almost forgot.
If you are gonna jump on Bustamante for being in that Mexica Movement as a youth.....
Doesn't the fact that Arnold's father was a registered, active member of the Nazi party bother you even a liiiiiiiitle bit.
Now that doesnt mean he's a Nazi, but everybody has a past. Every family has a past. ALl of these candidates are shady except for the Green Party cat and you know he wont win. So you just pick your poison.
I will say this, you gotta look at the big picture. On the license/immigration issue. It is a big one, and the economy is hurt becasue of it. But that still doesn't explain how we went from 12 billion inthe black from 38 billion in the red. Mexicans didnt do that. Blackouts (love the way the word black is used, dont you) didnt do it. a 50 BILLION swing. Come on now. People say you can't blame Gray. Well shit, aint he the governor. GOVERN mufuca. He suppose to govern.
CHeck this out. I was talkin to this guy who says he owns a roofing company and the only people who will work are Mexicans. undocumented workers. He don ask no questions, all money is under the table. He gets a good worker, they get a job. he tells me he would hire americans but they dont like doing work like that.
That is the biggest myth out there. The reason those jobs aren't filled by Americans (all colors) is because the schools dont teach that shit anymore. Tehre's no trade shit in schools. Remember when it used to be a woodshop class, architecture, masonry. There is no money for that shit. We wont even talk about arets and music, but just the trade classes are all gone.... so where are workers supposed to learn those skills, or even get interested in it. Nowhere. Instead people coming fromother places are filling the void. The question to ask is, where is all the got-damn money going in these schools. They cut out all those classes,labs, teachers and shops... why.... WHY.... and where is that money now being spent? If it wasn't Mexicans, it would be somebody else. You cant blame them for filling the void, the questionis, how are htese candidates going to help our schools prepare the people to fill all the needs of the economy (blue and white collar).
The truth its that none of these guys is going to make much difference in just a couple of years. Arnold hasn't even said much, so how can you put much faith in him. My vote may go to the porn star, at least she got tig ol bitties.