am 3/8 white but claim 1/2 and am VERY proud of it. I am sorry you don't know the feeling of having pride in your race or racial make-up.
Thus, you can be considered a white conservative.

I don’t issue threats. I informed/advised you to be careful and use great discretion about whose name you carry around, and whom you choose to involve. Heed as you may…

Dirty Shoez said:
U :mad: @ my newspaper headline?
I ain’t mad at cha…

Dirty Shoez said:
If you are arguing the Death Penalty is unjust or not the will of the lose. California, one of the most Liberal states in the nation, wants Capital Punishment. There is really no way around that with your "human rights" babbling.
The penalty is unjust and not the will of the people. You are right, when people are executed, I loose. However, I won’t stop fighting….

Dirty Shoez said:
The only thing you have left is Race, and to argue that he was framed (which you did), and to say the case was shoddy and all kinds of other shit. You fail in that too. Court after court has ruled that he had his fair day in court, and that is what matters.
This will have to be something we agree to disagree, simply b/c of the fact that I refuse 100% conformity to the gov’t. I know the legal system and the corruption that is deeply interwoven.
You are arguing that a corrupt system, continues to reach the same findings. No surprise there.

Dirty Shoez said:
Do your W-2's matter?

Dirty Shoez said:
Does how you grew up or who with matter?

Dirty Shoez said:
You are not willing to explain these things, so the answer is obvious: You're a spoiled middle-class brat who sallied into the hood because you were enamoured with the lifestyle, yet, didn't QUITE want to run away from the comfortable family home so you could go sleep on someone's piss-stained couch, all in the name of being 'down.'

If I'm all means. Explain to me if you're been on Welfare before. Tell me what food bank clothes you have worn. Describe the free meals you ate from the church when you ran out of food stamps. Do all of these things, and stop asking rhetorical questions.
Think what you may, it is of no consequence to me. At the end of the day your assumptions are just that, assumptions. You are infatuated with me and want my life story, when I deem you worthy (if ever) you will get a slice of it…

Dirty Shoez said:
Then who, pray tell? The scores of people "from the streets" who are now living in cozy apartments and working a 9-5?

What does "from the streets" mean? Does being growing up on Section 8 and free school lunch qualify? Or does it REALLY mean "Not White Conservatives", like i know you wish it to mean?
If you can’t define what it means for someone who grew up in the streets on your own, I’m afaid I can’t help you there…

Dirty Shoez said:
Fox News, for the second time, don't have shit to do with shit. The 9th circuit is a HUGE, SPRAWLING court with jurisdiction for some 40% of the nation's population, and has the HIGHEST rate of overturn in the Supreme Court (i.e., they are run-away liberals the the Supreme Court has been fairly moderate).

That you would deny this and slap a Fox News tag on me as a means to make it all go away.....pathetic.
C’mon, you’RE a sarcastic guy, the Fox News tag is a Euphemism for the right wing slanted media and its propaganda.

Dirty Shoez said:
Because that is how most human beings are conditioned. We are raised to believe that death is wrong, and murderers are bad. When someone is waltzed in front of a Judge, the first thought in MOST peoples mind is, "I can't believe this man did that"....NOT "Well, this could go either way."
If we are taught death is wrong and murder bad, how is a calculate state imposed death penalty right & good. The old cliché stands strong ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’

Dirty Shoez said:
"Presumed Innocent" is worded that way for a reason. They are PRESUMED innocent until conviction; its not that they ARE innocent until convicted.
Ahh yes, more novel semantics…

Dirty Shoez said:
Giving the Defense equal opportunity to speak, the ability to cross-examine witnesses, the ability to seek expert witnesses to testify on their behalf, etc etc....yes, this is quite the contrary to being objective.
Text book law, and the real life judicial system in practicum are not the same…
False witness testimony, a corrupt police squad, conservative biased judges, and underpaid/overworked/disinterested public defenders… anyway, you get the point…

Dirty Shoez said:
Friend...when you are brought to court, 51% or more of the time, you are there for a crime you indeed commmitted. Just like 51% of people in Whore Houses are there for the pussy, and 51% of people in crack houses are there for crack (or in my case: Meth...har har. I'll save you the time.) This is not racism or an unjust society...this is the reality of the world.
Arbitrary numbers with no empirical evidence to back it up. Useless info

Dirty Shoez said:
Now...I did what, again? I said you "claimed" what again? Friend, I SAID you claimed nothing of the sort. I IMPLIED that you were "trying to label all White people as racists" -- And you are indeed IMPLYING that all White People are racists.
Claim, imply, infer, lead to assumption, surmise, deduce, conclude, all the same thing…

Dirty Shoez said:
There is nothing 'all' or 'some' about it; there is no nuance about it. You aren't telling me that SOME of the jurists for Tookie were biased; you instructed me research his jury, implying that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM were biased/racist.
If that is how you perceived the implications so be it, the intentions were to demonstrate that the jury as a whole was biased…

Dirty Shoez said:
And I have. Plenty of times. It was fun, but it was also then. This is now. I thank God that I came out of it no worse for the wear.

...Friend, people don't smoke crank because they are hateful and full of fear. People smoke crank to party or to have energy, just like most other amphetamines or cocaine. (These are called UPPERS. The people who use them are usually UP, but want to be MORE UP. Meth is simply the poor-man's UP equivalent.)

It is the people who drink, smoke weed and do heroin that have the fears and hates. (This, my friend, is why they call them DOWNERS. Because the people who use them are usually DOWN.)
Ladies and gentlemen, that will conclude our D.A.R.E. presentation today. Stick around after class to find out more…. Seriously, what a load. To debate over why people get hooked on different substances is a whole ‘nother thread for a wole ‘nother day…

Dirty Shoez said:
Me on the other hand, I will sit here and discuss my entire history with you or anyone else here, and it will be real. You cannot do this because everything about you is either fake or something you're ashamed of (like your middle class upbringing that you refuse to acknowledge.)
and no one here gives a iShhh. No one care’s about you here. That’s why no one asks and you volunteer your life story… We’re cheaper than a therapist, and have similar anonymous attributes to a support group…

Dirty Shoez said:
Honestly, I could give a fuck. I am trying to help YOU out, because honestly, had I been a different person, I'd be tracing your IP and coming to your house to look for you right now. But I am not. That shit bounces right off of me. That "You did Drugs" shit might play when you're dissing a President, but if you ever tried that shit in a live'd be curtains for you.
I don’t need your help, so spare that garbage. If it were that serious, you wouldn’t need to trace the IP address, I’d be happy to give you my contact info if it were that serious. This ain’t a live debate, it’s the internet…

Jul 10, 2002
QUOTE=Dirty Shoez]
That much having been said...if ANYONE deserves clemency, it would be a man who has admitted to his crimes. Tookie HAS NOT admitted to his crimes. Therefore, logic dictates, this man HAS NOT and CANNOT redeem himself, no matter WHAT kind of other work he does. Even if he CURED CANCER, he might be pardoned for ulterior motives; but on the main motive--being truly remorseful for his capital crime he committed--he would NOT be redeemed.

That you cannot understand this, and are determined to bully Gov. Schwarzenegger into pardoning him.....THAT, my friend, is Holier than Thou. I am simply taking the side of the people of California. [/QUOTE]

Again, I believe he is innocent of this crime, he is being murdered for co-founding the Crips. This is nothing more than a modern day lynching…

Dirty Shoez said:
If I was rich like you and your family, I'd have the money to throw at a site. I am not, and don't. If you don't like the pace I am going at, then shut the fuck up and open your own site, even though we both know your dedication to the NW rap scene ain't nothing, and you aren't about anything but maintaining the Status Quo and Golden Rule structure.
And I’ll still be hearing this same spiel in 10 years, if, if, if…

Dirty Shoez said:
You have all this talk about revolutions and being open-minded, and in the end, you're just a brainwashed dummy like all the rest.
I promote evolution not revolution. You’RE just a FOX NEWS brainwashed dummy like all the rest…

Dirty Shoez said:
HARRRRRR! Har! Friend, the point here ain't about to do shit ABOUT it. You'll march, you'll wave your little signs, and then you'll go home and make sex to your wife and forget all about it.
I’ll actually keep making moves, make LOVE to my wife, and I’ll never forget about the gross injustice’s which plague the world

Dirty Shoez said:
Me on the other hand...THIS IS A PART OF ME. This CANNOT be forgotten. This CANNOT be bought. This CANNOT be sucked or fucked out of me. It is something that will stay focused in my mind until the day I die, and I will never be able to rest until i do something about it.
to amend a quote from B-legit ‘you’RE on the right track, you need some game no doubt, you’re on the wrong train, you need to change your route’

oooh what lyricism, lol ;)

Dirty Shoez said:
See way the fuck up there. Once you called me a tweaker, the gloves were off. Don't try to get all self-righteous now, you crossed the line a LONG.....LONG time ago.
Throwin’ around the racist acusation is when the gloves came off here buddy, that’s that!

Dirty Shoez said:
You're like that scummy son of a bitch that sees a fellow employee walking out of an A.A. meeting, so you run and snitch to the boss and try to get him fired. That is the equivalent of what you just did right here. It was one of the most shameful things I have ever seen in this forum.
I ain’t no snitch, further evidence you really don’t know iShhh about me.

Is this as despicable or shameful about touting my recreational bud uses in another thread which I was not apart of?
Oct 28, 2005
JoMoDo said:
Thus, you can be considered a white conservative.
No. Actually, I cannot.

You are a 100% White Man. Therefore, your title is White Liberal. I am a Black, White and Native Man. Therefore, my title is what my highest percentage is, which is 50% Black. Ergo, I am a Black Conservative.

If I am a white Conservative, then your friend Crytical is a pretty good know, for a White Guy.

I don’t issue threats. I informed/advised you to be careful and use great discretion about whose name you carry around, and whom you choose to involve. Heed as you may…

I ain’t mad at cha…
I feel the same way.

I get mad when someone slaps my mother, or fucks my girlfriend. Not when they call me kiddie names on an internet website.

The penalty is unjust and not the will of the people. You are right, when people are executed, I loose However, I won’t stop fighting….
Friend, it is the will of the people or it would not be legal in one of the most Liberal states in the nation.

AGAIN, If you want to start arguing that there's massive voter fraud in California, you are not going to have very many sympathetic ears. That argument only works for swing states.

This will have to be something we agree to disagree, simply b/c of the fact that I refuse 100% conformity to the gov’t. I know the legal system and the corruption that is deeply interwoven.
You are arguing that a corrupt system, continues to reach the same findings. No surprise there.
I am arguing that if any system in the nation would have granted Tookie a stay, it would have been California. That refuse to acknowledge this (because you know it will weaken your Racism argument) is real funny-style to me.

Think what you may, it is of no consequence to me. At the end of the day your assumptions are just that, assumptions. You are infatuated with me and want my life story, when I deem you worthy (if ever) you will get a slice of it…
Indeed. So until then, whatever I say might as well be the truth.

You are a White Liberal born to Rich Parents that gave you just about everything you wanted growing up. Once matured, you started to feel guilty that you got things other people didn't get. You are now on a crusade to try and make up for this disparity by taking up Poor-People causes. Despite this, you still married a White Female and your children will be 100% White. This squares perfectly with the thought I know you often had, in this shape or another: "How can i be racist? I have 7 black friends and i marched for Tookie!"

If you can’t define what it means for someone who grew up in the streets on your own, I’m afaid I can’t help you there…
No, I really can't. You are going to sit here and argue that people "from the streets" should have been on his jury, which makes absolutely no fucking sense considering most people "from the streets" do not have residential addresses or gainful employment, and thus, are NOT going to be called to jury duty.

C’mon, you’RE a sarcastic guy, the Fox News tag is a Euphemism for the right wing slanted media and its propaganda.
We are sure.

If we are taught death is wrong and murder bad, how is a calculate state imposed death penalty right & good. The old cliché stands strong ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’
Because we have these 2 things called, the Will of the People, and Community Standards. You really should know that in some communities, it is perfectly OK to look at naked women shitting on someone's chest, and in other areas, it is illegal. This has nothing to do with shitting on someone being harmful or violent or "wrong"; this has to do with Community Standards.

The same applies with the Death Penalty. If the people want it, they should be able to have it and use it. In this case, the people have chosen to use it, and you ought to respect that instead of going around and labeling the people unjust and wicked.

Ahh yes, more novel semantics…
Something along those lines.

I see you're afraid know...actually discussing something in-depth using logic and reason and other philosophical principles, so we'll just leave all that alone and discuss this like dolts, since you seem to prefer it that way.

Text book law, and the real life judicial system in practicum are not the same…
False witness testimony, a corrupt police squad, conservative biased judges, and underpaid/overworked/disinterested public defenders… anyway, you get the point…
No, I don't get the point. It is just fine to you left-wing wackos for overzealous prosecutors to go after DeLay and Libby for forgetting to cross some T's and dot some I's, but once its a drug-dealing murderer....nooooooo, its a corrupt system and all current precident should be tossed aside in favor of Anti-Death Penalty fanatics.

Arbitrary numbers with no empirical evidence to back it up. Useless info
The fuck do i need `evidence' for, blockhead? That shit is common sense.

Unless that is, you want to sit here and make the argment that 51% or more of people in crack houses are there just to hang out, and not to purchase, distribute, smoke or be otherwise involved with the dissemination of crack.

Its an EXTREMELY tough sell, and its no wonder you're simply throwing out a few Philosophical words to try and make it all go away. No wonder you libtards can't get anything accomplished: You run away from every uphill battle, and only attack in packs. It really is a cowardly existance.

Claim, imply, infer, lead to assumption, surmise, deduce, conclude, all the same thing…
Something along those lines. This still does not matter.

If I claim you are trying to do something towards ALL of a specific group, it is up to YOU to clarify WHO it is you ARE or AREN'T going after. -- This is not my problem. All i need to do is provide reasonable grounds, and I believe I did that by pointing out you instructing me to research Tookie's jury, and by providing NO other additional clarification.

You DID imply that the White People on his Jury were Racist. You prefer the word Biased; the word you really mean is Racist. This is the kind of mud you sling because you know this man Tookie is a murderer and, if anyone deserves to feel the wrath of the death penalty, it is this man.

But that doesn't mean you won't leave miles of scorched earth and all kinds of opened wounds in the process. This is typical of your kind.

If that is how you perceived the implications so be it, the intentions were to demonstrate that the jury as a whole was biased…

Ladies and gentlemen, that will conclude our D.A.R.E. presentation today. Stick around after class to find out more…. Seriously, what a load. To debate over why people get hooked on different substances is a whole ‘nother thread for a wole ‘nother day…

There is no debate about it. You have read books and talked to people. I have lived the shit. You aren't even qualified to debate this.

and no one here gives a iShhh. No one care’s about you here. That’s why no one asks and you volunteer your life story… We’re cheaper than a therapist, and have similar anonymous attributes to a support group…
Friend, nobody gives a shit about anybody here. And that is because of people like you, who like to use personal things against other people in a hateful way. I mentioned at another time that i had a Single-Parent, and I had some other jackass calling her a Whore and all kinds of slimy ass shit.

This is the reason we cannot progress here. This is the reason why this NW forum is, largely, a waste of everyone's time. This is why this forum is 99% "Peep my MySpace page!" and spam from Bay Artists.

People like you don't do shit. People like me keep this shit going, sacrificing my privacy in the process. It is something I am willing to do because I am proud of my checkered past. I am sorry you with your rich and stable upbringing aren't in the same position.

I don’t need your help, so spare that garbage. If it were that serious, you wouldn’t need to trace the IP address, I’d be happy to give you my contact info if it were that serious. This ain’t a live debate, it’s the internet…
It's practice. That is what it is to me, and I'd think it'd be the same for you.

And If this isn't practice for you, I would seriously wonder....what the fuck exactly you're doing still talking to me, besides trying to inflate your ego or score some cool points.
Oct 28, 2005
JoMoDo said:
Again, I believe he is innocent of this crime, he is being murdered for co-founding the Crips. This is nothing more than a modern day lynching…
Sounds like a personal opinion. Personal opinions are not grounds for clemency. Try again.

And I’ll still be hearing this same spiel in 10 years, if, if, if…
The thing is, I am already on this path. You can come to WWU and see me walk the halls. You can take a look at my transcript and see my grades. You can read my essays and witness my speeches and presentations, and see the people enjoy them.

You are jealous of this. That is the bottom line. You already have your wife, and your job, and your whole entire path set for you. You will do very little of anything outside of your little bubble for the rest of your life. -- Me, I don't have that problem.

I promote evolution not revolution. You’RE just a FOX NEWS brainwashed dummy like all the rest…
And you're just a Kos-worshipping out-of-touch wacko like all the rest.

We, the American People, do not want your Liberal policies simply thrust upon us. You need to either take things to the people and have them vote on them; take them to the legislators, and have them approve them; or shut the fuck up.

I’ll actually keep making moves, make LOVE to my wife, and I’ll never forget about the gross injustice’s which plague the world
Surely. You'll "never forget", while you sit back raising your 2.5 children with your wife, in your comfy home, while you wave signs once a week inbetween watching your Son's soccer game and mowing the lawn.

to amend a quote from B-legit ‘you’RE on the right track, you need some game no doubt, you’re on the wrong train, you need to change your route’

oooh what lyricism, lol ;)
It is not bad. 3 syllables are nothing to scoff at.

Throwin’ around the racist acusation is when the gloves came off here buddy, that’s that!
You are a White Male. We are discussing race right now. You often discuss race. You often discuss Race issues where White Men keep the Black Population under their collective thumb. These things having been said, It makes absolutely no sense for you to be so sensitive about the word Racist.

Nowhere in this conversation were Drugs brought up. You did that yourself with the intention of defaming me and my character. It would be like if you had cancer a while back, and I learned about it on some other forum, then brought it up here just to shit all over you.

I ain’t no snitch, further evidence you really don’t know iShhh about me.
You snitched something on this forum that I have never spoken here, and something that i ONLY spoke, if i remember correctly, in a situation where another man was in the Detox forum saying he was trying to Quit Meth, and I was explaining to him that I had done it myself and that it was hard, but can be done. (Its never hard when its what you have your mind set to, but that is what he needed to hear.)

You dry snitched. Period. 98% of this forum probably never even had heard that until you ran your mouth about it.

Is this as despicable or shameful about touting my recreational bud uses in another thread which I was not apart of?
You TALK ABOUT IT on this forum. You TALK ABOUT IT in the context of, "Yeah, I got fucked up on Weed the other night!" and other such nonsense. You are PROUD of it, and it is something you do on an ONGOING BASIS!

It is NOT something you said in the context of another man quitting weed, and you offering him solidarity. You ARE a snitch and a snake for what you did, whether you accept it or not.
Jul 10, 2002
Your words are nothing more than banter (not even clever banter at that).

See, right now, I’mma have to point out why you’re real funny style, okay FryGuy.

You are obsessed with creating a better public education system, yet you endorse an administration which promotes a defunct program like ‘No Child Left Behind’ You claim your mission is to eradicate drugs, yet you personally are still a user (by your own admission on your occaisional relapse), you 100% support a gov’t who in turn funds virtually every aspect of the entire drug trade.

You are smittenly obsessed with me. You have created this affluent fictitious character of my background and me. You essentially despise the background and upbringing of this character. Yet, at the same time, your goal in life is to achieve this fictious level of wealth (so you can raise a family in the comfy environment you scorn yet envy). You’re a fraud and a hypocrite, simple as that…

(and oh yeah, if you’re gonna make me rich in your story, at least throw in a Benz or Beamer & a Rolex or two that I got for my 16th B-day, b/c you know, that woulda been real cool, maybe throw in some Caviar and exotic vacations too, oh yeah, if you could also make sure that my parents own a couple of properties and lawfirms that’d be great too, b/c u know then they wouldn’t still be in debt for my highschool and college education, and I wouldn’t of had to work at Kidd Valley Hamburgers for 5 years thoughout H.S. for my own money). Also, since when were Stafford Loans, Pell Grants, federal work study, and other Sallie Mae financial aid given to rich kids)

No, no one likes you at Western, they may enjoy your Banter, and appreciate your knowledge for language, but they ain’t feelin your politics. Don’t confuse their ridicule for acceptance. You are a spectcle and nothing more, sorry to burst your bubble

Your knowledge of the streets has been demonstrated by your own definition, your desire to have Tookie snitch, as well as explaination of who uses uppers and downers & why. So STFU on street iShhh, and stick to your hick a$$ John Denver Country Roads…

Now, back to the ‘Tookie’ case (R.I.P)…

Since you refused to do any actual research on his Jury (aside from looking no further than the race of the jurors) I will go ahead and volunteer this information… some of which was obtained elsewhere..

On the accord of Tookie and others, he faced racist discrimination throughout his trial. One issue highlighted the fact that the prosecutor in Tookie's original case removed three African-American jurors from the jury (i.e. out of 100 prospects 3 blacks were selected, only later to be removed).

During Stan's trial, this prosecutor made racially-coded remarks during his closing argument, comparing Stan during the trial to a Bengal tiger in the zoo and stating that a black community - South Central Los Angeles - was equivalent to the natural "habitat" of a Bengal Tiger.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Tookie on his final appeal and set his execution date for December 13. Thus they disregarded 9 of the 24 Ninth Circuit Court judges' assertion that the District Attorney at Tookie's trial employed "reprehensible and unconstitutional" racist tactics, using animal-in-a-jungle metaphors to refer to Tookie and to the South Central environment in which he lived. This landmark ruling means that minorities can now legally be rejected from juries based on race. This is now the law of the land.
The case was built on circumstantial not physical evidence. At least four of the ‘witness’ had incentive to testify against Tookie for this crime (i.e. your testimony against him, will reduce your sentence for another independent crime). One of the ‘witness’ just came out to state that while he was locked up for another crime, he was given a folder to learn his ‘testimony’ in this case. Look around the net, I bet you’ll be able to find his affidavit.
Nevermind the fact the boot print in the blood from the killers shoes don’t match any shoes of Tookie’s, they ain’t even his size.
You support a racist system and are a proponent of the ‘Racist Slaughter House’ (Tookie’s nickname for the prison system, specifically death row)
He was killed b/c of his association with co-founding the Crips, strait politics….
TO learn more about him, his cause, his work, and spirit, if you want more info check out my thread in the open forum ‘California Murders….’
You have also yet to address any issues regarding global human rights violations, (endorsed and implemented by Bu$hCo in the name of freedom for the War on Terror)
You are a waste, so say what you may, hope what you want, instigate as you please, have the last word, and believe as you may.