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Jul 10, 2002
Tomorrow y'all. It's a good cause, some of y'all can come out to support at noon....

- DECEMBER 10 - Seattle
March for Stan on International Human Rights Day
March with the Save Tookie contingent at the International Human Rights Day
march and rally in downtown Seattle. Meet at 12:30 pm sharp by the Save
Tookie banner on the corner of 2nd and Madison, by the Federal Building. At
1pm, we will march to Westlake and rally support for this peacemaker. We
will be talking to people and gathering signatures for Stan's clemency
petition. Email [email protected] or call 206-851-4862 for information.
Jul 10, 2002
Since they both oppose human rights, I suppose you're somewhat correct.

It's actually an opportunity to support human rights and show solidarity for an individual who is about to be wrongly executed...

Next time come correct, or don't come at all (plus you ain't no Seattle Head, so stay supportin' you're self loathin' hicks in the sticks)
Oct 28, 2005
Kurt Cobain wasn't no Seattle head either, but you all had no problem claiming HIM once he was making MILLIONS and REVOLUTIONIZING the music industry.

You're going to learn some respect sooner or later. That's about all I can say to you. The reason the NW isn't blowing right now (and the country is in disarray, even), is because you Big City folks are exclusionists and esteem yourself better than everyone else. That much is going to change, or Republicans are going to keep winning elections, Tookie is going to get murked, and NW rap ain't gonna do shit.
Jul 10, 2002
Respect is earned, not given.

Here is another classic example of how you can NOT stay on topic. WTF does Kurt Cobain have to do with attending this Rally? Where in this post did it mention anything about BushCo, or Nazi Arney? Yes, they are factors in this case (do you know Bush recently sent a letter to Tookie commending him for his community service, probably a mistake, like when his pops invited Eric 'Eazy-E' Wright to a Republican banquet)...

Big cities embrace culture and act as a melting pot of diversity which leads to progression, rural/suburbia America/BFE endorses homogeny, thus excluding a majority of the population b/c of its egocentric 'holier-than-thou' conservative christian right-wing fundamentalist ideals, whom esteems themselves better than everyone else...

This post is simply an announcement to inform SEATTLE HEADS about a rally tomorrow to support a worthy individual.
Oct 28, 2005
And you already know what this rally is REALLY for and WILL become: An Anti-Bush, Anti-War march, with all kinds of signs calling Arnold a Nazi (suprisingly, with no mention that Robert Byrd, DEMOCRAT, was a fucking member of the KU KLUX KLAN), Bush a war criminal, Alberto Gonzales/Condoleezza Rice are dirty race traitors, etc. That you can not acknowledge this ahead of time is almost despicable.

This will be ANYTHING BUT a peaceful protest. If enough people show up, this WILL get violent and businesses WILL get vandalized. This ALWAYS happens when Left-wing wackos are allowed to congregate: they cannot do so without damaging property and attacking innocent people. you REALLY want to get back to the topic? How about this:

Tookie REFUSES to accept responsibility for his murders. He WILL NOT admit that he killed these people. Tookie REFUSES to cooperate with authorities to help dismantle street gangs. He WILL NOT help debrief suspects. All this, and he deserves clemency.....HOW?

Let this man be a martyr and stop being such a coward. You do the crime, you accept the punishment. He rode on innocent people, and now the government is going to ride on his ass. He needs to man up and accept the punishment.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
And you already know what this rally is REALLY for and WILL become: An Anti-Bush, Anti-War march, with all kinds of signs calling Arnold a Nazi (suprisingly, with no mention that Robert Byrd, DEMOCRAT, was a fucking member of the KU KLUX KLAN), Bush a war criminal, Alberto Gonzales/Condoleezza Rice are dirty race traitors, etc. That you can not acknowledge this ahead of time is almost despicable.
I am not an organizer, thus, you are creating this agenda through the figment of your imagination...

Dirty Shoez said:
This will be ANYTHING BUT a peaceful protest. If enough people show up, this WILL get violent and businesses WILL get vandalized. This ALWAYS happens when Left-wing wackos are allowed to congregate: they cannot do so without damaging property and attacking innocent people.
So, have you every attended any of these rally's or is all your info. from FOX News? None of the anti-War rallies I've ever attended have turned violent. Keep spreading your fear and propaganda though...

Dirty Shoez said: you REALLY want to get back to the topic? How about this:

Tookie REFUSES to accept responsibility for his murders. He WILL NOT admit that he killed these people. Tookie REFUSES to cooperate with authorities to help dismantle street gangs. He WILL NOT help debrief suspects. All this, and he deserves clemency.....HOW?

Let this man be a martyr and stop being such a coward. You do the crime, you accept the punishment. He rode on innocent people, and now the government is going to ride on his ass. He needs to man up and accept the punishment.
I've been following this case for years now (yes, years), I believe he is innocent of this specific crime he was charged for, so why should he accept responsibility for something he hasn't done, he was also denied a trial by jury of his peers, just look at the jury selection. He did not have adequit defense. Were you there when he was ridin' on innocent people, you are only a man (almost), thus you are in no position to judge or determine if another HUMAN BEING has the right to live or die. Any other position is simply arrogant...
Oct 28, 2005
Arrogance has nothing to do with it. Justice has everything to do with it. A Jury of His peers found him guilty and sentenced him to die. Every step along the way, everyone who has looked at the case other than left-wing anti-death penalty fanatics (INCLUDING the same liberal Appeals Court that said the Pledge of Allegiance was "unconstitutional"), has found nothing wrong with the case. It was his shotgun. He committed the murders. He was found guilty.

Now, he is being selfish and wanting to not "snitch", yet, he is begging on his hands and knees for clemency. It is a joke. This same man that so solidly wants to maintain his gangsta, non-snitch status, and here he is, literally AFRAID and SCARED of death.

Don't turn this around on me, sport. This man killed those people and refuses to admit it. Even supposing he DIDN'T (a HUGE leap, given the evidence), he refuses to point the finger at who did. So that means he killed them just the same.

Forgive me if i don't believe that your little rally is going to be a hand-holding cry-fest, but i know better. I read DailyKos, Democratic Underground, Powerline, Drudge, and several other sources, REGULARLY. That you can only come up with Fox News to try to put me down is pathetic. You need to try harder, because it is obvious who the ignorant and uninformed one among us two is.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Arrogance has nothing to do with it. Justice has everything to do with it. A Jury of His peers found him guilty and sentenced him to die. Every step along the way, everyone who has looked at the case other than left-wing anti-death penalty fanatics (INCLUDING the same liberal Appeals Court that said the Pledge of Allegiance was "unconstitutional"), has found nothing wrong with the case. It was his shotgun. He committed the murders. He was found guilty.
Again, his jury was not his peers. Look into his case.

One person condemning another to death (with a details calculated to the minute) is arrogance. Don't confuse terms, the death penalty is VENGENCE not justice, know about it...

Dirty Shoez said:
Now, he is being selfish and wanting to not "snitch", yet, he is begging on his hands and knees for clemency. It is a joke. This same man that so solidly wants to maintain his gangsta, non-snitch status, and here he is, literally AFRAID and SCARED of death.

Don't turn this around on me, sport. This man killed those people and refuses to admit it. Even supposing he DIDN'T (a HUGE leap, given the evidence), he refuses to point the finger at who did. So that means he killed them just the same.
Circular logic=non sense

Dirty Shoez said:
Forgive me if i don't believe that your little rally is going to be a hand-holding cry-fest, but i know better. I read DailyKos, Democratic Underground, Powerline, Drudge, and several other sources, REGULARLY. That you can only come up with Fox News to try to put me down is pathetic. You need to try harder, because it is obvious who the ignorant and uninformed one among us two is.
The FOX reference comes from your infatuation with Rupert Murdoch...

Why should I try harder, when my superiority is so effortless, I'm glad you can at lease acknowledge you'RE uninformed and ignoRant...

12:30 PM 2nd & Madison....
Oct 28, 2005
12:30 pm, eh? I guess that means it'll be in time for the reports of violence to make it on the 5 O'Clock news. You already know Liberals these days are anything but peaceful. They are angry, ravenous people, and will stop at nothing to impose their agenda on our country.

Friend, you just slapped a circular-logic tag on an irrefutable argument, because you are too simple-minded and lazy to try and argue it. That is about as ignorant and closed-minded as it comes.

The man murdered people. He refuses to admit it, despite heaping mounds of evidence. This was a black man in California; not a black man in Mississippi. You white liberals love to talk about how you "love Black people" and how you do more for black people that explain to me how, in one of the most liberal states in the nation, his Jury was anything BUT a jury of his "peers".

Now stop trying to start quote wars you aren't going to finish. Champion, stick to keeping Crytical's name in your mouth every other comment. I swear, if i did a search on your name and Crytical, it'd probably show more results than Dirty Shoez...and 'THE'.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
12:30 pm, eh? I guess that means it'll be in time for the reports of violence to make it on the 5 O'Clock news. You already know Liberals these days are anything but peaceful. They are angry, ravenous people, and will stop at nothing to impose their agenda on our country.

Friend, you just slapped a circular-logic tag on an irrefutable argument, because you are too simple-minded and lazy to try and argue it. That is about as ignorant and closed-minded as it comes.
No violence, sorry squirt!
FYI it's the conservative terror regime (aka BushCo, whom you valiently support) who are angry ravenous, greedy people who will stop at nothing to impose their agenda in our country and around the world.

DirtyShoez said:
The man murdered people. He refuses to admit it, despite heaping mounds of evidence. This was a black man in California; not a black man in Mississippi. You white liberals love to talk about how you "love Black people" and how you do more for black people that explain to me how, in one of the most liberal states in the nation, his Jury was anything BUT a jury of his "peers".
He has admitted to other crimes, he has not been convicted of them however. He has maintained his innocence for the specific crime for which he awaits lethal injection.

Now, if you go back to the original post, you would also understand that today was also a show of support and solidarity for HUMAN RIGHTS violations around the world.

About his peers, do a demographic search on who was on the jury, that should answer your question... That's just the beginning of the corruption in his case... anyway, feel free to look into it if your interested, otherwise just turn a blind eye to truth & justice, rather have your base knee-jerk reaction for vengence & keep promoting this modern day lynching...

You white conservatives perpetuate death & violence in the form of fear and terror to promote your greedy self-fulfilling desires.

Dirty Shoez said:
Now stop trying to start quote wars you aren't going to finish. Champion, stick to keeping Crytical's name in your mouth every other comment. I swear, if i did a search on your name and Crytical, it'd probably show more results than Dirty Shoez...and 'THE'.
Probably because he's in my signature.

I'll keep promoting my fam, while you keep promoting your TV/internet pipedream....
You ain't about SH*T lil' chump, all talk no walk.

Again, your ignorance shines through effortlessly

Oct 28, 2005
"You white conservatives"

Lmao. Friend, YOU'RE the White Man. Not me. If i'm white, then your boy Crytical is white too. You better watch it trying to go there (I'm 1/8 Native on my White side too, so I'm not even 'really' half white). You need to learn to accept the fact that you cannot control how every Black Man in America thinks. You need to understand that being a White Liberal does not give you free reign to talk shit and call black people brainwashed for not being Leftards like you. You need to learn to leave Black people alone, and worry about your own White People issues first.

Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury. Its a shame when you're White and won't even stick up for your own White people. It shows what a conflicted, troubled little boy you are.

Bottom line whether you and your White Liberal self like it or not:

Tookie murdered people. If he didn't, he knows who did and refuses to say. That is, at the very least, conspiracy to commit murder. Throw in his gun was used, and he was most likely the co-killer, if not more.

Rather than being a stand-up guy and a real man, he wants to be a gangsta and not "snitch". That is not someone who deserves clemency; that is someone who deserves to die for the cause of Gangsterism. He cannot have it both ways.

Do yourself a favor and stop trying to pin the "ignorance" button on me. Focus on the fact that your hero Tookie is a coward, and if he wants to be such a Gangsta, then the State of California is going to ride on his ass and make a grease spot out of him.

Arguing anything other than this is just silly. You'd be a White Man trying to tell a Black man what he should and shouldn't believe and what he should or shouldn't do with his life, and at the same time, swearing you're open-minded and this and that. It's disgusting and you'd be a fucking hypocrite and a racist for it.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
"You white conservatives"

Lmao. Friend,
Glad it got a laugh outta ya!
Dirty Shoez said:
YOU'RE the White Man. Not me. If i'm white, then your boy Crytical is white too. You better watch it trying to go there (I'm 1/8 Native on my White side too, so I'm not even 'really' half white).
This is the last time I’ll warn you about this, but you should watch who's name is in your mouth, and be careful of who you involve. That's all I'm ever sayin' about that from now on.

Dirty Shoez said:
You need to learn to accept the fact that you cannot control how every Black Man in America thinks. You need to understand that being a White Liberal does not give you free reign to talk shit and call black people brainwashed for not being Leftards like you. You need to learn to leave Black people alone, and worry about your own White People issues first.
This statement is actually more appropriate if you speak it to yourself while looking in the mirror. You can not provide specific evidence of me trying to control any specific race or labeling a specific individual race brainwashed. However, your assumptions (which are way off base) infer what you want it to, only by twisting words and putting your words in other peoples mouths

Ditry Shoez said:
Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury.
So, people start calling you a hater in other threads, so that’s now your word for the day. Bravo Pee-wee!

Did you do a demographic search on the jury, or just look up their races? That’s what I thought. How many jurors are from the streets that were on the jury (regardless of race). With you having such a closed mind, I understand how you can’t comprehend or relate to the fact that L.A. right now has over 150,000 active gang members (black, white, asain, Hispanic), you are from a town who’s population is mayber 20% of the gang population. So yes, it is fair to say he was condemned by a biased jury (considering LAs ~50% white, with a jury that is ~85% white)… Again, I said the jury was biased, not racist. They are not synonymous, so again you really need to stop your bad habit of putting words in peoples mouth.

FYI, SOME white people are racist, SOME aren’t (so stop with your ‘ALL‘ b.s.) Again, here you go by making bold sweeping statements with very little validity in reality. It really shows what a conflicted troubled little tweaker you are.

Dirty Shoez said:
Its a shame when you're White and won't even stick up for your own White people It shows what a conflicted, troubled little boy you are
People are people, bottom line, even self conflicted conservative ex meth head kooks like yourself.
I stick up for the righteous & indigent, white or not…

Dirty Shoez said:
Bottom line whether you and your White Liberal self like it or not:
How very observant of you! Have I ever indicated otherwise. Seems as if you’re the one with the problem

Dirty Shoez said:
Tookie murdered people. If he didn't, he knows who did and refuses to say. That is, at the very least, conspiracy to commit murder. Throw in his gun was used, and he was most likely the co-killer, if not more.
Holy iShhh, you are so freakin’ smart, who would ever think that the police, the DA, and courts would ever put together a case to frame someone. Oh I forgot, I should just trust my gov’t 100% and not say anything about their indiscriminate killing.

Dirty Shoez said:
Rather than being a stand-up guy and a real man, he wants to be a gangsta and not "snitch". That is not someone who deserves clemency; that is someone who deserves to die for the cause of Gangsterism. He cannot have it both ways.
You have obviously not done any research on the impact of this mans work on at-risk-youth across the country and globe. He’s had over 150,000 phone calls and letters from different kids commending him for helping steer them away from the violent perils which encompass their communities. See, you can’t relate to this, maybe you’d be more touched if he helped deter trailer trash in BFE (butt fuck anywhere) stay off of Meth and Crank…

Ignorant a$$!

Dirty Shoez said:
Do yourself a favor and stop trying to pin the "ignorance" button on me. Focus on the fact that your hero Tookie is a coward, and if he wants to be such a Gangsta, then the State of California is going to ride on his ass and make a grease spot out of him.

Arguing anything other than this is just silly. You'd be a White Man trying to tell a Black man what he should and shouldn't believe and what he should or shouldn't do with his life, and at the same time, swearing you're open-minded and this and that.
Once you stop being ignorant, I will stop pinning that button on you, so do your self a favor and stop being ignorant.

Tookie is niether my hero nor a coward, however with all your net beef, you are definitely the latter. You don’t have compassion for human life (even with someone of your own race---wow, how self loathing of you)

You’RE just silly, don’t you get it…

Dirty Shoez said:
It's disgusting and you'd be a fucking hypocrite and a racist for it.
Point one finger at me, there’s three right back at yourself. Hopefully you don’t relapse and start tweakin’ again once you realize this.

Now its your turn, my predicted response----‘how dare you control other minorities and enslave people with your liberal social concerns, tookies a killer b/c O’rielly said so, so lets wipe him off the books. You hurt me by calling me the weak minded free loadin’ Meth addict and only brought pain. I’m mixed and from the boonies and you’RE not, you don’t know what you’re talking about’ Oh yeah, what about Crytical! Oh yeah, even though I don’t have any evidence, or can’t site specific examples, I’ll try to smear your name and sling mud by labeling you racist. Oh yeah, I really am smart really, so please don’t call me ignorant anymore….

You’re so predictable, whoever called you a puppet was right on the mark. I’m done with this thread. Go ahead and have the last word if you like, I know you can’t jerk off at night otherwise….

(oh yeah, your only strength in debating is being able to shift the subject of conversation so far off topic it turns into something like this, it’s actually a unique style, no class but definitely style)

Later small fry….
Oct 28, 2005
Fine, friend. Fine. We will do your Quote War. You will be slapped down with each and every segment, since it seems you are too incompetent to answer to a whole, rather than to its parts.

JoMoDo said:
Glad it got a laugh outta ya!
It surely did. It is hilarious when a known White Man calls a known Black Man by a White label. It is yet more evidence of your Self-Hate at being a White Man.

This is the last time I’ll warn you about this, but you should watch who's name is in your mouth, and be careful of who you involve. That's all I'm ever sayin' about that from now on.
And you can say it 100 or 1000 more times. I don't give a fuck. Crytical is Half White. Deal with it. What, do you think he's ASHAMED like you to have White blood in him? Get your head out of your ass.

This statement is actually more appropriate if you speak it to yourself while looking in the mirror. You can not provide specific evidence of me trying to control any specific race or labeling a specific individual race brainwashed. However, your assumptions (which are way off base) infer what you want it to, only by twisting words and putting your words in other peoples mouths
Friend, I am a Black man, and You are a white man. This much is not open to argument. In this post, you are defending a Black man, and a large component of your argument is racial grounds.

Who is more qualified to speak on racial grounds? A Rich White Liberal who listens to Rap Music to feel more 'down', or a Poor Black Man who has witnessed this poor, racist shit first-hand?

In fact, don't even answer that. I know you'll just give me some sob story about your 7 Black friends that you have in bad neighborhoods, that you visited growing up before went back to your cozy home in the suburbs with Mom.

So, people start calling you a hater in other threads, so that’s now your word for the day. Bravo Pee-wee!
Even though it makes absolutely no sense on anything other than a "look at what neat argument trick i learned today!" level--Sure. We will go with that. Some other man called me a hater, and so now, I am using it. Great logic.

Nevermind the fact you are demonstrating an obvious hate for all things White--up to an including giving me warnings for pointing out that your boy Crytical is half white--this must be simply because i learned a new word and I am dying to use it. Just incredible.

Did you do a demographic search on the jury, or just look up their races? That’s what I thought. How many jurors are from the streets that were on the jury (regardless of race).
Last i checked, they sent Jury Duty cards to Residential Addresses. Not dumpsters or homeless shelters.

With you having such a closed mind, I understand how you can’t comprehend or relate to the fact that L.A. right now has over 150,000 active gang members (black, white, asain, Hispanic), you are from a town who’s population is mayber 20% of the gang population. So yes, it is fair to say he was condemned by a biased jury (considering LAs ~50% white, with a jury that is ~85% white)…
And then what, sport? We have been over this before. Every single step of the way in an appeals process NOTORIOUS for leaning left, has consistently denied this man a retrial BECAUSE HE DOES NOT DESERVE ONE, AND NOTHING POINTS TO HIM DESERVING ONE.

This INCLUDES the SAME COURT that declared the pledge of allegiance "UNCONSTITUTIONAL". Is there something about that you're not getting through your thick skull? Gun-shootin, Gay-Bashin, God-worshippin' white Conservatives love the Pledge of Allegiance. Fornicating, Christmas-Hating, Abortion-Condoning White Liberals do not. If this man had deserved a new trial, of all the courts in the UNIVERSE, this is the one that would have given it to him. They did not. That speaks MOUNDS.

Again, I said the jury was biased, not racist. They are not synonymous, so again you really need to stop your bad habit of putting words in peoples mouth.
Yeah, and I'm not Prejudiced, I just hate Chinese people. How fucking cool are you?

You know, sport, people tend to get biased whenever they are called upon to judge a man who killed 4 people, not out of self defense, but because he just wanted to kill people. it is the same as a Child Molestation or Rape trial: there is about 0 chance you are going to find an "unbiased" jury, so you need to just throw that bullshit word out of your vocab and say what you REALLY mean.

And what you REALLY mean is that a jury full of mostly-scared White Folks, Liberals or not, convicted this man, and now you want to cry about it. Had they let him off, you'd be praising them for being "Progressive" and "Open-minded" towards gangs, but once a gang-member is convicted with overwhelming evidence.......something foul must have been afoot.

It's an ugly game, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for playing it.

FYI, SOME white people are racist, SOME aren’t (so stop with your ‘ALL‘ b.s.) Again, here you go by making bold sweeping statements with very little validity in reality.
"Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury."

LMao! bravo for you for taking a stand! -- "SOME WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST, JOMODO DECLARES" -- I can see the headline now! What a brave, progressive person you are!
Wow, it really took guts to come out and admit that White Racists exist. You really ought to be given a medal for that.

It really shows what a conflicted troubled little tweaker you are.
Lol. Yeah, there we go. Full-time student making the highest grades of my life (and my family's HISTORY), staying out of trouble, and I'm a "troubled little tweaker". Talk about looking in mirrors whilst saying things.

You're a fucked up spoiled little White Liberal brat who talks all this shit about Black people and biased juries and "from the streets", then turned around and married a White Woman. Now you're going to, 1) get offended and threaten me some more (= violent tweeker activity), then 2) claim it was "love", when it was really hate and fear: You fear Mulattoes and other Half-Breeds, because you don't know how to control them. And guess what? We will not be controlled. So you were correct in your assumption.

Tell me, friend, how are you enjoying this quote-exchange we are having? I tried avoiding this for several times now, but you simply would not have it. So...enjoy getting yourself ripped apart, in full view of the entire NorthWest community.

People are people, bottom line, even self conflicted conservative ex meth head kooks like yourself.
I stick up for the righteous & indigent, white or not…
Sure, people are people unless they're not from the streets. Then, they're cowardly and biased and not capable of judging a case on its evidences.

Cut the bullshit and stop being fake. You're full of shit and you know it.

Ex Meth head? Talk about keeping shit out of your mouth. You're lucky I'm not like your kind and I'm not threatening you right now. But you see, I haven't progressed the way I have, only to lose it all on some fagtard like you.

I didn't go from Welfare and shitty housing, to L.M.C and college, to lose that all on some, literally, DIME-A-DOZEN conflicted, self-hating White Liberal. You're going to have to try harder than that.

How very observant of you! Have I ever indicated otherwise. Seems as if you’re the one with the problem
Yes, i do have an issue with White Liberals taking up Black causes. I think it is funny as hell, because you run around talking about "Biased" this and that, yet if it was a White man up for execution, you probably wouldn't be saying or marching for shit.

Holy iShhh, you are so freakin’ smart, who would ever think that the police, the DA, and courts would ever put together a case to frame someone. Oh I forgot, I should just trust my gov’t 100% and not say anything about their indiscriminate killing.
And there we have it. The frame-job argument. This is how we really know that you think this man is fucked, and that you truly believe he murdered those people. You are resorting to flat-out bullshit. You're doing the 13st century equivalent of saying it was Goblins and Ghosts that are the real killers.

There's just the one problem: The Heaping mounds of evidence against him, and his refusal to "snitch", despite facing death. He has not changed one bit, and does not deserve clemency OR a stay of execution. Period.

You have obviously not done any research on the impact of this mans work on at-risk-youth across the country and globe. He’s had over 150,000 phone calls and letters from different kids commending him for helping steer them away from the violent perils which encompass their communities.
There we go. Child molester goes on rampage, anally rapes and strangles 15 children.....and he'll escape the death penalty as long as he starts writing books and being Anti-Rapist.

Thats just fucking WONDERFUL. Nevermind the fact he refuses to point to the people who HELPED him commit these murders, or point out who other child molesters are, or will even ADMIT to anally raping and strangling the 15 children (despite heaping mounds of evidence).....because he writes books and other bullshit, he deserves to not die.

You are fucking oblivious. That is about all i can say for you.
Oct 28, 2005
See, you can’t relate to this, maybe you’d be more touched if he helped deter trailer trash in BFE (butt fuck anywhere) stay off of Meth and Crank…

Ignorant a$$!
See above.

If anyone is showing the effects of meth and crank usage, it would be you. Your logic center is completely fucked. You're the worst kind of bumblefuck out there.

Once you stop being ignorant, I will stop pinning that button on you, so do your self a favor and stop being ignorant.
"Ignorant", says the man who can't even think up other words for ignorant, such as puerile, infantile, simple, daft, and so on.

Yeah, I'm the ignorant one, sport. And you're the one who simply repeats everything 100 times because you're too much of a retard to think of something else.

Tookie is niether my hero nor a coward, however with all your net beef, you are definitely the latter. You don’t have compassion for human life (even with someone of your own race---wow, how self loathing of you)

You’RE just silly, don’t you get it…
See: the Whooooooole of this thread.

You think the Average Black person gives a fuck about this murdering gang-banging scum? Who appointed you leader of all Black people? WELL beyond that....What does compassion have to do with state law and the will of the California people? If they want this man put to death, there is a State law for it. Not a Dirty Shoez' law. You need to understand to play by other peoples' rules and laws and not your own personal Libtard philosophy.

Point one finger at me, there’s three right back at yourself. Hopefully you don’t relapse and start tweakin’ again once you realize this. that the ONLY thing you have on me? Here's more: I have a GED. Have fun. Rip into me. "A GED-holding meth head! HAR HAR HAR!"

And then 10 seconds later, you're going to call someone else out for being ignorant and not having compassion. I'm an asshole, friend, but not that kind of asshole. You are just low. You are a cockroach.

You know what the funniest thing about all this is? I could smoke crack, every day, for 100 days straight, and quit any time i wanted to. A weak-minded bumblefuck like you? You wouldn't last 3 days, because your mind is as infantile as they come.

Oh yeah. Last i checked, Extasy had meth in it. So you better watch your mouth about Meth Heads, seeing as though Mac Dre's (RIP) death is still so recent in our minds. You ought to be more considerate.

Now its your turn, my predicted response----‘how dare you control other minorities and enslave people with your liberal social concerns, tookies a killer b/c O’rielly said so, so lets wipe him off the books. You hurt me by calling me the weak minded free loadin’ Meth addict and only brought pain. I’m mixed and from the boonies and you’RE not, you don’t know what you’re talking about’ Oh yeah, what about Crytical! Oh yeah, even though I don’t have any evidence, or can’t site specific examples, I’ll try to smear your name and sling mud by labeling you racist. Oh yeah, I really am smart really, so please don’t call me ignorant anymore….
Yup. Verbatim, actually.

Champion, the bottom line is that you're a simple White Liberal fuck that married a White Woman and cannot let go of your childhood. Thus you pass out fliers and do other `street' shit, to escape the reality that you live a typical White Man's life. There really isn't much to add to it.

I on the other hand have went from rags to clothes (literally), dumpy-apartments with broken windows to duplexes, a family with no history of college education to being on the cusp of graduation, and about a million other improvements......and I have this Rich White Man, sitting here trying to humiliate me because my past included meth usage. It is despicable. I go up and up and up, setting an example for black people everywhere, and this is literally the best thing you are going to have to smack me down.

10 years from now when I'm speaking to huge crowds and rallying people for REAL-LIFE causes (you know, Better Textbooks in Schools, not saving Murderous Gangbangers)'re going to be that jealous fagtard outside holding up the "HE DID METH!" sign, because you are jealous that you're still marching and holding cardboard signs, and I am the one really DOING this Activism shit.

You’re so predictable, whoever called you a puppet was right on the mark. I’m done with this thread. Go ahead and have the last word if you like, I know you can’t jerk off at night otherwise….
Another ingenious remark.

(oh yeah, your only strength in debating is being able to shift the subject of conversation so far off topic it turns into something like this, it’s actually a unique style, no class but definitely style)

Later small fry….
"No class", says the man who has called me a meth head some 10 times in his last response.

And before you start huffing and puffing, remember: you were the one telling me to look up the jury's composition. That composition was mostly WHITE. You are WHITE. You being WHITE has everything to do with this topic.

The topic of DRUGS has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. You brought that up to be a self-righteous asshole and hold yourself higher than someone else.

Now, scrappy, try not to get too overwhelmed because this has reached over 15K characters. Try not to act like a crybaby and blurt out "I don't have time for this!" like so many others have when they've been smacked about and verbally tossed around like a ragdoll. Man up. You claim you're not ignorant, and you say i'm a coward.....prove you're not a simpleton, and prove YOU are not what you say I am.
Jul 12, 2002
Lol this got kind of off topic. How did the March end up going Jomodo? If I was still living in Seattle I probably would have gone out to it.
Jul 10, 2002
Fine, friend. Fine. We will do your Quote War. You will be slapped down with each and every segment, since it seems you are too incompetent to answer to a whole, rather than to its parts.
Originally Posted by JoMoDo
Glad it got a laugh outta ya!
Dirty Shoez said:
It surely did. It is hilarious when a known White Man calls a known Black Man by a White label. It is yet more evidence of your Self-Hate at being a White Man.
If these semantics lead you to this conclusion so be it. We all know who is secure with their identity and who is conflicted.
Dirty Shoez said:
This is the last time I’ll warn you about this, but you should watch who's name is in your mouth, and be careful of who you involve. That's all I'm ever sayin' about that from now on.
And you can say it 100 or 1000 more times. I don't give a fuck. Crytical is Half White. Deal with it. What, do you think he's ASHAMED like you to have White blood in him? Get your head out of your ass.
Only a heckler as your self would be ashamed of something one has no control over


Dirty Shoez said:
Friend, I am a Black man, and You are a white man. This much is not open to argument.
Holy iSHHH, what a revelation, thanks for sharing with the class

Dirty Shoez said:
In this post, you are defending a Black man, and a large component of your argument is racial grounds.
As well as supporting and a worthy cause which we, as human being should be concerned with (torture, unjust trials, lack of due process, capital punishment) I.e. Nat’l human rights day.

Dirty Shoez said:
Who is more qualified to speak on racial grounds? A Rich White Liberal who listens to Rap Music to feel more 'down', or a Poor Black Man who has witnessed this poor, racist shit first-hand?

In fact, don't even answer that. I know you'll just give me some sob story about your 7 Black friends that you have in bad neighborhoods, that you visited growing up before went back to your cozy home in the suburbs with Mom.
Have you ever seen my W2’s? Do you even know where I grew up with, and whom I was kin to? You are a NOBODY with ZERO credentials to qualify or certify anyone on anything


Dirty Shoez said:
Last i checked, they sent Jury Duty cards to Residential Addresses. Not dumpsters or homeless shelters.
Dang, you’re a stupid a$$ (even dumber that I thought), when a reference is made about someone ‘from the streets’ it does not refer to ‘Box car willie the wino’ Idiot!

Dirty Shoez said:
And then what, sport? We have been over this before. Every single step of the way in an appeals process NOTORIOUS for leaning left, has consistently denied this man a retrial BECAUSE HE DOES NOT DESERVE ONE, AND NOTHING POINTS TO HIM DESERVING ONE.

This INCLUDES the SAME COURT that declared the pledge of allegiance "UNCONSTITUTIONAL". Is there something about that you're not getting through your thick skull? Gun-shootin, Gay-Bashin, God-worshippin' white Conservatives love the Pledge of Allegiance. Fornicating, Christmas-Hating, Abortion-Condoning White Liberals do not. If this man had deserved a new trial, of all the courts in the UNIVERSE, this is the one that would have given it to him. They did not. That speaks MOUNDS.
Ahh here we go again. What does that have to do with the Tea in China. The pledge of alligence is irrelevant to human rights & capital punishment. Keep soakin’ in Fox News though, you get an A for effort on this spin.

Dirty Shoez said:
Yeah, and I'm not Prejudiced, I just hate Chinese people. How fucking cool are you?
I’m pretty cool, thanks for asking
Dirty Shoez said:
You know, sport, people tend to get biased whenever they are called upon to judge a man who killed 4 people, not out of self defense, but because he just wanted to kill people. it is the same as a Child Molestation or Rape trial: there is about 0 chance you are going to find an "unbiased" jury, so you need to just throw that bullshit word out of your vocab and say what you REALLY mean.

And what you REALLY mean is that a jury full of mostly-scared White Folks, Liberals or not, convicted this man, and now you want to cry about it. Had they let him off, you'd be praising them for being "Progressive" and "Open-minded" towards gangs, but once a gang-member is convicted with overwhelming evidence.......something foul must have been afoot.

It's an ugly game, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for playing it.
So how can you honestly say it is a fair trial if an all white jury already has their preconceived notion of guilt before hearing any testimony or evidence liberal, conservative, socialist, what ever.

True justice looks at the facts from an objective standpoint. Our current legislative judicial system does not employ this philosophy or uphold this ideal, quite the contrary actually.
FYI, SOME white people are racist, SOME aren’t (so stop with your ‘ALL‘ b.s.) Again, here you go by making bold sweeping statements with very little validity in reality.

Dirty Shoez said:
"Speaking of that, stop being such a White Hater, and trying to label all White people as racists, as demonstrated with your telling me to research Tookie's Jury."

LMao! bravo for you for taking a stand! -- "SOME WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST, JOMODO DECLARES" -- I can see the headline now! What a brave, progressive person you are! Wow, it really took guts to come out and admit that White Racists exist. You really ought to be given a medal for that.

[/Dirty Shoez]

So, do you see how you can’t follow through with one idea? Here’s a perfect example, according to you which is it that I claim, that ‘all whites are racists’ or just some whites are racist. Now justify yourself to me my little marionette…

Dirty Shoez said:
Lol. Yeah, there we go. Full-time student making the highest grades of my life (and my family's HISTORY), staying out of trouble, and I'm a "troubled little tweaker". Talk about looking in mirrors whilst saying things.
Congrats on a clean lifestyle, I sincerely hope you don’t relapse. Oh yeah, I’ve never tweaked though….
Dirty Shoez said:
You're a fucked up spoiled little White Liberal brat who talks all this shit about Black people and biased juries and "from the streets", then turned around and married a White Woman. Now you're going to, 1) get offended and threaten me some more (= violent tweeker activity), then 2) claim it was "love", when it was really hate and fear: You fear Mulattoes and other Half-Breeds, because you don't know how to control them. And guess what? We will not be controlled. So you were correct in your assumption.
My relationship with my wife goes much deeper than race, and you don‘t even know where to start with the history of our people. Looks like someone might be a wittle jealous b/c they’ve never had a lovelife of their own. In fact, your fear of diversity, and inability to controll other people prevent you from loving, b/c you sabatoge all potential relationships b.c you are so consumed by fear and hate, after all what else would lead someone to getting’ cranked out….

Dirty Shoez said:
Tell me, friend, how are you enjoying this quote-exchange we are having? I tried avoiding this for several times now, but you simply would not have it. So...enjoy getting yourself ripped apart, in full view of the entire NorthWest community.
Enjoy wouldn’t be the first word to come to my mind, but it doesn’t really bother me. You’re doing a great job of exposing the FRAUD you are yourself.

Dirty Shoez said:
Sure, people are people unless they're not from the streets. Then, they're cowardly and biased and not capable of judging a case on its evidences.

Cut the bullshit and stop being fake. You're full of shit and you know it.
I thought you just defined people from the streets to live in garbage dumpsters and alleys, please make up your mind! And yes, even ‘willie the Wino’ who lives outta garbage cans and uses cardboard for blankets are people. Although, your type has this innate ability to dehumanize anything which doesn’t 100% conform.

I oppose the systematic maltreatment of ANY human being, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, religion, economic standing, or mental or physical disability.

Violence breeds violence, and hate breeds hate. History proves this much. It’s time for a change and to raise a new level of consciousness above your base desires for vengence and domination.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Ex Meth head? Talk about keeping shit out of your mouth. You're lucky I'm not like your kind and I'm not threatening you right now. But you see, I haven't progressed the way I have, only to lose it all on some fagtard like you.

I didn't go from Welfare and shitty housing, to L.M.C and college, to lose that all on some, literally, DIME-A-DOZEN conflicted, self-hating White Liberal. You're going to have to try harder than that.
You wanna play hardball and get off topic, man up. If you live in a glass house don’t throw stones.

Dirty Shoez said:
Yes, i do have an issue with White Liberals taking up Black causes. I think it is funny as hell, because you run around talking about "Biased" this and that, yet if it was a White man up for execution, you probably wouldn't be saying or marching for shit.
I oppose Capital Punishment, no if’s and’s or but’s…. That’s what the march was about, so again STFU
Holy iShhh, you are so freakin’ smart, who would ever think that the police, the DA, and courts would ever put together a case to frame someone. Oh I forgot, I should just trust my gov’t 100% and not say anything about their indiscriminate killing.
And there we have it. The frame-job argument. This is how we really know that you think this man is fucked, and that you truly believe he murdered those people. You are resorting to flat-out bullshit. You're doing the 13st century equivalent of saying it was Goblins and Ghosts that are the real killers.

There's just the one problem: The Heaping mounds of evidence against him, and his refusal to "snitch", despite facing death. He has not changed one bit, and does not deserve clemency OR a stay of execution. Period.

Dirty Shoez said:
There we go. Child molester goes on rampage, anally rapes and strangles 15 children.....and he'll escape the death penalty as long as he starts writing books and being Anti-Rapist.

Thats just fucking WONDERFUL. Nevermind the fact he refuses to point to the people who HELPED him commit these murders, or point out who other child molesters are, or will even ADMIT to anally raping and strangling the 15 children (despite heaping mounds of evidence).....because he writes books and other bullshit, he deserves to not die.

You are fucking oblivious. That is about all i can say for you.
Whoa, I know I’ve been here before with you. Holy iSHHHH, were back to the spin zone…. HOLLA!

Dirty Shoez said:
If anyone is showing the effects of meth and crank usage, it would be you. Your logic center is completely fucked. You're the worst kind of bumblefuck out there.
Ahhh a third grade style of ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ huh? Your logic almost makes sense, EXCEPT for the fact that IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE!!!

Dirty Shoez said:
"Ignorant", says the man who can't even think up other words for ignorant, such as puerile, infantile, simple, daft, and so on.

Yeah, I'm the ignorant one, sport. And you're the one who simply repeats everything 100 times because you're too much of a retard to think of something else.
Ah, I’m a retard b/c I don’t spout off a list of synonyms from a thesaurus, man you’RE brilliant

Dirty Shoez said:
You think the Average Black person gives a fuck about this murdering gang-banging scum? Who appointed you leader of all Black people?
The same people who appointed you! Nimrod

Dirty Shoez said:
WELL beyond that....What does compassion have to do with state law and the will of the California people? If they want this man put to death, there is a State law for it. Not a Dirty Shoez' law. You need to understand to play by other peoples' rules and laws and not your own personal Libtard philosophy.
If you fail to see the correlation between compassion and saving a human life, there is not much I can do for you chum….

Dirty Shoez said: that the ONLY thing you have on me? Here's more: I have a GED. Have fun. Rip into me. "A GED-holding meth head! HAR HAR HAR!"
GED, MBA, PHD, DDS, you’Re still an idiot, no matter how educated you become… Deal with it…

Dirty Shoez said:
And then 10 seconds later, you're going to call someone else out for being ignorant and not having compassion. I'm an asshole, friend, but not that kind of asshole. You are just low. You are a cockroach.

Dirty Shoez said:
You know what the funniest thing about all this is? I could smoke crack, every day, for 100 days straight, and quit any time i wanted to. A weak-minded bumblefuck like you? You wouldn't last 3 days, because your mind is as infantile as they come.
Well, I got a plug for you if you want a head start. That A-1 is physically addicting though. Oh yeah, this ain’t Aberdeen though, so here you gotta pay for your own work. Is this the inner fiend in you tryna to get me to support your fiendish habits for the next 3 months?

Dirty Shoez said:
Oh yeah. Last i checked, Extasy had meth in it. So you better watch your mouth about Meth Heads, seeing as though Mac Dre's (RIP) death is still so recent in our minds. You ought to be more considerate.
I don’t speak on dead soldiers, I leave that to the likes of haters like you…
Dirty Shoez said:
Now its your turn, my predicted response----‘how dare you control other minorities and enslave people with your liberal social concerns, tookies a killer b/c O’rielly said so, so lets wipe him off the books. You hurt me by calling me the weak minded free loadin’ Meth addict and only brought pain. I’m mixed and from the boonies and you’RE not, you don’t know what you’re talking about’ Oh yeah, what about Crytical! Oh yeah, even though I don’t have any evidence, or can’t site specific examples, I’ll try to smear your name and sling mud by labeling you racist. Oh yeah, I really am smart really, so please don’t call me ignorant anymore….

Yup. Verbatim, actually.

Dirty Shoez said:
Champion, the bottom line is that you're a simple White Liberal fuck that married a White Woman and cannot let go of your childhood. Thus you pass out fliers and do other `street' shit, to escape the reality that you live a typical White Man's life. There really isn't much to add to it.

I on the other hand have went from rags to clothes (literally), dumpy-apartments with broken windows to duplexes, a family with no history of college education to being on the cusp of graduation, and about a million other improvements......and I have this Rich White Man, sitting here trying to humiliate me because my past included meth usage. It is despicable. I go up and up and up, setting an example for black people everywhere, and this is literally the best thing you are going to have to smack me down.
Again, have you seen my W2’s or 1099’s? Do you know what generation I am in my family to have graduated college? I haven’t had the hardest life, not the easiest either though…

Your perseverance to pursue an education and make a better life for yourself if commendable. However, your politics and philosophies detract from that….

You don’t like it when the person whom you have become, is judged by actions and decisions you’ve made in the past (mistake or not). Yet, you turn around and do the exact same thing (I.e Tookie), with your holier than thou attitude passing judgement and rooting on the death of condemned people (whom you are supposedly so concerned about)…

Dirty Shoez said:
10 years from now when I'm speaking to huge crowds and rallying people for REAL-LIFE causes (you know, Better Textbooks in Schools, not saving Murderous Gangbangers)'re going to be that jealous fagtard outside holding up the "HE DID METH!" sign, because you are jealous that you're still marching and holding cardboard signs, and I am the one really DOING this Activism shit.
Please, 10 years from now you’ll still be promoting your pipedream to get a website up and running….

I am actually an avid supporter of increasing funds and resources to inner city education. However, with Right-wing Orwellian programs like ‘No Child Left Behind’ this becomes a more and more distant realty.

Dirty Shoez said:
The topic of DRUGS has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. You brought that up to be a self-righteous asshole and hold yourself higher than someone else.

You started slingin’ mud, so quit getting all sensitive….
Jul 10, 2002
@ DJ Coma

It was actually a great little rally. Emphasis on little. There were only about 50 members. It started on 2nd and Madison, went down 1st, through Pike Place Market and up to Westlake.

The Filipino community was the main organizers helping to Organize the Seattles demonstration for Nat’l Human rights day. This year alone, the Philipines has had over 100,000 human rights violations for false imprisionment, torture, ect, and 4,000 murders all in the name of the ’War on Terror’ b/c their ruthless B*tch of a Prime Minister is a puppet tied around the finger of the Bush Regime.

There were Child Labor/WTO opponents

There was also delegates to raise awareness about Burma, Colombia, and Latin America, as well as a few ’Tookie’ supporters, who realize the value of this mans life is much greater than anything that can be gained from his death.

There were also a few communist/anti-capitalist supporters speaking about general issues and advertising for Revolution Books. We actually got into a nice conversation. He wanted a pure Maoist Communism, I argued that we need elements of communisim, socialism, and democracy, as well as capitalism (b/c capitalism does create competition which has provided up with material goods today which allow us a higher standard than ever before). However, it is important to understand that absolute power corrupts absolutely, thus our Elite oligarchic capitalist/facist republic is the result.

Checks and balances are important.

Anyway, it was a powerful event, during the march, traffic & people stopped, we rec’d numerous thanks, and elevated the level of consciousness for bystanders going about their daily routine…

When the organizers where sharing their personal experiences themselves (or second hand) about various human rights abuses’ it became that much stronger and personal.

Peace to all