JoMoDo said:
Glad it got a laugh outta ya!
If these semantics lead you to this conclusion so be it. We all know who is secure with their identity and who is conflicted.
Only a heckler as your self would be ashamed of something one has no control over
I said if i was White, then your boy Crytical was white. You got all huffy and warned me not to bring up his name again. I pointed out that the real reason you are mad is, not because I brought his name up, but because you don't want it being widely known that the man is Half White.
Deny it's true...I really don't care. The Man is Half White and probably proud of it, the same way I am 3/8 white but claim 1/2 and am VERY proud of it. I am sorry you don't know the feeling of having pride in your race or racial make-up.
Holy iSHHH, what a revelation, thanks for sharing with the class
As well as supporting and a worthy cause which we, as human being should be concerned with (torture, unjust trials, lack of due process, capital punishment) I.e. Nat’l human rights day.
If you are arguing the Death Penalty is unjust or not the will of the lose. California, one of the most Liberal states in the nation, wants Capital Punishment. There is really no way around that with your "human rights" babbling.
The only thing you have left is Race, and to argue that he was framed (which you did), and to say the case was shoddy and all kinds of other shit. You fail in that too. Court after court has ruled that he had his fair day in court, and that is what matters.
Dirty Shoez said:
Have you ever seen my W2’s? Do you even know where I grew up with, and whom I was kin to? You are a NOBODY with ZERO credentials to qualify or certify anyone on anything
If I'm all means. Explain to me if you're been on Welfare before. Tell me what food bank clothes you have worn. Describe the free meals you ate from the church when you ran out of food stamps. Do all of these things, and stop asking rhetorical questions.
Dang, you’re a stupid a$$ (even dumber that I thought), when a reference is made about someone ‘from the streets’ it does not refer to ‘Box car willie the wino’ Idiot!
What does "from the streets" mean? Does being growing up on Section 8 and free school lunch qualify? Or does it REALLY mean "Not White Conservatives", like i know you wish it to mean?
Ahh here we go again. What does that have to do with the Tea in China. The pledge of alligence is irrelevant to human rights & capital punishment. Keep soakin’ in Fox News though, you get an A for effort on this spin.
That you would deny this and slap a Fox News tag on me as a means to make it all go away.....pathetic.
I’m pretty cool, thanks for asking
So how can you honestly say it is a fair trial if an all white jury already has their preconceived notion of guilt before hearing any testimony or evidence liberal, conservative, socialist, what ever.
"Presumed Innocent" is worded that way for a reason. They are PRESUMED innocent until conviction; its not that they ARE innocent until convicted.
(BTW, why did you include All White in this? Falling back on the race card again, I see.)
True justice looks at the facts from an objective standpoint. Our current legislative judicial system does not employ this philosophy or uphold this ideal, quite the contrary actually.
Giving the Defense equal opportunity to speak, the ability to cross-examine witnesses, the ability to seek expert witnesses to testify on their behalf, etc etc....yes, this is quite the contrary to being objective.
Friend...when you are brought to court, 51% or more of the time, you are there for a crime you indeed commmitted. Just like 51% of people in Whore Houses are there for the pussy, and 51% of people in crack houses are there for crack (or in my case: Meth...har har. I'll save you the time.) This is not racism or an unjust society...this is the reality of the world.
Erm....Let's try this next part a new way.
[Jomodo]FYI, SOME white people are racist, SOME aren’t (so stop with your ‘ALL‘ b.s.) Again, here you go by making bold sweeping statements with very little validity in reality.
[Dirty Shoez]"Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury."
LMao! bravo for you for taking a stand! -- "SOME WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST, JOMODO DECLARES" -- I can see the headline now! What a brave, progressive person you are! Wow, it really took guts to come out and admit that White Racists exist. You really ought to be given a medal for that.[/Dirty Shoez]
Your new comment:
So, do you see how you can’t follow through with one idea? Here’s a perfect example, according to you which is it that I claim, that ‘all whites are racists’ or just some whites are racist. Now justify yourself to me my little marionette…
[Dirty Shoez]"Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury."
LMao! bravo for you for taking a stand! -- "SOME WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST, JOMODO DECLARES" -- I can see the headline now! What a brave, progressive person you are! Wow, it really took guts to come out and admit that White Racists exist. You really ought to be given a medal for that.[/Dirty Shoez]
Your new comment:
So, do you see how you can’t follow through with one idea? Here’s a perfect example, according to you which is it that I claim, that ‘all whites are racists’ or just some whites are racist. Now justify yourself to me my little marionette…
There is nothing 'all' or 'some' about it; there is no nuance about it. You aren't telling me that SOME of the jurists for Tookie were biased; you instructed me research his jury, implying that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM were biased/racist.
Congrats on a clean lifestyle, I sincerely hope you don’t relapse. Oh yeah, I’ve never tweaked though….
My relationship with my wife goes much deeper than race, and you don‘t even know where to start with the history of our people. Looks like someone might be a wittle jealous b/c they’ve never had a lovelife of their own. In fact, your fear of diversity, and inability to controll other people prevent you from loving, b/c you sabatoge all potential relationships b.c you are so consumed by fear and hate, after all what else would lead someone to getting’ cranked out….
It is the people who drink, smoke weed and do heroin that have the fears and hates. (This, my friend, is why they call them DOWNERS. Because the people who use them are usually DOWN.)
Now that thats behind us......Friend, If the women come to me (and have came to me, verily), then so be it. But I am not looking for something Long-Term right now. I will continue doing what I do, which is building the FOUNDATION for a family (education, steady employment, assets, etc.), instead of just rushing out there DOING IT like a simpler (or richer) man would do.
Enjoy wouldn’t be the first word to come to my mind, but it doesn’t really bother me. You’re doing a great job of exposing the FRAUD you are yourself.
Me on the other hand, I will sit here and discuss my entire history with you or anyone else here, and it will be real. You cannot do this because everything about you is either fake or something you're ashamed of (like your middle class upbringing that you refuse to acknowledge.)